Gazebo Gui

API Reference

PlotData Class Reference

Plot Data containter to hold value and registered charts Can be a Field or a PlotComponent Used by PlottingInterface and Gazebo Plotting. More...

#include <PlottingInterface.hh>

Public Member Functions

 PlotData ()
 Constructor. More...
 ~PlotData ()
 Destructor. More...
void AddChart (int _chart)
 Register a chart that plot that field. More...
int ChartCount () const
 Number of registered charts. More...
std::set< int > & Charts ()
 Get all registered charts to that field. More...
void RemoveChart (int _chart)
 UnRegister a chart from plotting that field. More...
void SetTime (const double _time)
 Set the field arrival time. More...
void SetValue (const double _value)
 Set the field Value. More...
double Time () const
 Get the arrival time. More...
double Value () const
 Get the field value. More...

Detailed Description

Plot Data containter to hold value and registered charts Can be a Field or a PlotComponent Used by PlottingInterface and Gazebo Plotting.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PlotData()

PlotData ( )


◆ ~PlotData()

~PlotData ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ AddChart()

void AddChart ( int  _chart)

Register a chart that plot that field.

[in]_chartchart ID to be registered

◆ ChartCount()

int ChartCount ( ) const

Number of registered charts.

Charts count

◆ Charts()

std::set<int>& Charts ( )

Get all registered charts to that field.

Set of registered charts

◆ RemoveChart()

void RemoveChart ( int  _chart)

UnRegister a chart from plotting that field.

◆ SetTime()

void SetTime ( const double  _time)

Set the field arrival time.

[in]_timearrival time to set it

◆ SetValue()

void SetValue ( const double  _value)

Set the field Value.

[in]_valuethe set value

◆ Time()

double Time ( ) const

Get the arrival time.

arrival time

◆ Value()

double Value ( ) const

Get the field value.

value of the field

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