
The battery system keeps track of the battery charge on a robot model.

Currently, one battery per model is supported. When the battery drains completely, all joints of the corresponding model are turned off, meaning joint forces are set to 0.

All logic for battery consumption are encapsulated in a plugin.

A perfect battery

An ideal battery has a constant voltage while discharging and no internal resistance. Here's a minimum example of a perfect battery that can be added to a model:

<plugin filename="ignition-gazebo-linearbatteryplugin-system"
<!--Li-ion battery spec from LIR18650 datasheet-->
<capacity>2.5 </capacity>
<!-- Consumer-specific -->

<power_load> is a consumer-specific parameter. You can set this to a high value to see what happens when the battery drains. All others are properties of the battery.

Next, you can find a description of the SDF parameters used:

  • <battery_name>: The name of the battery.
  • <voltage>: Initial voltage of the battery (V).
  • <open_circuit_voltage_constant_coef>: Voltage at full charge (V).
  • <capacity>: Total charge that the battery can hold (Ah).
  • <power_load>: Power load on battery (W).
  • <start_draining>: Start draining battery from the begining of the simulation. If this is not set the battery draining can only be started through the topics set through .
  • <start_power_draining_topic>: Topic(s) that can be used to start power draining.
  • <stop_power_draining_topic>: Topic(s) that can be used to stop power draining.
  • <fix_issue_225>: As reported here, there are some issues affecting batteries in Ignition Blueprint and Citadel. This parameter fixes the issues. Feel free to omit the parameter if you have legacy code and want to preserve the old behavior.

When setting the <capacity>, <voltage> of the battery and its <power_load>, keep in mind the following formula:

battery_runtime (hours) = <capacity> * <voltage> / <power_load>

Known limitations

If <fix_issue_225> is not set, the battery drains at a faster (100x) rate. In this case, the battery runtime should be calculated as follows:

battery_runtime (hours) = <capacity> * <voltage> / (<power_load> * 100)

Try a more realistic battery

If you need to model a more realistic battery, you can use the following advanced SDF parameters:

  • <open_circuit_voltage_linear_coef>: Amount of voltage decrease when no charge (V).
  • <initial_charge>: Initial charge of the battery (Ah).
  • <resistance>: Internal resistance (Ohm)
  • <smooth_current_tau>: Coefficient for smoothing current.

Please, refer to the battery specification to set the advanced values.


A battery can be charged if the SDF parameter <enable_recharge> is set to true. Here are the relevant SDF parameters related with charging:

  • <enable_recharge>: As mentioned, it should be true to enable recharging.
  • <charging_time>: Hours taken to fully charge the battery. Keep in mind that this value assumes no battery load while charging. If the battery is under load, it will take a longer time to recharge.
  • <recharge_by_topic>: If true, the start/stop signals for recharging the battery will also be available via topics. The regular Ignition services will still be available.

By default, two Ignition Transport services are available for managing charging:

  • /model/<model_name>/battery/<battery_name>/recharge/start: Enable recharging.
  • /model/<model_name>/battery/<battery_name>/recharge/stop: Disable recharging.

Both services accept an gz::msgs::Boolean parameter.

Try out an example

A battery has been added to a demo world, which can be run using:

ign gazebo -v 4 linear_battery_demo.sdf -z 1000000

The blue vehicle on the left has a battery, while the one on the right does not. When the battery drains, the corresponding vehicle stops moving. Please, see ign-gazebo/examples/worlds/linear_battery_demo.sdf, where you can find the commands to visualize the state of the battery, as well as commands to start and stop the recharging.

To control the vehicles with keyboard, run

cd ign-gazebo/examples/standalone/keyboard
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make
./keyboard ../keyboard.sdf

See more about the usage of the keyboard plugin in examples/standalone/keyboard/

Creating battery consumers from other systems

You can easily create battery consumers from other systems by creating a consumer entity that holds a BatteryPowerLoad component.

Example of the Thruster system as a battery consumer

It is entirely up to the developer to set the means and ways to calculate the power load of the system and the options for future users of the system. Basically all the system needs to do is to set up an entity and add the BatteryPowerLoad component with the corresponding information, the rest is up to the developer. However the Thruster system is a good example of how to make a system consume power from a certain battery.

The way the Thruster system allows users to set it as a battery consumer is through the options <power_load> and <battery_name>. Through these options the system user can set how much power load should the system consume and which battery should it use. Take note that, with this approach of identifying batteries the user would have to ensure that the battery names are unique within the system.

Configure step

At the configure step the parameters are read and saved:

if (_sdf->HasElement("power_load"))
if (!_sdf->HasElement("battery_name"))
ignerr << "Specified a <power_load> but missing <battery_name>."
"Specify a battery name so the power load can be assigned to it."
<< std::endl;
this->dataPtr->powerLoad = _sdf->Get<double>("power_load");
this->dataPtr->batteryName = _sdf->Get<std::string>("battery_name");

Note that both are required, if no power_load present then battery_name is ignored and if no battery_name is there when a power_load is set an error will be thrown asking for this parameter.

PreUpdate step

During this step and only for one time the battery consumer will be set. This is done in this step instead of doing it in the configure step to avoid race conditions and make sure all the batteries are ready. The batteryInitialized makes sure the initialization only happens once.

// Intit battery consumption if it was set
if (!this->dataPtr->batteryName.empty() &&
this->dataPtr->batteryInitialized = true;

The battery entity is searched using the ecm and saved to later add the info to the BatteryPowerLoad component.

// Check that a battery exists with the specified name
Entity batteryEntity;
int numBatteriesWithName = 0;
_ecm.Each<components::BatterySoC, components::Name>(
[&](const Entity &_entity,
const components::BatterySoC */*_BatterySoC*/,
const components::Name *_name)->bool
if (this->dataPtr->batteryName == _name->Data())
batteryEntity = _entity;
return true;

Some errors are thrown if no batteries or more than one batteries are found with the specified name.

if (numBatteriesWithName == 0)
ignerr << "Can't assign battery consumption to battery: ["
<< this->dataPtr->batteryName << "]. No batteries"
"were found with the given name." << std::endl;
if (numBatteriesWithName > 1)
ignerr << "More than one battery found with name: ["
<< this->dataPtr->batteryName << "]. Please make"
"sure battery names are unique within the system."
<< std::endl;

Note that in this example the name is used to uniquely identify a battery within a system but it is up to the developer to use any other means they consider adequate. I.e. some sort of hierarchy can be enforced in the system to help identify batteries using this hierarchy.

Finally, the consumer entity is created and the power load and battery info added to its BatteryPowerLoad component:

// Create the battery consumer entity and its component
this->dataPtr->consumerEntity = _ecm.CreateEntity();
components::BatteryPowerLoadInfo batteryPowerLoadInfo{
batteryEntity, this->dataPtr->powerLoad};
_ecm.SetParentEntity(this->dataPtr->consumerEntity, batteryEntity);

The consumerEntity is saved in case it has to be modified or even deleted in the future. If a developer wants to change the power load they just need to modify the component, setting it to 0 will stop the consumer effect on the battery. Another option is to entirely delete the consumer entity.

The battery plugin basically checks for entities with a BatteryPowerLoad component and uses that information to calculate the total battery consumption before the draining step happens. By modifying the values and quantities of entities with BatteryPowerLoad components developers can add, modify and remove battery consumers from the different batteries available in a system.

Known Issues

  • The rate of consumption should be affected by torque. For example, going uphill should consume more power than going downhill.