Ignition Rendering

API Reference

ignition::rendering Namespace Reference

Rendering classes and function useful in robot applications. More...


class  ArrowVisual
 Represents a arrow composite visual. More...
class  AxisVisual
 Represents a axis composite visual. More...
class  BaseArrowVisual
class  BaseAxisVisual
class  BaseCamera
class  BaseCompositeStore
class  BaseDepthCamera
class  BaseDirectionalLight
class  BaseGaussianNoisePass
 Base Gaussian noise render pass. More...
class  BaseGeometry
class  BaseGeometryStore
class  BaseGizmoVisual
 A base implementation of the GizmoVisual class. More...
class  BaseGpuRays
class  BaseGrid
 Base implementation of a grid geometry. More...
class  BaseLidarVisual
 Base implementation of a Lidar Visual. More...
class  BaseLight
class  BaseLightStore
class  BaseMap
class  BaseMarker
 Base implementation of a Marker geometry. More...
class  BaseMaterial
class  BaseMaterialMap
class  BaseMesh
class  BaseNode
class  BaseNodeCompositeStore
class  BaseNodeStore
class  BaseObject
class  BaseParticleEmitter
 A base implementation of the ParticleEmitter class. More...
class  BasePointLight
class  BaseRayQuery
 A Ray Query class used for computing ray object intersections. More...
class  BaseRenderEngine
class  BaseRenderPass
 Base render pass that can be applied to a render target. More...
class  BaseRenderTarget
class  BaseRenderTexture
class  BaseRenderWindow
class  BaseScene
class  BaseSceneStore
class  BaseSensor
class  BaseSensorStore
class  BaseSpotLight
class  BaseStore
class  BaseStoreWrapper
class  BaseSubMesh
class  BaseSubMeshStore
class  BaseText
 Base implementation of a text geometry. More...
class  BaseThermalCamera
 Base implementation of the ThermalCamera class. More...
class  BaseVisual
class  BaseVisualStore
class  BaseWireBox
 Base implementation of a wireframe box. More...
class  Camera
 Posable camera used for rendering the scene graph. More...
class  CompositeStore
 Represents a collection of Store objects, collectively working as a single composite store. More...
class  CompositeVisual
 Represents a predefined collection of geometries and visuals. More...
class  DepthCamera
class  DirectionalLight
 Represents a infinite directional light. More...
class  GaussianNoisePass
 A render pass that applies Gaussian noise to the render target. More...
class  Geometry
 Represents a geometric shape to be rendered. More...
class  GizmoVisual
 A gizmo that contains rotate, translate, and scale visuals. More...
class  GpuRays
 Generate depth ray data. More...
class  Grid
 Represents a grid geometry drawn along the XY plane. If vertical cell count is specified then the grid becomes 3D. More...
class  Image
 Encapsulates a raw image buffer and relevant properties. More...
class  LidarVisual
 A LidarVisual geometry class. The visual appearance is based on the type specified. More...
class  Light
 Represents a light source in the scene graph. More...
class  Map
 Storage map from std::string to template class T. More...
class  Marker
 A marker geometry class. The marker's visual appearance is based on the marker type specified. More...
class  Material
 Represents a surface material of a Geometry. More...
class  Mesh
 Represents a collection of mesh geometries. More...
struct  MeshDescriptor
 Describes how a Mesh should be loaded. More...
class  Node
 Represents a single posable node in the scene graph. More...
class  Object
 Represents an object present in the scene graph. This includes sub-meshes, materials, render targets, as well as posable nodes. More...
class  Ogre2ArrowVisual
 Ogre2.x implementation of the arrow visual class. More...
class  Ogre2AxisVisual
 Ogre2.x implementation of the axis visual class. More...
class  Ogre2Camera
 Ogre2.x implementation of the camera class. More...
class  Ogre2Conversions
 Conversions Conversions.hh rendering/Conversions.hh. More...
class  Ogre2DepthCamera
 Depth camera used to render depth data into an image buffer. More...
class  Ogre2DirectionalLight
 Ogre 2.x implementation of the directional light class. More...
class  Ogre2DynamicRenderable
 Dynamic renderable class that manages hardware buffers for a dynamic geometry. More...
class  Ogre2GaussianNoisePass
 Ogre2 Implementation of a Gaussian noise render pass. More...
class  Ogre2Geometry
 Ogre2.x implementation of the geometry class. More...
class  Ogre2GizmoVisual
class  Ogre2GpuRays
 Gpu Rays used to render range data into an image buffer The ogre2 implementation takes a 2 pass process to generate the final range data. 1st Pass: Creates a cubemap of range data. The cubemap is created from six cameras looking in all directions. Depending on the min/max angles specified, not all cameras need to be created. Internally in the 1st pass shaders, we reconstruct 3d viewspace pos from depth buffer data then convert them into ranges, i.e. length(pos.xyz). 2nd Pass: Samples range data from cubemap using predefined rays. The rays are generated based on the specified vertical and horizontal min/max angles and no. of samples. Each ray is a direction vector that is used to sample/lookup the range data stored in the faces of the cubemap. More...
class  Ogre2Grid
 Ogre2 implementation of a grid geometry. More...
class  Ogre2LidarVisual
 Ogre 2.x implementation of a Lidar Visual. More...
class  Ogre2Light
 Ogre 2.x implementation of the light class. More...
class  Ogre2Marker
 Ogre 2.x implementation of a marker geometry. More...
class  Ogre2Material
 Ogre 2.x implementation of the material class. More...
class  Ogre2MaterialSwitcher
 Helper class to assign unique colors to renderables. More...
class  Ogre2Mesh
 Ogre2.x implementation of the mesh class. More...
class  Ogre2MeshFactory
 Ogre2.x implementation of the mesh factory class. More...
class  Ogre2Node
 Ogre2.x implementation of the Node class. More...
class  Ogre2Object
 Ogre2.x implementation of the Object class. More...
class  Ogre2ParticleEmitter
 Class to manage a particle emitter. More...
class  Ogre2PointLight
 Ogre 2.x implementation of the point light class. More...
class  Ogre2RayQuery
 A Ray Query class used for computing ray object intersections. More...
class  Ogre2RenderEngine
 Ogre2 render engine class. A singleton class that manages the underlying ogre2 render engine, loads its plugins, and creates resources needed for the engine to run. More...
class  Ogre2RenderEnginePlugin
 Plugin for loading ogre render engine. More...
class  Ogre2RenderPass
 Ogre2 Implementation of a render pass. More...
class  Ogre2RenderTarget
 Ogre2.x implementation of the render target class. More...
class  Ogre2RenderTargetMaterial
 Causes all objects in a scene to be rendered with the same material when rendered by a given RenderTarget. More...
class  Ogre2RenderTexture
 Ogre2.x implementation of the render texture class. More...
class  Ogre2RenderWindow
 Ogre2.x implementation of the render window class. More...
class  Ogre2Scene
 Ogre2.x implementation of the scene class. More...
class  Ogre2SelectionBuffer
 Generates a selection buffer object for a given camera. The selection buffer is used of entity selection. On setup, a unique color is assigned to each entity. Whenever a selection request is made, the selection buffer camera renders to a 1x1 sized offscreen buffer. The color value of that pixel gives the identity of the entity. More...
class  Ogre2Sensor
 Ogre2.x implementation of the sensor classs. More...
class  Ogre2SpotLight
 Ogre 2.x implementation of the spot light class. More...
class  Ogre2SubMesh
 Ogre2.x implementation of the submesh class. More...
class  Ogre2SubMeshStoreFactory
 Ogre2.x implementation of a submesh store factory class. More...
class  Ogre2ThermalCamera
 Thermal camera used to render thermal data into an image buffer. More...
class  Ogre2Visual
 Ogre2.x implementation of the visual class. More...
class  Ogre2WireBox
 Ogre2 implementation of a wire box geometry. More...
class  OgreArrowVisual
class  OgreAxisVisual
class  OgreCamera
class  OgreConversions
 Conversions Conversions.hh rendering/Conversions.hh. More...
class  OgreDepthCamera
 Depth camera used to render depth data into an image buffer. More...
class  OgreDirectionalLight
class  OgreDynamicLines
 Class for drawing lines that can change. More...
class  OgreDynamicRenderable
 Abstract base class providing mechanisms for dynamically growing hardware buffers. More...
class  OgreGaussianNoisePass
 Ogre implementation of the GaussianNoisePass class. More...
class  OgreGeometry
class  OgreGizmoVisual
class  OgreGpuRays
 Gpu Rays used to render depth data into an image buffer. More...
class  OgreGrid
 Ogre implementation of a grid geometry. More...
class  OgreLidarVisual
 Ogre implementation of a Lidar Visual. More...
class  OgreLight
class  OgreMarker
 Ogre implementation of a marker geometry. More...
class  OgreMaterial
class  OgreMaterialSwitcher
 Helper class to assign unique colors to renderables. More...
class  OgreMesh
class  OgreMeshFactory
class  OgreNode
class  OgreObject
class  OgreParticleEmitter
 Class to manage a particle emitter. More...
class  OgrePointLight
class  OgreRayQuery
 A Ray Query class used for computing ray object intersections. More...
class  OgreRenderEngine
class  OgreRenderEnginePlugin
 Plugin for loading ogre render engine. More...
class  OgreRenderPass
 Ogre implementation of the RenderPass class. More...
class  OgreRenderTarget
class  OgreRenderTargetMaterial
 Causes all objects in a scene to be rendered with the same material when rendered by a given RenderTarget. More...
class  OgreRenderTexture
class  OgreRenderWindow
class  OgreRTShaderSystem
 Implements Ogre's Run-Time Shader system. More...
class  OgreScene
class  OgreSelectionBuffer
 Generates a selection buffer object for a given camera. The selection buffer is used of entity selection. On setup, a unique color is assigned to each entity. Whenever a selection request is made, the selection buffer camera renders to a 1x1 sized offscreen buffer. The color value of that pixel gives the identity of the entity. More...
class  OgreSensor
class  OgreSpotLight
class  OgreSubMesh
class  OgreSubMeshStoreFactory
class  OgreText
 Ogre implementation of text geometry. More...
class  OgreThermalCamera
 Depth camera used to render thermal data into an image buffer. More...
class  OgreVisual
class  OgreWireBox
 Ogre implementation of a wire box geometry. More...
class  OrbitViewController
 A camera view controller. More...
class  ParticleEmitter
 Class to manage a particle emitter. More...
class  PixelUtil
 Provides supporting functions for PixelFormat enum. More...
class  PointLight
 Represents a point light. More...
class  RayQuery
 A Ray Query class used for computing ray object intersections. More...
class  RayQueryResult
 A class that stores ray query intersection results. More...
class  RenderEngine
 An abstract interface to a concrete render-engine. A RenderEngine is responsible for initializing a render-engine as well as creating, storing, and destroying scenes. More...
class  RenderEngineManager
 Collection of render-engines. This provides access to all the render-engines available at runtime. RenderEngine objects should not be access directly, but instead via the RenderEngineManager to maintain a flexible render-engine agnostic design. More...
class  RenderEnginePlugin
 Base plugin class for render engines. More...
class  RenderPass
 A render pass can be added to a camera to affect how the scene is rendered. It can be used to add post-processing effects. Multiple passes can be chained together. More...
class  RenderPassFactory
 A factory interface for creating render passes. More...
class  RenderPassSystem
 A class for creating and managing render passes. More...
class  RenderTarget
 Represents a render-target to which cameras can render images. More...
class  RenderTexture
 Represents a off-screen render-texture to which cameras can render images. More...
class  RenderWindow
 Represents a on-screen render-window to which cameras can render images. More...
class  Scene
 Manages a single scene-graph. This class updates scene-wide properties and holds the root scene node. A Scene also serves as a factory for all scene objects. More...
class  Sensor
 Represents a scene sensor. The most obvious example is a camera, but it can be anything that generates output from the scene. More...
class  ShaderParam
 a variant type that holds params that can be passed to a shader More...
class  ShaderParams
 a map that holds params to be passed to a shader More...
class  ShaderUtil
 Provides supporting functions for ShaderType enum. More...
class  SpotLight
 Represents a spotlight. More...
class  Store
 Multi-access storage structure of template class T. Template class T is expected to have functions GetId, GetName(), Destroy() which return unsigned int, std::string, and void respectively. This store will ensure that each element's name and ID are unique. More...
class  StoreWrapper
 Simple wrapper class that allows a Store of type Derived to be treated as a Store of type Base, where Derived is some class derived from Base. This is useful in storing Stores of different derived types in a single CompositeStore instance. More...
class  SubMesh
 Represents a single mesh geometry. More...
class  Text
 Represents a billboard text geometry that is always facing the camera. More...
class  ThermalCamera
 Thermal camera that produces temperature data. An object's temperature can be set through the Visual class using SetUserData with the key "temperature". Ambient temperature is returned for object that do not have this property set. Note that temperature variations for the environment and objects can be set using the Set*Range functions in this class. For simplicity, the variations are modeled as a function of depth (which is not how a real thermal sensor works). Ideally we support heatmaps for visuals in order to produce more realistic temperature output. More...
class  TransformController
 An transform tool for translating, rotating, and scaling objects. More...
class  ViewController
 A camera view controller. More...
class  Visual
 Represents a visual node in a scene graph. A Visual is the only node that can have Geometry and other Visual children. More...
class  WireBox
 Draws a wireframe box. More...


typedef shared_ptr< ArrowVisualArrowVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< AxisVisualAxisVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< BaseNodeCompositeStoreBaseNodeCompositeStorePtr
typedef std::shared_ptr< BaseObjectBaseObjectPtr
typedef shared_ptr< CameraCameraPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const ArrowVisualConstArrowVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const AxisVisualConstAxisVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const CameraConstCameraPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const DepthCameraConstDepthCameraPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const DirectionalLightConstDirectionalLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const GaussianNoisePassConstGaussianNoisePass
typedef shared_ptr< const GeometryConstGeometryPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const GizmoVisualConstGizmoVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const GpuRaysConstGpuRaysPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const ImageConstImagePtr
typedef shared_ptr< const JointVisual > ConstJointVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const LidarVisualConstLidarVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const LightConstLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const MaterialConstMaterialPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const MeshConstMeshPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const NodeConstNodePtr
typedef shared_ptr< const ObjectFactory > ConstObjectFactoryPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const ObjectConstObjectPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const ParticleEmitterConstParticleEmitterPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const PointLightConstPointLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const RayQueryConstRayQueryPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const RenderPassConstRenderPassPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const RenderPassSystemConstRenderPassSystemPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const RenderTargetConstRenderTargetPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const RenderTextureConstRenderTexturePtr
typedef shared_ptr< const RenderWindowConstRenderWindowPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const SceneConstScenePtr
typedef shared_ptr< const SensorConstSensorPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const ShaderParamsConstShaderParamsPtr
 Shared pointer to const ShaderParams. More...
typedef shared_ptr< const SpotLightConstSpotLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const SubMeshConstSubMeshPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const TextConstTextPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const ThermalCameraConstThermalCameraPtr
typedef shared_ptr< const VisualConstVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< DepthCameraDepthCameraPtr
typedef shared_ptr< DirectionalLightDirectionalLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< GaussianNoisePassGaussianNoisePassPtr
typedef shared_ptr< GeometryGeometryPtr
typedef Store< GeometryGeometryStore
typedef std::shared_ptr< GeometryStoreGeometryStorePtr
typedef shared_ptr< GizmoVisualGizmoVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< GpuRaysGpuRaysPtr
typedef shared_ptr< GridGridPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ImageImagePtr
typedef shared_ptr< JointVisual > JointVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< LidarVisualLidarVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< LightLightPtr
typedef Store< LightLightStore
typedef std::shared_ptr< LightStoreLightStorePtr
typedef shared_ptr< MarkerMarkerPtr
typedef Map< MaterialMaterialMap
typedef std::shared_ptr< MaterialMapMaterialMapPtr
typedef shared_ptr< MaterialMaterialPtr
typedef shared_ptr< MeshMeshPtr
typedef CompositeStore< NodeNodeCompositeStore
typedef std::shared_ptr< NodeCompositeStoreNodeCompositeStorePtr
typedef shared_ptr< NodeNodePtr
typedef Store< NodeNodeStore
typedef std::shared_ptr< NodeStoreNodeStorePtr
typedef shared_ptr< ObjectFactory > ObjectFactoryPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ObjectObjectPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2ArrowVisualOgre2ArrowVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2AxisVisualOgre2AxisVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2CameraOgre2CameraPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2DepthCameraOgre2DepthCameraPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2DirectionalLightOgre2DirectionalLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2GeometryOgre2GeometryPtr
typedef BaseGeometryStore< Ogre2GeometryOgre2GeometryStore
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2GeometryStoreOgre2GeometryStorePtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2GizmoVisualOgre2GizmoVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2GpuRaysOgre2GpuRaysPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2GridOgre2GridPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2LidarVisualOgre2LidarVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2LightOgre2LightPtr
typedef BaseLightStore< Ogre2LightOgre2LightStore
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2LightStoreOgre2LightStorePtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2MarkerOgre2MarkerPtr
typedef BaseMaterialMap< Ogre2MaterialOgre2MaterialMap
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2MaterialMapOgre2MaterialMapPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2MaterialOgre2MaterialPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2MeshFactoryOgre2MeshFactoryPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2MeshOgre2MeshPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2NodeOgre2NodePtr
typedef BaseNodeStore< Ogre2NodeOgre2NodeStore
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2NodeStoreOgre2NodeStorePtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2ObjectOgre2ObjectPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2ParticleEmitterOgre2ParticleEmitterPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2PointLightOgre2PointLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2RayQueryOgre2RayQueryPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2RenderEngineOgre2RenderEnginePtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2RenderTargetMaterialOgre2RenderTargetMaterialPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2RenderTargetOgre2RenderTargetPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2RenderTextureOgre2RenderTexturePtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2RenderWindowOgre2RenderWindowPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2SceneOgre2ScenePtr
typedef BaseSceneStore< Ogre2SceneOgre2SceneStore
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2SceneStoreOgre2SceneStorePtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2SensorOgre2SensorPtr
typedef BaseSensorStore< Ogre2SensorOgre2SensorStore
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2SensorStoreOgre2SensorStorePtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2SpotLightOgre2SpotLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2SubMeshOgre2SubMeshPtr
typedef BaseSubMeshStore< Ogre2SubMeshOgre2SubMeshStore
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2SubMeshStoreOgre2SubMeshStorePtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2ThermalCameraOgre2ThermalCameraPtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2VisualOgre2VisualPtr
typedef BaseVisualStore< Ogre2VisualOgre2VisualStore
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2VisualStoreOgre2VisualStorePtr
typedef shared_ptr< Ogre2WireBoxOgre2WireBoxPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreArrowVisualOgreArrowVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreAxisVisualOgreAxisVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreCameraOgreCameraPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreDepthCameraOgreDepthCameraPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreDirectionalLightOgreDirectionalLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreGeometryOgreGeometryPtr
typedef BaseGeometryStore< OgreGeometryOgreGeometryStore
typedef shared_ptr< OgreGeometryStoreOgreGeometryStorePtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreGizmoVisualOgreGizmoVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreGpuRaysOgreGpuRaysPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreGridOgreGridPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreJointVisual > OgreJointVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreLidarVisualOgreLidarVisualPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreLightOgreLightPtr
typedef BaseLightStore< OgreLightOgreLightStore
typedef shared_ptr< OgreLightStoreOgreLightStorePtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreMarkerOgreMarkerPtr
typedef BaseMaterialMap< OgreMaterialOgreMaterialMap
typedef shared_ptr< OgreMaterialMapOgreMaterialMapPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreMaterialOgreMaterialPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreMeshFactoryOgreMeshFactoryPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreMeshOgreMeshPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreNodeOgreNodePtr
typedef BaseNodeStore< OgreNodeOgreNodeStore
typedef shared_ptr< OgreNodeStoreOgreNodeStorePtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreObjectOgreObjectPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreParticleEmitterOgreParticleEmitterPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgrePointLightOgrePointLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreRayQueryOgreRayQueryPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreRenderEngineOgreRenderEnginePtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreRenderTargetMaterialOgreRenderTargetMaterialPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreRenderTargetOgreRenderTargetPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreRenderTextureOgreRenderTexturePtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreRenderWindowOgreRenderWindowPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreSceneOgreScenePtr
typedef BaseSceneStore< OgreSceneOgreSceneStore
typedef shared_ptr< OgreSceneStoreOgreSceneStorePtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreSensorOgreSensorPtr
typedef BaseSensorStore< OgreSensorOgreSensorStore
typedef shared_ptr< OgreSensorStoreOgreSensorStorePtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreSpotLightOgreSpotLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreSubMeshOgreSubMeshPtr
typedef BaseSubMeshStore< OgreSubMeshOgreSubMeshStore
typedef shared_ptr< OgreSubMeshStoreOgreSubMeshStorePtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreTextOgreTextPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreThermalCameraOgreThermalCameraPtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreVisualOgreVisualPtr
typedef BaseVisualStore< OgreVisualOgreVisualStore
typedef shared_ptr< OgreVisualStoreOgreVisualStorePtr
typedef shared_ptr< OgreWireBoxOgreWireBoxPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ParticleEmitterParticleEmitterPtr
typedef shared_ptr< PointLightPointLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< RayQueryRayQueryPtr
typedef shared_ptr< RenderPassRenderPassPtr
typedef shared_ptr< RenderPassSystemRenderPassSystemPtr
typedef shared_ptr< RenderTargetRenderTargetPtr
typedef shared_ptr< RenderTextureRenderTexturePtr
typedef shared_ptr< RenderWindowRenderWindowPtr
typedef shared_ptr< SceneScenePtr
typedef Store< SceneSceneStore
typedef std::shared_ptr< SceneStoreSceneStorePtr
typedef shared_ptr< SensorSensorPtr
typedef Store< SensorSensorStore
typedef std::shared_ptr< SensorStoreSensorStorePtr
typedef shared_ptr< ShaderParamsShaderParamsPtr
 Shared pointer to ShaderParams. More...
template<class T >
using shared_ptr = std::shared_ptr< T >
typedef shared_ptr< SpotLightSpotLightPtr
typedef shared_ptr< SubMeshSubMeshPtr
typedef Store< SubMeshSubMeshStore
typedef std::shared_ptr< SubMeshStoreSubMeshStorePtr
typedef shared_ptr< TextTextPtr
typedef shared_ptr< ThermalCameraThermalCameraPtr
using Variant = std::variant< int, float, double, std::string >
typedef shared_ptr< VisualVisualPtr
typedef Store< VisualVisualStore
typedef std::shared_ptr< VisualStoreVisualStorePtr
typedef shared_ptr< WireBoxWireBoxPtr


enum  EmitterType {
 Enum for emitter types. More...
enum  LidarVisualType { LVT_NONE = 0, LVT_RAY_LINES = 1, LVT_POINTS = 2, LVT_TRIANGLE_STRIPS = 3 }
 Enum for LidarVisual types. More...
enum  MarkerType {
 Enum for marker types. More...
enum  MaterialType { MT_CLASSIC = 0, MT_PBS = 1 }
 An enum for the type of material. More...
enum  PixelFormat {
  PF_UNKNOWN = 0, PF_L8 = 1, PF_R8G8B8 = 2, PF_B8G8R8 = 3,
  PF_FLOAT32_R = 8, PF_FLOAT32_RGBA = 9, PF_FLOAT32_RGB = 10, PF_L16 = 11,
  PF_COUNT = 12
 Image pixel format types. More...
enum  ShaderType {
 Available types of shaders. Note that not all rendering-engines will be able to use each type. They will instead default to the closest alternative. More...
enum  TextHorizontalAlign { LEFT = 0, CENTER = 1, RIGHT = 2 }
 Text Horizontal alignment. More...
enum  TextVerticalAlign { BOTTOM = 0, CENTER = 1, TOP = 2 }
 Text vertical alignment. More...
enum  TransformAxis {
  TA_NONE = 0, TA_TRANSLATION_X = 0x00000001, TA_TRANSLATION_Y = 0x00000002, TA_TRANSLATION_Z = 0x00000004,
  TA_ROTATION_X = 0x00000010, TA_ROTATION_Y = 0x00000020, TA_ROTATION_Z = 0x00000040, TA_SCALE_X = 0x00000100,
  TA_SCALE_Y = 0x00000200, TA_SCALE_Z = 0x00000400
enum  TransformMode {
enum  TransformSpace { TS_LOCAL, TS_WORLD }


RenderEngineengine (const std::string &_name, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &_params={}, const std::string &_path="")
 Get the render-engine registered under the given name. If no render-engine is registered under the given name, NULL will be returned. If the engine is registered, but not loaded, this function will load it. More...
RenderEngineengine (const unsigned int _index, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &_params={}, const std::string &_path="")
 Get the render-engine registered at the given index. If no render-engine is registered at the given index, NULL will be returned. If the engine is registered, but not loaded, this function will load it. More...
unsigned int engineCount ()
 Get the number of available render-engines. More...
bool fini ()
 Destroy all render-engines and related resources. More...
bool hasEngine (const std::string &_name)
 Determine if a render-engine is registered under the given name. More...
bool init ()
 Initialized shared render-engine features. More...
bool isEngineLoaded (const std::string &_name)
 Determine if a render-engine is already loaded. More...
bool load ()
 Load shared render-engine resources. More...
std::vector< std::stringloadedEngines ()
 Get the names of all engines currently loaded. More...
void registerEngine (const std::string &_name, RenderEngine *_engine)
 Register a new render-engine under the given name. If the given name is already in use, the render-engine will not be registered. More...
float screenScalingFactor ()
 Get the screen scaling factor. More...
void setPluginPaths (const std::list< std::string > &_paths)
 Set the plugin paths from which render engines can be loaded. More...
ignition::math::AxisAlignedBox transformAxisAlignedBox (const ignition::math::AxisAlignedBox &_box, const ignition::math::Pose3d &_pose)
 Transform a bounding box. More...
bool unloadEngine (const std::string &_name)
 Unload the render-engine registered under the given name. More...
void unregisterEngine (const std::string &_name)
 Unregister a render-engine registered under the given name. If the no render-engine is registered under the given name no work will be done. More...
void unregisterEngine (RenderEngine *_engine)
 Unregister the given render-engine. If the given render-engine is not currently registered, no work will be done. More...
void unregisterEngine (const unsigned int _index)
 Unregister a render-engine at the given index. If the no render-engine is registered at the given index, no work will be done. More...


const std::string depth_fragment_shader_file
const std::string depth_vertex_shader_file
static const common::Pbr kDefaultPbr
 Default pbr material properties. More...

Detailed Description

Rendering classes and function useful in robot applications.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ArrowVisualPtr

◆ AxisVisualPtr

◆ BaseNodeCompositeStorePtr

◆ BaseObjectPtr

◆ CameraPtr

◆ ConstArrowVisualPtr

◆ ConstAxisVisualPtr

◆ ConstCameraPtr

◆ ConstDepthCameraPtr

◆ ConstDirectionalLightPtr

◆ ConstGaussianNoisePass

◆ ConstGeometryPtr

◆ ConstGizmoVisualPtr

◆ ConstGpuRaysPtr

◆ ConstImagePtr

typedef shared_ptr<const Image> ConstImagePtr

◆ ConstJointVisualPtr

typedef shared_ptr<const JointVisual> ConstJointVisualPtr

◆ ConstLidarVisualPtr

◆ ConstLightPtr

typedef shared_ptr<const Light> ConstLightPtr

◆ ConstMaterialPtr

◆ ConstMeshPtr

typedef shared_ptr<const Mesh> ConstMeshPtr

◆ ConstNodePtr

typedef shared_ptr<const Node> ConstNodePtr

◆ ConstObjectFactoryPtr

typedef shared_ptr<const ObjectFactory> ConstObjectFactoryPtr

◆ ConstObjectPtr

◆ ConstParticleEmitterPtr

◆ ConstPointLightPtr

◆ ConstRayQueryPtr

◆ ConstRenderPassPtr

◆ ConstRenderPassSystemPtr

◆ ConstRenderTargetPtr

◆ ConstRenderTexturePtr

◆ ConstRenderWindowPtr

◆ ConstScenePtr

typedef shared_ptr<const Scene> ConstScenePtr

◆ ConstSensorPtr

◆ ConstShaderParamsPtr

Shared pointer to const ShaderParams.

◆ ConstSpotLightPtr

◆ ConstSubMeshPtr

◆ ConstTextPtr

typedef shared_ptr<const Text> ConstTextPtr

◆ ConstThermalCameraPtr

◆ ConstVisualPtr

◆ DepthCameraPtr

◆ DirectionalLightPtr

◆ GaussianNoisePassPtr

◆ GeometryPtr

◆ GeometryStore

◆ GeometryStorePtr

◆ GizmoVisualPtr

◆ GpuRaysPtr

◆ GridPtr

◆ ImagePtr

◆ JointVisualPtr

typedef shared_ptr<JointVisual> JointVisualPtr

◆ LidarVisualPtr

◆ LightPtr

◆ LightStore

◆ LightStorePtr

◆ MarkerPtr

◆ MaterialMap

◆ MaterialMapPtr

◆ MaterialPtr

◆ MeshPtr

◆ NodeCompositeStore

◆ NodeCompositeStorePtr

◆ NodePtr

◆ NodeStore

typedef Store<Node> NodeStore

◆ NodeStorePtr

◆ ObjectFactoryPtr

typedef shared_ptr<ObjectFactory> ObjectFactoryPtr

◆ ObjectPtr

◆ Ogre2ArrowVisualPtr

◆ Ogre2AxisVisualPtr

◆ Ogre2CameraPtr

◆ Ogre2DepthCameraPtr

◆ Ogre2DirectionalLightPtr

◆ Ogre2GeometryPtr

◆ Ogre2GeometryStore

◆ Ogre2GeometryStorePtr

◆ Ogre2GizmoVisualPtr

◆ Ogre2GpuRaysPtr

◆ Ogre2GridPtr

◆ Ogre2LidarVisualPtr

◆ Ogre2LightPtr

◆ Ogre2LightStore

◆ Ogre2LightStorePtr

◆ Ogre2MarkerPtr

◆ Ogre2MaterialMap

◆ Ogre2MaterialMapPtr

◆ Ogre2MaterialPtr

◆ Ogre2MeshFactoryPtr

◆ Ogre2MeshPtr

◆ Ogre2NodePtr

◆ Ogre2NodeStore

◆ Ogre2NodeStorePtr

◆ Ogre2ObjectPtr

◆ Ogre2ParticleEmitterPtr

◆ Ogre2PointLightPtr

◆ Ogre2RayQueryPtr

◆ Ogre2RenderEnginePtr

◆ Ogre2RenderTargetMaterialPtr

◆ Ogre2RenderTargetPtr

◆ Ogre2RenderTexturePtr

◆ Ogre2RenderWindowPtr

◆ Ogre2ScenePtr

◆ Ogre2SceneStore

◆ Ogre2SceneStorePtr

◆ Ogre2SensorPtr

◆ Ogre2SensorStore

◆ Ogre2SensorStorePtr

◆ Ogre2SpotLightPtr

◆ Ogre2SubMeshPtr

◆ Ogre2SubMeshStore

◆ Ogre2SubMeshStorePtr

◆ Ogre2ThermalCameraPtr

◆ Ogre2VisualPtr

◆ Ogre2VisualStore

◆ Ogre2VisualStorePtr

◆ Ogre2WireBoxPtr

◆ OgreArrowVisualPtr

◆ OgreAxisVisualPtr

◆ OgreCameraPtr

◆ OgreDepthCameraPtr

◆ OgreDirectionalLightPtr

◆ OgreGeometryPtr

◆ OgreGeometryStore

◆ OgreGeometryStorePtr

◆ OgreGizmoVisualPtr

◆ OgreGpuRaysPtr

◆ OgreGridPtr

◆ OgreJointVisualPtr

typedef shared_ptr<OgreJointVisual> OgreJointVisualPtr

◆ OgreLidarVisualPtr

◆ OgreLightPtr

◆ OgreLightStore

◆ OgreLightStorePtr

◆ OgreMarkerPtr

◆ OgreMaterialMap

◆ OgreMaterialMapPtr

◆ OgreMaterialPtr

◆ OgreMeshFactoryPtr

◆ OgreMeshPtr

◆ OgreNodePtr

◆ OgreNodeStore

◆ OgreNodeStorePtr

◆ OgreObjectPtr

◆ OgreParticleEmitterPtr

◆ OgrePointLightPtr

◆ OgreRayQueryPtr

◆ OgreRenderEnginePtr

◆ OgreRenderTargetMaterialPtr

◆ OgreRenderTargetPtr

◆ OgreRenderTexturePtr

◆ OgreRenderWindowPtr

◆ OgreScenePtr

◆ OgreSceneStore

◆ OgreSceneStorePtr

◆ OgreSensorPtr

◆ OgreSensorStore

◆ OgreSensorStorePtr

◆ OgreSpotLightPtr

◆ OgreSubMeshPtr

◆ OgreSubMeshStore

◆ OgreSubMeshStorePtr

◆ OgreTextPtr

◆ OgreThermalCameraPtr

◆ OgreVisualPtr

◆ OgreVisualStore

◆ OgreVisualStorePtr

◆ OgreWireBoxPtr

◆ ParticleEmitterPtr

◆ PointLightPtr

◆ RayQueryPtr

◆ RenderPassPtr

◆ RenderPassSystemPtr

◆ RenderTargetPtr

◆ RenderTexturePtr

◆ RenderWindowPtr

◆ ScenePtr

◆ SceneStore

◆ SceneStorePtr

◆ SensorPtr

◆ SensorStore

◆ SensorStorePtr

◆ ShaderParamsPtr

Shared pointer to ShaderParams.

◆ shared_ptr

◆ SpotLightPtr

◆ SubMeshPtr

◆ SubMeshStore

◆ SubMeshStorePtr

◆ TextPtr

◆ ThermalCameraPtr

◆ Variant

using Variant = std::variant<int, float, double, std::string>

◆ VisualPtr

◆ VisualStore

◆ VisualStorePtr

◆ WireBoxPtr

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ EmitterType

Enum for emitter types.


Point emitter.


Box emitter.


Cylinder emitter.


Ellipsoid emitter.


Total number of emitters (keep always at the end).

◆ LidarVisualType

Enum for LidarVisual types.


No type.


Ray line visual.


Points visual.


Triangle strips visual.

◆ MarkerType

enum MarkerType

Enum for marker types.


No type.


Box geometry.


Cylinder geometry.


Line strip primitive.


Line list primitive.


Points primitive.


Sphere geometry.


Text geometry.


Triangle fan primitive.


Triangle list primitive.


Triangle strip primitive.

◆ MaterialType

An enum for the type of material.


Classic shading, i.e. variants of Phong.


Physically Based Shading.

◆ PixelFormat

Image pixel format types.

PixelFormat.hh ignition/rendering/PixelFormat.hh


< Unknown or errant type


< Grayscale, 1-byte per channel


< RGB, 1-byte per channel


< BGR, 1-byte per channel


< Bayer RGGB, 1-byte per channel


< Bayer BGGR, 1-byte per channel


< Bayer GBGR, 1-byte per channel


< Bayer GRGB, 1-byte per channel


< Number of pixel format types

◆ ShaderType

enum ShaderType

Available types of shaders. Note that not all rendering-engines will be able to use each type. They will instead default to the closest alternative.

ShaderType.hh ignition/rendering/ShaderType.hh


Unknown or errant type.


Per pixel lighting shader.


Per vertex lighting shader.


Object-space normal map shader.


Tangent-space normal map shader.


Total number of shader types.

◆ TextHorizontalAlign

enum TextHorizontalAlign

Text Horizontal alignment.


Left alignment.


Center alignment.


Right alignment.

◆ TextVerticalAlign

enum TextVerticalAlign

Text vertical alignment.


Align bottom.


Align center.


Align top.

◆ TransformAxis


No axis.


Translation in x.


Translation in y.


Translation in z.


Rotation in x.


Rotation in y.


Rotation in z.


Scale in x.


Scale in y.


Scale in z.

◆ TransformMode


Inactive state.


Translation mode.


Rotation mode.


Scale mode.


◆ TransformSpace


transformation in local frame


transformation in world frame

Function Documentation

◆ engine() [1/2]

RenderEngine* ignition::rendering::engine ( const std::string _name,
const std::map< std::string, std::string > &  _params = {},
const std::string _path = "" 

Get the render-engine registered under the given name. If no render-engine is registered under the given name, NULL will be returned. If the engine is registered, but not loaded, this function will load it.

[in]_nameName of the desired render-engine
[in]_paramsParameters to be passed to the render engine.
[in]_pathAnother search path for rendering engine plugin.
The specified render-engine

◆ engine() [2/2]

RenderEngine* ignition::rendering::engine ( const unsigned int  _index,
const std::map< std::string, std::string > &  _params = {},
const std::string _path = "" 

Get the render-engine registered at the given index. If no render-engine is registered at the given index, NULL will be returned. If the engine is registered, but not loaded, this function will load it.

[in]_indexIndex of the desired render-engine
[in]_paramsParameters to be passed to the render engine.
[in]_pathAnother search path for rendering engine plugin.
The specified render-engine

◆ engineCount()

unsigned int ignition::rendering::engineCount ( )

Get the number of available render-engines.

The number of available render-engines

◆ fini()

bool ignition::rendering::fini ( )

Destroy all render-engines and related resources.

True if successful

◆ hasEngine()

bool ignition::rendering::hasEngine ( const std::string _name)

Determine if a render-engine is registered under the given name.

[in]_nameName of the desired render-engine
True if a render-engine is registered under the given name

◆ init()

bool ignition::rendering::init ( )

Initialized shared render-engine features.

True if successful

◆ isEngineLoaded()

bool ignition::rendering::isEngineLoaded ( const std::string _name)

Determine if a render-engine is already loaded.

[in]_nameName of the desired render-engine
True if a render-engine is loaded under the given name

◆ load()

bool ignition::rendering::load ( )

Load shared render-engine resources.

True if successful

◆ loadedEngines()

std::vector<std::string> ignition::rendering::loadedEngines ( )

Get the names of all engines currently loaded.

All the engines currently loaded.

◆ registerEngine()

void ignition::rendering::registerEngine ( const std::string _name,
RenderEngine _engine 

Register a new render-engine under the given name. If the given name is already in use, the render-engine will not be registered.

[in]_nameName the render-engine will be registered under
[in]_engineRender-engine to be registered

◆ screenScalingFactor()

float ignition::rendering::screenScalingFactor ( )

Get the screen scaling factor.

The screen scaling factor.

◆ setPluginPaths()

void ignition::rendering::setPluginPaths ( const std::list< std::string > &  _paths)

Set the plugin paths from which render engines can be loaded.

[in]_pathsThe list of the plugin paths

◆ transformAxisAlignedBox()

ignition::math::AxisAlignedBox ignition::rendering::transformAxisAlignedBox ( const ignition::math::AxisAlignedBox _box,
const ignition::math::Pose3d _pose 

Transform a bounding box.

[in]_boxThe bounding box.
[in]_posePose used to transform the bounding box.
[out]_verticesVertices of the transformed bounding box in world coordinates.

◆ unloadEngine()

bool ignition::rendering::unloadEngine ( const std::string _name)

Unload the render-engine registered under the given name.

[in]_nameName of the desired render-engine
True if the engine is unloaded

◆ unregisterEngine() [1/3]

void ignition::rendering::unregisterEngine ( const std::string _name)

Unregister a render-engine registered under the given name. If the no render-engine is registered under the given name no work will be done.

[in]_nameName of the render-engine to unregister

◆ unregisterEngine() [2/3]

void ignition::rendering::unregisterEngine ( RenderEngine _engine)

Unregister the given render-engine. If the given render-engine is not currently registered, no work will be done.

[in]_engineRender-engine to unregister

◆ unregisterEngine() [3/3]

void ignition::rendering::unregisterEngine ( const unsigned int  _index)

Unregister a render-engine at the given index. If the no render-engine is registered at the given index, no work will be done.

[in]_indexIndex of the render-engine to unregister

Variable Documentation

◆ depth_fragment_shader_file

const std::string depth_fragment_shader_file
Initial value:

◆ depth_vertex_shader_file

const std::string depth_vertex_shader_file
Initial value:

◆ kDefaultPbr

const common::Pbr kDefaultPbr

Default pbr material properties.

Referenced by BaseMaterial< OgreObject >::CopyFrom().