Gazebo Transport

API Reference

TopicStorage< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for TopicStorage< T >, including all inherited members.

AddPublisher(const T &_publisher)TopicStorage< T >inline
DelPublisherByNode(const std::string &_topic, const std::string &_pUuid, const std::string &_nUuid)TopicStorage< T >inline
DelPublishersByProc(const std::string &_pUuid)TopicStorage< T >inline
HasAnyPublishers(const std::string &_topic, const std::string &_pUuid) constTopicStorage< T >inline
HasPublisher(const std::string &_addr) constTopicStorage< T >inline
HasTopic(const std::string &_topic) constTopicStorage< T >inline
HasTopic(const std::string &_topic, const std::string &_type) constTopicStorage< T >inline
Print() constTopicStorage< T >inline
Publisher(const std::string &_topic, const std::string &_pUuid, const std::string &_nUuid, T &_publisher) constTopicStorage< T >inline
Publishers(const std::string &_topic, std::map< std::string, std::vector< T >> &_info) constTopicStorage< T >inline
PublishersByNode(const std::string &_pUuid, const std::string &_nUuid, std::vector< T > &_pubs) constTopicStorage< T >inline
PublishersByProc(const std::string &_pUuid, std::map< std::string, std::vector< T >> &_pubs) constTopicStorage< T >inline
TopicList(std::vector< std::string > &_topics) constTopicStorage< T >inline
TopicStorage()=defaultTopicStorage< T >
~TopicStorage()=defaultTopicStorage< T >virtual