Classes | Namespaces | Macros
Exception.hh File Reference
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <gz/utils/ImplPtr.hh>
#include <sdf/sdf_config.h>
#include "sdf/system_util.hh"

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class  sdf::SDF_VERSION_NAMESPACE::AssertionInternalError
 Class for generating Exceptions which come from sdf assertions. They include information about the assertion expression violated, function where problem appeared and assertion debug message. More...
class  sdf::SDF_VERSION_NAMESPACE::Exception
 Class for generating exceptions. More...
class  sdf::SDF_VERSION_NAMESPACE::InternalError
 Class for generating Internal Gazebo Errors: those errors which should never happend and represent programming bugs. More...


 namespace for Simulation Description Format parser


#define sdfthrow(msg)
 This macro logs an error to the throw stream and throws an exception that contains the file name and line number. More...