World & operator=(World &&_world) noexcept
Move assignment operator.
uint64_t Entity
An Entity identifies a single object in simulation such as a model, link, or light....
Definition: gz/sim/Entity.hh:58
This library is part of the Gazebo project.
STL class.
The EntityComponentManager constructs, deletes, and returns components and entities....
Definition: gz/sim/EntityComponentManager.hh:66
gz::sim::Entity LightByName(const EntityComponentManager &_ecm, const std::string &_name) const
Get the ID of a light entity which is an immediate child of this world.
bool Valid(const EntityComponentManager &_ecm) const
Check whether this world correctly refers to an entity that has a components::World.
std::optional< std::string > Name(const EntityComponentManager &_ecm) const
Get the world's unscoped name.
std::optional< math::SphericalCoordinates > SphericalCoordinates(const EntityComponentManager &_ecm) const
Get spherical coordinates for the world origin.
uint64_t ActorCount(const EntityComponentManager &_ecm) const
Get the number of actors which are immediate children of this world.
void SetSphericalCoordinates(EntityComponentManager &_ecm, const math::SphericalCoordinates &_sphericalCoordinates)
Set spherical coordinates for the world origin.
STL class.
Component< NoData, class WorldTag > World
A component that identifies an entity as being a world.
Definition: gz/sim/components/World.hh:79
gz::sim::Entity ActorByName(const EntityComponentManager &_ecm, const std::string &_name) const
Get the ID of a actor entity which is an immediate child of this world.
Provides buttons for adding a point, directional, or spot light to the scene.
Definition: Lights.hh:33
uint64_t ModelCount(const EntityComponentManager &_ecm) const
Get the number of models which are immediate children of this world.
std::vector< gz::sim::Entity > Actors(const EntityComponentManager &_ecm) const
Get all actors which are immediate children of this world.
std::optional< math::Vector3d > MagneticField(const EntityComponentManager &_ecm) const
Get the magnetic field in Tesla.
Component< math::Vector3d, class MagneticFieldTag > MagneticField
Stores the 3D magnetic field in teslas.
Definition: gz/sim/components/MagneticField.hh:37
Component< math::SphericalCoordinates, class SphericalCoordinatesTag, serializers::SphericalCoordinatesSerializer > SphericalCoordinates
This component holds the spherical coordinates of the world origin.
Definition: gz/sim/components/SphericalCoordinates.hh:45
Definition: gz/sim/World.hh:41
gz::sim::Entity ModelByName(const EntityComponentManager &_ecm, const std::string &_name) const
Get the ID of a model entity which is an immediate child of this world.
std::vector< gz::sim::Entity > Models(const EntityComponentManager &_ecm) const
Get all models which are immediate children of this world.
const Entity kNullEntity
Indicates a non-existant or invalid Entity.
Definition: gz/sim/Entity.hh:61
Component< sdf::Atmosphere, class AtmosphereTag, serializers::AtmosphereSerializer > Atmosphere
This component holds atmosphere properties of the world.
Definition: gz/sim/components/Atmosphere.hh:44
uint64_t LightCount(const EntityComponentManager &_ecm) const
Get the number of lights which are immediate children of this world.
Component< math::Vector3d, class GravityTag > Gravity
Store the gravity acceleration.
Definition: gz/sim/components/Gravity.hh:37
This class provides wrappers around entities and components which are more convenient and straight-fo...
Definition: gz/sim/World.hh:61
std::optional< sdf::Atmosphere > Atmosphere(const EntityComponentManager &_ecm) const
Get atmosphere information.
gz::sim::Entity Entity() const
Get the entity which this World is related to.
std::vector< gz::sim::Entity > Lights(const EntityComponentManager &_ecm) const
Get all lights which are immediate children of this world.
std::optional< math::Vector3d > Gravity(const EntityComponentManager &_ecm) const
Get the gravity in m/s^2.
Component< std::string, class NameTag, serializers::StringSerializer > Name
This component holds an entity's name. The component has no concept of scoped names nor does it care ...
Definition: gz/sim/components/Name.hh:37