Gazebo Common

API Reference

FlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast > Member List

This is the complete list of members for FlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >, including all inherited members.

All() constFlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
AllSet()FlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inlinestatic
Any() constFlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
Count() constFlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
FlagSet()=defaultFlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >
FlagSet(const T &_val)FlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
FlagSet(const std::initializer_list< T > &_list)FlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inlineexplicit
Flip()FlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
Flip(const T &_val)FlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
Hash() constFlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
None() constFlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
NoneSet()FlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inlinestatic
numElementsFlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >static
operator bool() constFlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inlineexplicit
operator!=(const FlagSet &_o) constFlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
operator&(const T &_val) constFlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
operator&(const FlagSet &_val) constFlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
operator&=(const T &_val) noexceptFlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
operator&=(const FlagSet &_o) noexceptFlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
operator<<(std::ostream &_stream, const FlagSet &_self)FlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >friend
operator==(const FlagSet &_o) constFlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
operator[](const T &_val) constFlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
operator|(const T &_val) constFlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
operator|(const FlagSet &_val) constFlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
operator|=(const T &_val) noexceptFlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
operator|=(const FlagSet &_o) noexceptFlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
operator~() constFlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
Reset()FlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
Reset(const T &_val)FlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
Set()FlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
Set(const T &_val, bool _value=true)FlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
Size() constFlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline
String() constFlagSet< T, LastElement, ExcludeLast >inline