Gazebo Gui

API Reference


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Configuration files

Gazebo GUI supports loading XML configuration files that define what the window should look like and which plugins should be loaded.


By default, Gazebo GUI will load the config file at $HOME/.gz/gui/default.config, if it exists.

Configuration files can also be loaded from the command line or through the C++ API.

From the command line, use the --config / -c option. For example, you can specify an absolute path:

gz gui -c /absolute/path/to/example.config

Or a path relative to the current working directory:

gz gui -c relative/path/to/example.config

Or a path relative to a custom directory, which you can specify by setting the environment variable GZ_GUI_RESOURCE_PATH, like so:

GZ_GUI_RESOURCE_PATH=/absolute/path/to/ gz gui --config example.config

From the C++ API, pass the file path to Application::LoadConfig.

File structure

Gazebo GUI accepts the following top-level elements on a config file:

  • <window>: Options related to the entire window's layout. See Layout for more details.
  • <plugin>: Zero or more plugins to be loaded at startup.
    • filename: This attribute specifies the plugin library to be loaded.
    • <gz-gui>: Gazebo GUI processes this block before passing the config to the plugin. See plugin_params.config for an example.
    • custom elements: Developers can read custom plugin configurations overriding the Plugin::LoadConfig function, see the HelloPlugin example.

See the example plugin block below:

<plugin filename="ImageDisplay">
    <property type="int" key="height">120</property>

This will load the plugin, Gazebo GUI will set its height to 120 pixels, and the plugin-specific <topic> parameter will be handled within ImageDisplay::LoadConfig.