Detachable Joints

The DetachableJoint system allows two models to start off rigidly attached and then detach during simulation by publishing to a topic. The system internally uses a fixed joint between two links, each belonging to two separate models. Because the system uses joints to connect models, the resulting kinematic topology has to be a tree, i.e., kinematic loops are not currently supported. This affects the choice of the parent link, and therefore, the parent model, which is the model that contains the DetachableJoint system. Once detached, the joint can be re-attached by publishing to a topic. When reattaching, the child model will be attached to the parent model at its current pose/configuration. To achieve reattachment at a specific pose, the child model can be positioned accordingly through a set_pose service call prior to reattaching the joint.

For example, detachable_joint.sdf demonstrates a four wheel vehicle that holds three objects that are later detached from the vehicle. As seen in this example, the parent model is the vehicle. The kinematic topology is the following.


If the objects were each parent models, instead, there would be multiple kinematic loops, as shown below.

\ / /
---B2 /
\ /

Due to a limitation in the implementation of this system, if detached models need to collide with a parent model or other detached models that have the same parent, the parent model needs to have <self_collide> set to true. However, due to an issue in DART, the default physics engine, it is important that none of the parent or child models be in collision in their initial (attached) state. Furthermore, it is important to note that reattaching a child model is not currently supported while the child model and parent model are in contact. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure that there is no collision between the child and parent model when attempting to perform the reattachment process.

The system has the following parameters:

  • <parent_link>: Name of the link in the model containing this system that will be used as the parent link in the detachable joint.
  • <child_model>: The name of the model containing the child link in the detachable joint.
  • <child_model_link>: Name of the link in the <child_model> that will be used as the child link in the detachable joint.
  • topic (optional): Topic name to be used for detaching connections. Using <detach_topic> is preferred. If empty, a default topic will be created with a pattern /model/<model_name>/detachable_joint/detach.
  • detach_topic (optional): Topic name to be used for detaching connections. If empty, a default topic will be created with a pattern /model/<model_name>/detachable_joint/detach. If multiple detachable plugin is used in one model, detach_topic is REQUIRED to detach child models individually.
  • attach_topic (optional): Topic name to be used for re-attaching connections. If empty, a default topic will be created with a pattern /model/<model_name>/detachable_joint/attach. If multiple detachable plugin is used in one model, attach_topic is REQUIRED to attach child models individually.
  • output_topic (optional): Topic name to be used for publishing the state of the detachment. If empty, a default topic will be created with a pattern /model/<child_model_name>/detachable_joint/state. If multiple detachable plugin is used in one model, output_topic is REQUIRED to publish child models state individually.