
Provides modules that are used to find dependencies of Gazebo projects and generate cmake targets for consumers of Gazebo projects to link against.

A collection of useful classes and functions for handling many command tasks. This includes parsing 3D mesh files, managing console output, and using PID controllers.

A C++ client library and command line tools for interacting with Gazebo Fuel servers

A framework for graphical user interfaces centered around QT. Each component in Gazebo GUI is an independent plugin

Launch is a system that runs and manages plugins and programs. A configuration script can be used to specify which programs and plugins to run. Alternatively, individual programs and plugins can be run from the command line.

A small, fast, and high performance math library. This library is a self-contained set of classes and functions suitable for robot applications.

Standard set of message definitions, used by Gazebo Transport, and other applications.

A plugin based interface to physics engines, such as ODE, Bullet, and DART.

A plugin based interface to rendering engines, such as OGRE and Optix.

Simulation Description Format parser and description files.

A large set of sensor and noise models suitable for generating realistic data in simulation.

Gazebo simulates multiple robots in a 3D environment, with extensive dynamic interaction between objects.

Gazebo tools provides the gz command line tool that accepts multiple subcommands.

The transport library combines ZeroMQ with Protobufs to create a fast and efficient message passing system. Asynchronous message publication and subscription is provided along with service calls and discovery.

General purpose classes and functions with minimal dependencies. It includes command line parsing, a helper class to implement the PIMPL pattern, macros to suppress warnings, etc.