Gazebo Common

API Reference

NodeAnimation Member List

This is the complete list of members for NodeAnimation, including all inherited members.

AddKeyFrame(const double _time, const math::Matrix4d &_trans)NodeAnimation
AddKeyFrame(const double _time, const math::Pose3d &_pose)NodeAnimation
FrameAt(const double _time, const bool _loop=true) constNodeAnimation
FrameCount() constNodeAnimation
KeyFrame(const unsigned int _i, double &_time, math::Matrix4d &_trans) constNodeAnimation
KeyFrame(const unsigned int _i) constNodeAnimation
Length() constNodeAnimation
Name() constNodeAnimation
NodeAnimation(const std::string &_name)NodeAnimationexplicit
Scale(const double _scale)NodeAnimation
SetName(const std::string &_name)NodeAnimation
TimeAtX(const double _x) constNodeAnimation