void Measure()
Starts a new measurement. Erases any previous measurement in progress or already made.
void Reset()
Resets all of the relevant data for this plugin. Called when the user clicks the reset button and whe...
bool eventFilter(QObject *_obj, QEvent *_event) override
void OnReset()
Callback in Qt thread when the reset button is clicked.
void newDistance()
Signal fired when a new tape measure distance is set.
double Distance()
Callback in Qt thread to get the distance to display in the gui window.
void DrawLine(int _id, gz::math::Vector3d &_startPoint, gz::math::Vector3d &_endPoint, gz::math::Color &_color)
Draws a line marker. Called to display the line between the start and end point of the tape measure.
void LoadConfig(const tinyxml2::XMLElement *_pluginElem) override
Load the plugin with a configuration file. Override this on custom plugins to handle custom configura...
void DrawPoint(int _id, gz::math::Vector3d &_point, gz::math::Color &_color)
Draws a point marker. Called to display the start and end point of the tape measure.
void DeleteMarker(int _id)
Deletes the marker with the provided id within the "tape_measure" namespace.
void OnMeasure()
Callback in Qt thread when the new measurement button is clicked.