3D Scene


Applications built on top of Gazebo GUI can leverage Gazebo Rendering to display interactive 3D scenes. This tutorial will help application developers leverage Gazebo GUI's plugins to quickly develop plugins that interact with the 3D scene.

‍This tutorial applies for Gazebo GUI version 6 (Fortress) and higher.

Minimal scene

Gazebo GUI ships with the MinimalScene plugin, which instantiates a 3D scene and provides orbit controls, but doesn't do much else. Actions such as adding, modifying and removing rendering elements from the scene must be performed by other plugins that work alongside the minimal scene.

Each application will have a different way of updating the 3D scene. For example, Gazebo updates the scene based on its entities and components, and Gazebo RViz updates the scene based on ROS 2 messages. Each of these applications provides custom plugins that update the 3D scene through events and the render thread.

Gazebo GUI ships with a plugin that updates the scene based on Gazebo Transport messages, the gz::gui::plugins::TransportSceneManager. Applications can use that directly, or use it as inspiration for developing their own scene managers.

Transport scene manager example

Let's start by loading MinimalScene together with TransportSceneManager. We'll use a simple program to send messages to TransportSceneManager, which will process those and update the 3D scene, and then the MinimalScene will paint the scene to the window.

Follow the instructions in the scene_provider example and see visuals being added and moved on the 3D scene.

Getting the scene

After the MinimalScene instantiates an gz::rendering::Scene pointer, any plugin can get it using the rendering engine's singleton. The gz::rendering::sceneFromFirstRenderEngine() function is a convenient way of getting the scene for applications that have a single scene loaded.

The TransportSceneManager plugin, for example, attempts to get the scene at every iteration until it succeeds. This way, it can find a 3D scene even if MinimalScene is loaded afterwards.

Render thread

Rendering operations aren't thread-safe. To make sure there are no race conditions, all rendering operations should happen in the same thread, the "render thread". In order to access that thread from a custom plugin, it's necessary to listen to the gz::gui::events::Render or gz::gui::events::PreRender events, which are emitted by the MinimalScene.

See how the TransportSceneManager installs an event filter with installEventFilter, registers an eventFilter callback and performs all rendering operations within the OnRender function.