Ignition Physics

API Reference

"Implement a physics plugin"

This tutorial guides how to develop a simple plugin that implements a 3D policy and includes a sample list of Feature Features.


In the previous tutorial Installation, you have installed the Ignition Physics corresponding to the desired Ignition release.

Write a simple physics plugin

Please create a folder for the plugin first:

cd ~
mkdir -p ~/simple_plugin/build
cd simple_plugin

Then download the example loader into your current directory by:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ignitionrobotics/ign-physics/ign-physics2/examples/hello_world_plugin/HelloWorldPlugin.cc

Examine the code

We first include these:

  • FeatureList header: to define a list of Feature that will be implemented for the plugin, e.g. GetEngineInfo.
  • FeaturePolicy header: to specify the metadata about the coordinate system (e.g. 2 or 3 dimensions) and numeric system (e.g. float, int) that the Features will be implemented accordingly.
  • GetEntities.hh header: to retrieve the pre-defined list of features in Ignition Physics. Please refer to this API Reference for a list of features defined in GetEntities.hh and Understanding the Physics Plugin tutorial for an example list of common features implemented with a plugin.
  • Register.hh header: to register a plugin to Ignition Physics.

Next, let us define a namespace mock and implement our plugin in it. We will add a pre-defined feature GetEngineInfo to our plugin's HelloWorldFeatureList as follow:

struct HelloWorldFeatureList : ignition::physics::FeatureList<
> { };

The plugin will be able to return its physics engine metadata. We will now implement our plugin class named HelloWorldPlugin using the defined ignition::physics::FeatureList FeatureList above. The class is inherited from Implements3d to declare that our plugin's HelloWorldFeatureList will be in the 3D coordinate system.

class HelloWorldPlugin
: public ignition::physics::Implements3d<HelloWorldFeatureList>
using Identity = ignition::physics::Identity;
public: Identity InitiateEngine(std::size_t /*_engineID*/) override
this->engineName = "HelloWorld";
return this->GenerateIdentity(0);
public: std::size_t GetEngineIndex(const Identity &/*_id*/) const override
return 0;
public: const std::string &GetEngineName(const Identity &/*_id*/) const override
return this->engineName;
std::string engineName;

For now, because we do not have any real physics engines, we will define a dummy physics engines inside member function InitiateEngine by simply setting

this->engineName = "HelloWorld"

and returning the engine object using ignition::physics::Identity. Then, we define the metadata getters GetEngineIndex and GetEngineName for the feature GetEngineInfo (please look into corresponding public member functions defined in the subclasses). A list of common pre-defined features are stated here.

Finally, we only have to register our plugin in Ignition Physics as a physics engine by:


Note that:

  • The first argument is the name of the class that wraps the physics engine into a plugin.
  • The second argument is the FeaturePolicy for this plugin, i.e. FeaturePolicy3d
  • The third argument is the FeatureList, specifying all the features that this plugin provides, i.e. HelloWorldFeatureList

Setup CMakeLists.txt for building (Version: Citadel, ign-physics2)

Now create a file named CMakeLists.txt with your favorite editor and add these lines for finding ign-plugin and ign-physics dependencies for Citadel release:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5 FATAL_ERROR)
find_package(ignition-plugin${IGN_PLUGIN_VER} 1.1 REQUIRED COMPONENTS all)
find_package(ignition-physics${IGN_PHYSICS_VER} REQUIRED)

After that, add the executable pointing to our plugin file and add linking library so that cmake can compile it:

add_library(HelloWorldPlugin SHARED HelloWorldPlugin.cc)

Build and run

Compile the plugin

Your current plugin folder should look like this:

$ ls ~/simple_plugin
CMakeLists.txt HelloWorldPlugin.cc build

Now you can build the plugin by:

cd ~/simple_plugin/build
cmake ..

This will generate the HelloWorldPlugin library under build. The exact name of the library file depends on the operating system such as libHelloWorldPlugin.so on Linux, libHelloWorldPlugin.dylib on MacOS, and HelloWorldPlugin.dll on Windows.

Test loading the plugin on Linux

Please first follow the Loading a Physics Plugin tutorial to create a simple loader. Then we test our plugin using the loader as follow:

cd ~
./simple_loader/build/hello_world_loader simple_plugin/build/libHelloWorldPlugin.so

And you will see the engine info of our plugin:

Testing plugin: mock::HelloWorldPlugin
engine name: HelloWorld