Ignition Msgs

API Reference

Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
2 // source: ignition/msgs/any.proto
4 #ifndef PROTOBUF_ignition_2fmsgs_2fany_2eproto__INCLUDED
5 #define PROTOBUF_ignition_2fmsgs_2fany_2eproto__INCLUDED
7 #include <string>
9 #include <google/protobuf/stubs/common.h>
12 #error This file was generated by a newer version of protoc which is
13 #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please update
14 #error your headers.
15 #endif
17 #error This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is
18 #error incompatible with your Protocol Buffer headers. Please
19 #error regenerate this file with a newer version of protoc.
20 #endif
22 #include <google/protobuf/arena.h>
23 #include <google/protobuf/arenastring.h>
24 #include <google/protobuf/generated_message_util.h>
25 #include <google/protobuf/metadata.h>
26 #include <google/protobuf/message.h>
27 #include <google/protobuf/repeated_field.h>
28 #include <google/protobuf/extension_set.h>
29 #include <google/protobuf/generated_enum_reflection.h>
30 #include <google/protobuf/unknown_field_set.h>
32 #include "ignition/msgs/color.pb.h"
33 #include "ignition/msgs/pose.pb.h"
35 #include "ignition/msgs/time.pb.h"
37 #ifndef _MSC_VER
38 #pragma GCC system_header
39 #else
40 #pragma warning(push)
41 #pragma warning(disable: 4244 4267 4100 4244 4512 4127 4068 4275 4251)
42 #endif
43 #ifdef __linux__
44 #include <sys/sysmacros.h>
45 #endif
46 #include <memory>
47 #include <ignition/msgs/Export.hh>
48 // @@protoc_insertion_point(includes)
50 namespace ignition {
51 namespace msgs {
53 // Internal implementation detail -- do not call these.
54 void IGNITION_MSGS_VISIBLE protobuf_AddDesc_ignition_2fmsgs_2fany_2eproto();
58 class Any;
73 };
74 IGNITION_MSGS_VISIBLE bool Any_ValueType_IsValid(int value);
77 const int Any_ValueType_ValueType_ARRAYSIZE = Any_ValueType_ValueType_MAX + 1;
79 IGNITION_MSGS_VISIBLE const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor* Any_ValueType_descriptor();
80 inline const ::std::string& Any_ValueType_Name(Any_ValueType value) {
81  return ::google::protobuf::internal::NameOfEnum(
82  Any_ValueType_descriptor(), value);
83 }
84 inline bool Any_ValueType_Parse(
85  const ::std::string& name, Any_ValueType* value) {
86  return ::google::protobuf::internal::ParseNamedEnum<Any_ValueType>(
87  Any_ValueType_descriptor(), name, value);
88 }
89 // ===================================================================
91 class IGNITION_MSGS_VISIBLE Any : public ::google::protobuf::Message /* @@protoc_insertion_point(class_definition:ignition.msgs.Any) */ {
92  public:
93  Any();
94  virtual ~Any();
96  Any(const Any& from);
98  inline Any& operator=(const Any& from) {
99  CopyFrom(from);
100  return *this;
101  }
103  static const ::google::protobuf::Descriptor* descriptor();
104  static const Any& default_instance();
106  enum ValueCase {
107  kDoubleValue = 3,
108  kIntValue = 4,
109  kStringValue = 5,
110  kBoolValue = 6,
111  kVector3DValue = 7,
112  kColorValue = 8,
113  kPose3DValue = 9,
114  kQuaternionValue = 10,
115  kTimeValue = 11,
116  VALUE_NOT_SET = 0,
117  };
119  void Swap(Any* other);
121  // implements Message ----------------------------------------------
123  inline Any* New() const { return New(NULL); }
125  Any* New(::google::protobuf::Arena* arena) const;
126  void CopyFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);
127  void MergeFrom(const ::google::protobuf::Message& from);
128  void CopyFrom(const Any& from);
129  void MergeFrom(const Any& from);
130  void Clear();
131  bool IsInitialized() const;
133  int ByteSize() const;
134  bool MergePartialFromCodedStream(
135  ::google::protobuf::io::CodedInputStream* input);
136  void SerializeWithCachedSizes(
137  ::google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream* output) const;
138  ::google::protobuf::uint8* InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(
139  bool deterministic, ::google::protobuf::uint8* output) const;
140  ::google::protobuf::uint8* SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(::google::protobuf::uint8* output) const {
141  return InternalSerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(false, output);
142  }
143  int GetCachedSize() const { return _cached_size_; }
144  private:
145  void SharedCtor();
146  void SharedDtor();
147  void SetCachedSize(int size) const;
148  void InternalSwap(Any* other);
149  private:
150  inline ::google::protobuf::Arena* GetArenaNoVirtual() const {
151  return _internal_metadata_.arena();
152  }
153  inline void* MaybeArenaPtr() const {
154  return _internal_metadata_.raw_arena_ptr();
155  }
156  public:
158  ::google::protobuf::Metadata GetMetadata() const;
160  // nested types ----------------------------------------------------
163  static const ValueType NONE =
165  static const ValueType DOUBLE =
167  static const ValueType INT32 =
169  static const ValueType STRING =
171  static const ValueType BOOLEAN =
173  static const ValueType VECTOR3D =
175  static const ValueType COLOR =
177  static const ValueType POSE3D =
179  static const ValueType QUATERNIOND =
181  static const ValueType TIME =
183  static inline bool ValueType_IsValid(int value) {
184  return Any_ValueType_IsValid(value);
185  }
186  static const ValueType ValueType_MIN =
188  static const ValueType ValueType_MAX =
190  static const int ValueType_ARRAYSIZE =
192  static inline const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor*
194  return Any_ValueType_descriptor();
195  }
196  static inline const ::std::string& ValueType_Name(ValueType value) {
197  return Any_ValueType_Name(value);
198  }
199  static inline bool ValueType_Parse(const ::std::string& name,
200  ValueType* value) {
201  return Any_ValueType_Parse(name, value);
202  }
204  // accessors -------------------------------------------------------
206  // optional .ignition.msgs.Header header = 1;
207  bool has_header() const;
208  void clear_header();
209  static const int kHeaderFieldNumber = 1;
210  const ::ignition::msgs::Header& header() const;
211  ::ignition::msgs::Header* mutable_header();
212  ::ignition::msgs::Header* release_header();
213  void set_allocated_header(::ignition::msgs::Header* header);
215  // optional .ignition.msgs.Any.ValueType type = 2;
216  void clear_type();
217  static const int kTypeFieldNumber = 2;
218  ::ignition::msgs::Any_ValueType type() const;
219  void set_type(::ignition::msgs::Any_ValueType value);
221  // optional double double_value = 3;
222  private:
223  bool has_double_value() const;
224  public:
225  void clear_double_value();
226  static const int kDoubleValueFieldNumber = 3;
227  double double_value() const;
228  void set_double_value(double value);
230  // optional int32 int_value = 4;
231  private:
232  bool has_int_value() const;
233  public:
234  void clear_int_value();
235  static const int kIntValueFieldNumber = 4;
236  ::google::protobuf::int32 int_value() const;
237  void set_int_value(::google::protobuf::int32 value);
239  // optional string string_value = 5;
240  private:
241  bool has_string_value() const;
242  public:
243  void clear_string_value();
244  static const int kStringValueFieldNumber = 5;
245  const ::std::string& string_value() const;
246  void set_string_value(const ::std::string& value);
247  void set_string_value(const char* value);
248  void set_string_value(const char* value, size_t size);
249  ::std::string* mutable_string_value();
250  ::std::string* release_string_value();
251  void set_allocated_string_value(::std::string* string_value);
253  // optional bool bool_value = 6;
254  private:
255  bool has_bool_value() const;
256  public:
257  void clear_bool_value();
258  static const int kBoolValueFieldNumber = 6;
259  bool bool_value() const;
260  void set_bool_value(bool value);
262  // optional .ignition.msgs.Vector3d vector3d_value = 7;
263  bool has_vector3d_value() const;
264  void clear_vector3d_value();
265  static const int kVector3DValueFieldNumber = 7;
266  const ::ignition::msgs::Vector3d& vector3d_value() const;
267  ::ignition::msgs::Vector3d* mutable_vector3d_value();
268  ::ignition::msgs::Vector3d* release_vector3d_value();
269  void set_allocated_vector3d_value(::ignition::msgs::Vector3d* vector3d_value);
271  // optional .ignition.msgs.Color color_value = 8;
272  bool has_color_value() const;
273  void clear_color_value();
274  static const int kColorValueFieldNumber = 8;
275  const ::ignition::msgs::Color& color_value() const;
276  ::ignition::msgs::Color* mutable_color_value();
277  ::ignition::msgs::Color* release_color_value();
278  void set_allocated_color_value(::ignition::msgs::Color* color_value);
280  // optional .ignition.msgs.Pose pose3d_value = 9;
281  bool has_pose3d_value() const;
282  void clear_pose3d_value();
283  static const int kPose3DValueFieldNumber = 9;
284  const ::ignition::msgs::Pose& pose3d_value() const;
285  ::ignition::msgs::Pose* mutable_pose3d_value();
286  ::ignition::msgs::Pose* release_pose3d_value();
287  void set_allocated_pose3d_value(::ignition::msgs::Pose* pose3d_value);
289  // optional .ignition.msgs.Quaternion quaternion_value = 10;
290  bool has_quaternion_value() const;
291  void clear_quaternion_value();
292  static const int kQuaternionValueFieldNumber = 10;
293  const ::ignition::msgs::Quaternion& quaternion_value() const;
294  ::ignition::msgs::Quaternion* mutable_quaternion_value();
295  ::ignition::msgs::Quaternion* release_quaternion_value();
296  void set_allocated_quaternion_value(::ignition::msgs::Quaternion* quaternion_value);
298  // optional .ignition.msgs.Time time_value = 11;
299  bool has_time_value() const;
300  void clear_time_value();
301  static const int kTimeValueFieldNumber = 11;
302  const ::ignition::msgs::Time& time_value() const;
303  ::ignition::msgs::Time* mutable_time_value();
304  ::ignition::msgs::Time* release_time_value();
305  void set_allocated_time_value(::ignition::msgs::Time* time_value);
307  ValueCase value_case() const;
308  // @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:ignition.msgs.Any)
309  private:
310  inline void set_has_double_value();
311  inline void set_has_int_value();
312  inline void set_has_string_value();
313  inline void set_has_bool_value();
314  inline void set_has_vector3d_value();
315  inline void set_has_color_value();
316  inline void set_has_pose3d_value();
317  inline void set_has_quaternion_value();
318  inline void set_has_time_value();
320  inline bool has_value() const;
321  void clear_value();
322  inline void clear_has_value();
324  ::google::protobuf::internal::InternalMetadataWithArena _internal_metadata_;
325  bool _is_default_instance_;
326  ::ignition::msgs::Header* header_;
327  int type_;
328  union ValueUnion {
329  ValueUnion() {}
330  double double_value_;
331  ::google::protobuf::int32 int_value_;
332  ::google::protobuf::internal::ArenaStringPtr string_value_;
333  bool bool_value_;
334  ::ignition::msgs::Vector3d* vector3d_value_;
335  ::ignition::msgs::Color* color_value_;
336  ::ignition::msgs::Pose* pose3d_value_;
337  ::ignition::msgs::Quaternion* quaternion_value_;
338  ::ignition::msgs::Time* time_value_;
339  } value_;
340  mutable int _cached_size_;
341  ::google::protobuf::uint32 _oneof_case_[1];
343  friend void IGNITION_MSGS_VISIBLE protobuf_AddDesc_ignition_2fmsgs_2fany_2eproto();
347  void InitAsDefaultInstance();
348  static Any* default_instance_;
349 };
350 // ===================================================================
353 // ===================================================================
356 // Any
358 // optional .ignition.msgs.Header header = 1;
359 inline bool Any::has_header() const {
360  return !_is_default_instance_ && header_ != NULL;
361 }
362 inline void Any::clear_header() {
363  if (GetArenaNoVirtual() == NULL && header_ != NULL) delete header_;
364  header_ = NULL;
365 }
366 inline const ::ignition::msgs::Header& Any::header() const {
367  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_get:ignition.msgs.Any.header)
368  return header_ != NULL ? *header_ : *default_instance_->header_;
369 }
370 inline ::ignition::msgs::Header* Any::mutable_header() {
372  if (header_ == NULL) {
373  header_ = new ::ignition::msgs::Header;
374  }
375  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_mutable:ignition.msgs.Any.header)
376  return header_;
377 }
378 inline ::ignition::msgs::Header* Any::release_header() {
379  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_release:ignition.msgs.Any.header)
381  ::ignition::msgs::Header* temp = header_;
382  header_ = NULL;
383  return temp;
384 }
386  delete header_;
387  header_ = header;
388  if (header) {
390  } else {
392  }
393  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_set_allocated:ignition.msgs.Any.header)
394 }
396 // optional .ignition.msgs.Any.ValueType type = 2;
397 inline void Any::clear_type() {
398  type_ = 0;
399 }
401  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_get:ignition.msgs.Any.type)
402  return static_cast< ::ignition::msgs::Any_ValueType >(type_);
403 }
406  type_ = value;
407  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_set:ignition.msgs.Any.type)
408 }
410 // optional double double_value = 3;
411 inline bool Any::has_double_value() const {
412  return value_case() == kDoubleValue;
413 }
414 inline void Any::set_has_double_value() {
415  _oneof_case_[0] = kDoubleValue;
416 }
417 inline void Any::clear_double_value() {
418  if (has_double_value()) {
419  value_.double_value_ = 0;
420  clear_has_value();
421  }
422 }
423 inline double Any::double_value() const {
424  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_get:ignition.msgs.Any.double_value)
425  if (has_double_value()) {
426  return value_.double_value_;
427  }
428  return 0;
429 }
430 inline void Any::set_double_value(double value) {
431  if (!has_double_value()) {
432  clear_value();
433  set_has_double_value();
434  }
435  value_.double_value_ = value;
436  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_set:ignition.msgs.Any.double_value)
437 }
439 // optional int32 int_value = 4;
440 inline bool Any::has_int_value() const {
441  return value_case() == kIntValue;
442 }
443 inline void Any::set_has_int_value() {
444  _oneof_case_[0] = kIntValue;
445 }
446 inline void Any::clear_int_value() {
447  if (has_int_value()) {
448  value_.int_value_ = 0;
449  clear_has_value();
450  }
451 }
452 inline ::google::protobuf::int32 Any::int_value() const {
453  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_get:ignition.msgs.Any.int_value)
454  if (has_int_value()) {
455  return value_.int_value_;
456  }
457  return 0;
458 }
459 inline void Any::set_int_value(::google::protobuf::int32 value) {
460  if (!has_int_value()) {
461  clear_value();
462  set_has_int_value();
463  }
464  value_.int_value_ = value;
465  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_set:ignition.msgs.Any.int_value)
466 }
468 // optional string string_value = 5;
469 inline bool Any::has_string_value() const {
470  return value_case() == kStringValue;
471 }
472 inline void Any::set_has_string_value() {
473  _oneof_case_[0] = kStringValue;
474 }
475 inline void Any::clear_string_value() {
476  if (has_string_value()) {
477  value_.string_value_.DestroyNoArena(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited());
478  clear_has_value();
479  }
480 }
481 inline const ::std::string& Any::string_value() const {
482  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_get:ignition.msgs.Any.string_value)
483  if (has_string_value()) {
484  return value_.string_value_.GetNoArena(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited());
485  }
486  return *&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited();
487 }
488 inline void Any::set_string_value(const ::std::string& value) {
489  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_set:ignition.msgs.Any.string_value)
490  if (!has_string_value()) {
491  clear_value();
492  set_has_string_value();
493  value_.string_value_.UnsafeSetDefault(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited());
494  }
495  value_.string_value_.SetNoArena(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited(), value);
496  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_set:ignition.msgs.Any.string_value)
497 }
498 inline void Any::set_string_value(const char* value) {
499  if (!has_string_value()) {
500  clear_value();
501  set_has_string_value();
502  value_.string_value_.UnsafeSetDefault(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited());
503  }
504  value_.string_value_.SetNoArena(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited(),
505  ::std::string(value));
506  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_set_char:ignition.msgs.Any.string_value)
507 }
508 inline void Any::set_string_value(const char* value, size_t size) {
509  if (!has_string_value()) {
510  clear_value();
511  set_has_string_value();
512  value_.string_value_.UnsafeSetDefault(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited());
513  }
514  value_.string_value_.SetNoArena(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited(), ::std::string(
515  reinterpret_cast<const char*>(value), size));
516  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_set_pointer:ignition.msgs.Any.string_value)
517 }
518 inline ::std::string* Any::mutable_string_value() {
519  if (!has_string_value()) {
520  clear_value();
521  set_has_string_value();
522  value_.string_value_.UnsafeSetDefault(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited());
523  }
524  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_mutable:ignition.msgs.Any.string_value)
525  return value_.string_value_.MutableNoArena(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited());
526 }
527 inline ::std::string* Any::release_string_value() {
528  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_release:ignition.msgs.Any.string_value)
529  if (has_string_value()) {
530  clear_has_value();
531  return value_.string_value_.ReleaseNoArena(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited());
532  } else {
533  return NULL;
534  }
535 }
536 inline void Any::set_allocated_string_value(::std::string* string_value) {
537  if (!has_string_value()) {
538  value_.string_value_.UnsafeSetDefault(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited());
539  }
540  clear_value();
541  if (string_value != NULL) {
542  set_has_string_value();
543  value_.string_value_.SetAllocatedNoArena(&::google::protobuf::internal::GetEmptyStringAlreadyInited(),
544  string_value);
545  }
546  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_set_allocated:ignition.msgs.Any.string_value)
547 }
549 // optional bool bool_value = 6;
550 inline bool Any::has_bool_value() const {
551  return value_case() == kBoolValue;
552 }
553 inline void Any::set_has_bool_value() {
554  _oneof_case_[0] = kBoolValue;
555 }
556 inline void Any::clear_bool_value() {
557  if (has_bool_value()) {
558  value_.bool_value_ = false;
559  clear_has_value();
560  }
561 }
562 inline bool Any::bool_value() const {
563  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_get:ignition.msgs.Any.bool_value)
564  if (has_bool_value()) {
565  return value_.bool_value_;
566  }
567  return false;
568 }
569 inline void Any::set_bool_value(bool value) {
570  if (!has_bool_value()) {
571  clear_value();
572  set_has_bool_value();
573  }
574  value_.bool_value_ = value;
575  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_set:ignition.msgs.Any.bool_value)
576 }
578 // optional .ignition.msgs.Vector3d vector3d_value = 7;
579 inline bool Any::has_vector3d_value() const {
580  return value_case() == kVector3DValue;
581 }
582 inline void Any::set_has_vector3d_value() {
583  _oneof_case_[0] = kVector3DValue;
584 }
586  if (has_vector3d_value()) {
587  delete value_.vector3d_value_;
588  clear_has_value();
589  }
590 }
591 inline const ::ignition::msgs::Vector3d& Any::vector3d_value() const {
592  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_get:ignition.msgs.Any.vector3d_value)
593  return has_vector3d_value()
594  ? *value_.vector3d_value_
596 }
597 inline ::ignition::msgs::Vector3d* Any::mutable_vector3d_value() {
598  if (!has_vector3d_value()) {
599  clear_value();
600  set_has_vector3d_value();
601  value_.vector3d_value_ = new ::ignition::msgs::Vector3d;
602  }
603  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_mutable:ignition.msgs.Any.vector3d_value)
604  return value_.vector3d_value_;
605 }
606 inline ::ignition::msgs::Vector3d* Any::release_vector3d_value() {
607  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_release:ignition.msgs.Any.vector3d_value)
608  if (has_vector3d_value()) {
609  clear_has_value();
610  ::ignition::msgs::Vector3d* temp = value_.vector3d_value_;
611  value_.vector3d_value_ = NULL;
612  return temp;
613  } else {
614  return NULL;
615  }
616 }
618  clear_value();
619  if (vector3d_value) {
620  set_has_vector3d_value();
621  value_.vector3d_value_ = vector3d_value;
622  }
623  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_set_allocated:ignition.msgs.Any.vector3d_value)
624 }
626 // optional .ignition.msgs.Color color_value = 8;
627 inline bool Any::has_color_value() const {
628  return value_case() == kColorValue;
629 }
630 inline void Any::set_has_color_value() {
631  _oneof_case_[0] = kColorValue;
632 }
633 inline void Any::clear_color_value() {
634  if (has_color_value()) {
635  delete value_.color_value_;
636  clear_has_value();
637  }
638 }
639 inline const ::ignition::msgs::Color& Any::color_value() const {
640  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_get:ignition.msgs.Any.color_value)
641  return has_color_value()
642  ? *value_.color_value_
644 }
645 inline ::ignition::msgs::Color* Any::mutable_color_value() {
646  if (!has_color_value()) {
647  clear_value();
648  set_has_color_value();
649  value_.color_value_ = new ::ignition::msgs::Color;
650  }
651  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_mutable:ignition.msgs.Any.color_value)
652  return value_.color_value_;
653 }
654 inline ::ignition::msgs::Color* Any::release_color_value() {
655  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_release:ignition.msgs.Any.color_value)
656  if (has_color_value()) {
657  clear_has_value();
658  ::ignition::msgs::Color* temp = value_.color_value_;
659  value_.color_value_ = NULL;
660  return temp;
661  } else {
662  return NULL;
663  }
664 }
666  clear_value();
667  if (color_value) {
668  set_has_color_value();
669  value_.color_value_ = color_value;
670  }
671  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_set_allocated:ignition.msgs.Any.color_value)
672 }
674 // optional .ignition.msgs.Pose pose3d_value = 9;
675 inline bool Any::has_pose3d_value() const {
676  return value_case() == kPose3DValue;
677 }
678 inline void Any::set_has_pose3d_value() {
679  _oneof_case_[0] = kPose3DValue;
680 }
681 inline void Any::clear_pose3d_value() {
682  if (has_pose3d_value()) {
683  delete value_.pose3d_value_;
684  clear_has_value();
685  }
686 }
687 inline const ::ignition::msgs::Pose& Any::pose3d_value() const {
688  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_get:ignition.msgs.Any.pose3d_value)
689  return has_pose3d_value()
690  ? *value_.pose3d_value_
692 }
693 inline ::ignition::msgs::Pose* Any::mutable_pose3d_value() {
694  if (!has_pose3d_value()) {
695  clear_value();
696  set_has_pose3d_value();
697  value_.pose3d_value_ = new ::ignition::msgs::Pose;
698  }
699  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_mutable:ignition.msgs.Any.pose3d_value)
700  return value_.pose3d_value_;
701 }
702 inline ::ignition::msgs::Pose* Any::release_pose3d_value() {
703  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_release:ignition.msgs.Any.pose3d_value)
704  if (has_pose3d_value()) {
705  clear_has_value();
706  ::ignition::msgs::Pose* temp = value_.pose3d_value_;
707  value_.pose3d_value_ = NULL;
708  return temp;
709  } else {
710  return NULL;
711  }
712 }
714  clear_value();
715  if (pose3d_value) {
716  set_has_pose3d_value();
717  value_.pose3d_value_ = pose3d_value;
718  }
719  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_set_allocated:ignition.msgs.Any.pose3d_value)
720 }
722 // optional .ignition.msgs.Quaternion quaternion_value = 10;
723 inline bool Any::has_quaternion_value() const {
724  return value_case() == kQuaternionValue;
725 }
726 inline void Any::set_has_quaternion_value() {
727  _oneof_case_[0] = kQuaternionValue;
728 }
730  if (has_quaternion_value()) {
731  delete value_.quaternion_value_;
732  clear_has_value();
733  }
734 }
735 inline const ::ignition::msgs::Quaternion& Any::quaternion_value() const {
736  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_get:ignition.msgs.Any.quaternion_value)
737  return has_quaternion_value()
738  ? *value_.quaternion_value_
740 }
741 inline ::ignition::msgs::Quaternion* Any::mutable_quaternion_value() {
742  if (!has_quaternion_value()) {
743  clear_value();
744  set_has_quaternion_value();
745  value_.quaternion_value_ = new ::ignition::msgs::Quaternion;
746  }
747  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_mutable:ignition.msgs.Any.quaternion_value)
748  return value_.quaternion_value_;
749 }
750 inline ::ignition::msgs::Quaternion* Any::release_quaternion_value() {
751  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_release:ignition.msgs.Any.quaternion_value)
752  if (has_quaternion_value()) {
753  clear_has_value();
754  ::ignition::msgs::Quaternion* temp = value_.quaternion_value_;
755  value_.quaternion_value_ = NULL;
756  return temp;
757  } else {
758  return NULL;
759  }
760 }
762  clear_value();
763  if (quaternion_value) {
764  set_has_quaternion_value();
765  value_.quaternion_value_ = quaternion_value;
766  }
767  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_set_allocated:ignition.msgs.Any.quaternion_value)
768 }
770 // optional .ignition.msgs.Time time_value = 11;
771 inline bool Any::has_time_value() const {
772  return value_case() == kTimeValue;
773 }
774 inline void Any::set_has_time_value() {
775  _oneof_case_[0] = kTimeValue;
776 }
777 inline void Any::clear_time_value() {
778  if (has_time_value()) {
779  delete value_.time_value_;
780  clear_has_value();
781  }
782 }
783 inline const ::ignition::msgs::Time& Any::time_value() const {
784  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_get:ignition.msgs.Any.time_value)
785  return has_time_value()
786  ? *value_.time_value_
788 }
789 inline ::ignition::msgs::Time* Any::mutable_time_value() {
790  if (!has_time_value()) {
791  clear_value();
792  set_has_time_value();
793  value_.time_value_ = new ::ignition::msgs::Time;
794  }
795  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_mutable:ignition.msgs.Any.time_value)
796  return value_.time_value_;
797 }
798 inline ::ignition::msgs::Time* Any::release_time_value() {
799  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_release:ignition.msgs.Any.time_value)
800  if (has_time_value()) {
801  clear_has_value();
802  ::ignition::msgs::Time* temp = value_.time_value_;
803  value_.time_value_ = NULL;
804  return temp;
805  } else {
806  return NULL;
807  }
808 }
810  clear_value();
811  if (time_value) {
812  set_has_time_value();
813  value_.time_value_ = time_value;
814  }
815  // @@protoc_insertion_point(field_set_allocated:ignition.msgs.Any.time_value)
816 }
818 inline bool Any::has_value() const {
819  return value_case() != VALUE_NOT_SET;
820 }
821 inline void Any::clear_has_value() {
822  _oneof_case_[0] = VALUE_NOT_SET;
823 }
825  return Any::ValueCase(_oneof_case_[0]);
826 }
833 // @@protoc_insertion_point(namespace_scope)
835 } // namespace msgs
836 } // namespace ignition
838 #ifndef SWIG
839 namespace google {
840 namespace protobuf {
842 template <> struct is_proto_enum< ::ignition::msgs::Any_ValueType> : ::google::protobuf::internal::true_type {};
843 template <>
844 inline const EnumDescriptor* GetEnumDescriptor< ::ignition::msgs::Any_ValueType>() {
846 }
848 } // namespace protobuf
849 } // namespace google
850 #endif // SWIG
852 #ifdef _MSC_VER
853 #pragma warning(pop)
854 #endif
855 // @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)
857 #endif // PROTOBUF_ignition_2fmsgs_2fany_2eproto__INCLUDED
std::shared_ptr< const Any > ConstAnySharedPtr
Definition: any.pb.h:832
IGNITION_MSGS_VISIBLEconst ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * Any_ValueType_descriptor()
Definition: pose.pb.h:58
const ::std::string & string_value() const
Definition: any.pb.h:481
static const ::std::string & ValueType_Name(ValueType value)
Definition: any.pb.h:196
static const Time & default_instance()
const ::ignition::msgs::Quaternion & quaternion_value() const
Definition: any.pb.h:735
Definition: any.pb.h:61
void set_int_value(::google::protobuf::int32 value)
Definition: any.pb.h:459
::ignition::msgs::Color * release_color_value()
Definition: any.pb.h:654
void set_allocated_time_value(::ignition::msgs::Time *time_value)
Definition: any.pb.h:809
void set_double_value(double value)
Definition: any.pb.h:430
void clear_bool_value()
Definition: any.pb.h:556
bool has_quaternion_value() const
Definition: any.pb.h:723
void set_allocated_vector3d_value(::ignition::msgs::Vector3d *vector3d_value)
Definition: any.pb.h:617
std::unique_ptr< const Any > ConstAnyUniquePtr
Definition: any.pb.h:830
void set_allocated_pose3d_value(::ignition::msgs::Pose *pose3d_value)
Definition: any.pb.h:713
bool has_header() const
Definition: any.pb.h:359
Definition: any.pb.h:106
bool has_pose3d_value() const
Definition: any.pb.h:675
void set_string_value(const ::std::string &value)
Definition: any.pb.h:488
::google::protobuf::uint8 * SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray(::google::protobuf::uint8 *output) const
Definition: any.pb.h:140
::ignition::msgs::Pose * mutable_pose3d_value()
Definition: any.pb.h:693
const ::ignition::msgs::Pose & pose3d_value() const
Definition: any.pb.h:687
static const Color & default_instance()
static bool ValueType_IsValid(int value)
Definition: any.pb.h:183
::std::string * release_string_value()
Definition: any.pb.h:527
void clear_pose3d_value()
Definition: any.pb.h:681
::ignition::msgs::Header * release_header()
Definition: any.pb.h:378
void set_type(::ignition::msgs::Any_ValueType value)
Definition: any.pb.h:404
void clear_type()
Definition: any.pb.h:397
::ignition::msgs::Quaternion * mutable_quaternion_value()
Definition: any.pb.h:741
void protobuf_ShutdownFile_ignition_2fmsgs_2fany_2eproto()
ValueCase value_case() const
Definition: any.pb.h:824
::ignition::msgs::Time * mutable_time_value()
Definition: any.pb.h:789
Any * New() const
Definition: any.pb.h:123
bool has_color_value() const
Definition: any.pb.h:627
void clear_int_value()
Definition: any.pb.h:446
void protobuf_AssignDesc_ignition_2fmsgs_2fany_2eproto()
Definition: header.pb.h:161
::ignition::msgs::Header * mutable_header()
Definition: any.pb.h:370
STL class.
const ::ignition::msgs::Time & time_value() const
Definition: any.pb.h:783
Definition: any.pb.h:60
const ::ignition::msgs::Color & color_value() const
Definition: any.pb.h:639
void set_allocated_color_value(::ignition::msgs::Color *color_value)
Definition: any.pb.h:665
bool Any_ValueType_Parse(const ::std::string &name, Any_ValueType *value)
Definition: any.pb.h:84
std::shared_ptr< Any > AnySharedPtr
Definition: any.pb.h:831
void clear_time_value()
Definition: any.pb.h:777
::google::protobuf::int32 int_value() const
Definition: any.pb.h:452
Any & operator=(const Any &from)
Definition: any.pb.h:98
void clear_header()
Definition: any.pb.h:362
static const ::google::protobuf::EnumDescriptor * ValueType_descriptor()
Definition: any.pb.h:193
bool has_time_value() const
Definition: any.pb.h:771
const int Any_ValueType_ValueType_ARRAYSIZE
Definition: any.pb.h:77
const ::ignition::msgs::Header & header() const
Definition: any.pb.h:366
IGNITION_MSGS_VISIBLE bool Any_ValueType_IsValid(int value)
void clear_string_value()
Definition: any.pb.h:475
::ignition::msgs::Time * release_time_value()
Definition: any.pb.h:798
void set_allocated_string_value(::std::string *string_value)
Definition: any.pb.h:536
static const Quaternion & default_instance()
static const Vector3d & default_instance()
void clear_vector3d_value()
Definition: any.pb.h:585
::ignition::msgs::Vector3d * mutable_vector3d_value()
Definition: any.pb.h:597
::ignition::msgs::Vector3d * release_vector3d_value()
Definition: any.pb.h:606
void set_bool_value(bool value)
Definition: any.pb.h:569
Definition: color.pb.h:56
void clear_color_value()
Definition: any.pb.h:633
Definition: vector3d.pb.h:56
Any_ValueType ValueType
Definition: any.pb.h:162
const Any_ValueType Any_ValueType_ValueType_MIN
Definition: any.pb.h:75
static const Pose & default_instance()
Definition: any.pb.h:70
STL class.
void clear_quaternion_value()
Definition: any.pb.h:729
bool bool_value() const
Definition: any.pb.h:562
::ignition::msgs::Color * mutable_color_value()
Definition: any.pb.h:645
const Any_ValueType Any_ValueType_ValueType_MAX
Definition: any.pb.h:76
::ignition::msgs::Pose * release_pose3d_value()
Definition: any.pb.h:702
static bool ValueType_Parse(const ::std::string &name, ValueType *value)
Definition: any.pb.h:199
double double_value() const
Definition: any.pb.h:423
const ::std::string & Any_ValueType_Name(Any_ValueType value)
Definition: any.pb.h:80
int GetCachedSize() const
Definition: any.pb.h:143
Definition: any.pb.h:839
void clear_double_value()
Definition: any.pb.h:417
::ignition::msgs::Quaternion * release_quaternion_value()
Definition: any.pb.h:750
bool has_vector3d_value() const
Definition: any.pb.h:579
void set_allocated_quaternion_value(::ignition::msgs::Quaternion *quaternion_value)
Definition: any.pb.h:761
void IGNITION_MSGS_VISIBLE protobuf_AddDesc_ignition_2fmsgs_2fany_2eproto()
void set_allocated_header(::ignition::msgs::Header *header)
Definition: any.pb.h:385
Definition: time.pb.h:55
std::unique_ptr< Any > AnyUniquePtr
Definition: any.pb.h:829
::std::string * mutable_string_value()
Definition: any.pb.h:518
::ignition::msgs::Any_ValueType type() const
Definition: any.pb.h:400
Definition: quaternion.pb.h:56
Definition: any.pb.h:91
const ::ignition::msgs::Vector3d & vector3d_value() const
Definition: any.pb.h:591