Gazebo Fuel_tools

API Reference


Next Tutorial: Command Line Tools


Some aspects of Gazebo Fuel Tools can be configured according to the needs of the library users. This configuration can be done via a YAML configuration file or programatically.

Gazebo Fuel Tools accepts a YAML file with the following syntax:

# The list of servers.
private-token: <your private token>
# -
# url: https://myserver
# Where are the assets stored in disk.
# cache:
# path: /tmp/gz/fuel

The servers section specifies all Fuel servers to interact with. For each server, you must specify the URL to send the HTTP requests. If the server requires authentication, you can specify the token by filling the optional field private-token.

The cache section captures options related with the local storage of the assets. path specifies the local directory where all assets will be downloaded. If not used, all assets are stored under $HOME/.gz/fuel.

Guided Configuration

The gz fuel configure CLI will walk you through the process of creating a ~/.gz/fuel/config.yaml file. Just run the following command, and answer the prompts. Note that this command will replace your existing ~/.gz/fuel/config.yaml if you choose to save on the last step.

gz fuel configure

Custom configuration file path

Gazebo Fuel's default configuration file is stored under $HOME/.gz/fuel/config.yaml, but it is possible to load a configuration file from a custom path programmatically. Let's see how.

Create a file /tmp/my_config.yaml with the following content:

# The list of servers.
# Where are the assets stored in disk.
path: /tmp/gz/fuel

Now, let's use a program that downloads a resource from a server in the custom configuration file. Let's start by creating a directory for storing all files:

mkdir /tmp/conf_tutorial && cd /tmp/conf_tutorial

Download the file and save it under /tmp/conf_tutorial:

# Ubuntu and MacOS
# Windows
## CMD
curl -sk -o
## PowerShell
curl -o

Also, download CMakeLists.txt for compiling the example:

# Ubuntu and MacOS
# Windows
## CMD
curl -sk -o CMakeLists.txt
## PowerShell
curl -o CMakeLists.txt

Install the gflags dependency:

# Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install libgflags-dev
# Windows
conda install gflags --channel conda-forge

Let's compile the example:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
# Ubuntu and MacOS
# Windows
cmake --build . --config Release

And now the fun part, execute it:

# Ubuntu and MacOs
./download -c /tmp/my_config.yaml -o caguero -n Beer -t model
# Windows
.\Release\download.exe -o caguero -n Beer -t model

Verify that you have the model in /tmp/gz/fuel/, as you configured in your YAML file.


Let's jump to the interesting parts of the program:

// Setup ClientConfig.
gz::fuel_tools::ClientConfig conf;
if (FLAGS_s != "")
// The user specified a Fuel server via command line.
gz::fuel_tools::ServerConfig srv;
// Add the extra Fuel server.

In the previous block, we can see how a ClientConfig is instantiated. This class lets you specify different options to be customized by the client using the library.

Next, we check if -s (server) has been used when invoking our program. If that's the case, we instantiate an object of ServerConfig and we fill the URL with the value of the -s flag.

Next, we use AddServer() to register the new server. The previous block shows an example of a programmatic way of configuring a Fuel server. Let's focus on the next interesting piece of code:

if (FLAGS_c != "")
if (!conf.LoadConfig())
std::cerr << "Error loading configuration file [" << FLAGS_c << "]"
<< std::endl;
return -1;
// Instantiate the FuelClient object with the configuration.
gz::fuel_tools::FuelClient client(conf);

Here, we check if the user specified a -c (config) option. If so, we need to tell conf about the path where the configuration file is located. For this purpose we use SetConfigPath(). As we're interested in using a configuration file, we need to call LoadConfig(). It's important to note that if we call LoadConfig() without calling SetConfigPath() beforehand, a default configuration file will be loaded (and created if it doesn't already exist under $HOME/.gz/fuel/config.yaml). If the user doesn't call LoadConfig(), no configuration file will be used at all.

Once we have all our configuration ready and captured in the conf object, we can instantiate the FuelClient object (client). This is the class that performs the main operations, such as the model download described in this example.

// Set the properties of the resource that we want to download.
gz::fuel_tools::ModelIdentifier modelIdentifier;
gz::fuel_tools::WorldIdentifier worldIdentifier;
if (FLAGS_t == "model")
else if (FLAGS_t == "world")
// Fetch the resource.
for (const auto &server : client.Config().Servers())
if (FLAGS_t == "model")
// Set server
auto id = modelIdentifier;
// Download
if (client.DownloadModel(server, id))
return 0;
else if (FLAGS_t == "world")
// Set server
auto id = worldIdentifier;
// Download
if (client.DownloadWorld(id))
return 0;

The code above sets the owner and name of the requested resource. Finally, it iterates over all available Fuel servers and tries to download it.