Gazebo Keyboard Shortcuts#

Pause / unpauseSpacepress the space bar to pause / unpause
Snap when rotatingCtrl + draghold Ctrl while rotating a model to rotate in customizable increments (default is 45° but can be changed from Tranform Control GUI)
Snap when translatingCtrl + draghold Ctrl while translating a model to move in customizable increments (default is 1m but can be changed from Tranform Control GUI)
Align to world frameShifthold Shift while manipulating a model to temporarily align its axis to the world frame
Save ConfigCtrl + shold Ctrl and press "s" to save the current window configuration
Save Config AsCtrl + Shift + shold Ctrl and Shift, and press "s" to save the current window configuration to a designated location
Load ConfigCtrl + ohold Ctrl and press "o" to load a window configuration
CloseCtrl + qhold Ctrl and press "q" to shut down Gazebo
Search Menu/press "/" to open the search menu for plugins