Gazebo Transport

API Reference

gz/transport/Packet.hh File Reference
#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "gz/transport/config.hh"
#include "gz/transport/Export.hh"
#include "gz/transport/Publisher.hh"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  AdvertiseMessage< T >
 Advertise packet used in the discovery protocol to broadcast information about the node advertising a topic. The information sent contains the name of the protobuf message type advertised. This message is used for advertising messages and services. 'T' is the Publisher type used inside this AdvertiseMessage object. More...
class  Header
 Header included in each discovery message containing the version of the discovery protocol, the process UUID of the sender node, the type of message (ADV, SUB, ... ) and optional flags. More...
class  SubscriptionMsg
 Subscription packet used in the discovery protocol for requesting information about a given topic. More...




static const uint8_t AdvType = 1
static const uint8_t ByeType = 5
static const uint8_t EndConnection = 7
static const uint16_t FlagNoRelay = 0b000000000000'0010
static const uint16_t FlagRelay = 0b000000000000'0001
static const uint8_t HeartbeatType = 4
static const std::vector< std::stringMsgTypesStr
 Used for debugging the message type received/send. More...
static const uint8_t NewConnection = 6
static const uint8_t SubType = 2
static const uint8_t UnadvType = 3
static const uint8_t Uninitialized = 0