Gazebo Newsletter: October 2018


Gazebo Newsletter 13 October 2018

The DARPA Subterranean Challenge has officially kicked off. You can find out more information, including how to register, at Over the next few years Open Robotics will be supporting this challenge and significantly improving simulation along the way.

The improvements to simulation are taking place in the Ignition Robotics project. We have our first major release of the project in February 2019. This release is set to include our new plugin-based physics and rendering systems, an updated graphical user interface based on Material Design, and support for distributed simulation. The goal of Ignition Robotics is to improve the usability, scalability, and flexibility of Gazebo while maintaining or improving Gazebo's current level of simulation fidelity.

Given the resources of Open Robotics, we have to make trade-offs in our development and maintenance efforts. Gazebo10, to be released in January 2019, will be the last major version of Gazebo based on the code in A new version of Gazebo, based on the Ignition libraries, will be part of the Ignition Robotics release in February 2019. We will continue to support older versions of Gazebo including versions 7-10 through their planned EOL dates which reach out to 2023 for Gazebo9.

Community Contributions

We'd like to thank the following people for their contributions to Gazebo.


The following list includes releases made over the past two months.

  • Gazebo 9.4.1
  • SDFormat 6.1.0
  • SDFormat 8.0.0~pre1
  • Ignition CMake 0.6.1
  • Ignition CMake 2.0.0~pre1
  • Ignition Gazebo 0.1.0~pre1
  • Ignition GUI 1.0.0~pre2
  • Ignition Msgs 3.0.0~pre2
  • Ignition Physics 1.0.0~pre1
  • Ignition Plugin 0.2.0~pre1
  • Ignition Plugins 1.0.0~pre1
  • Ignition Rendering 1.0.0~pre3
  • Ignition Sensors 0.1.0~pre1
  • Ignition Transport 6.0.0~pre2

Featured Models

Collections have been added to Ignition Fuel. A collection is a grouping of models. We have started a Collection for the Subterranean Challenge that consists of various robots, sensors, and environments. Take a look at Tech Repo.


Questions and Answers

Most recent active questions