Gazebo Msgs

API Reference

ignition/msgs/SuppressWarning.hh File Reference
#include <ignition/msgs/detail/SuppressWarning.hh>

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 Compilers might warn about deleting a pointer to a class that has virtual functions without a virtual destructor or a final declaration, because the pointer might secretly be pointing to a more derived class type. We want to suppress this warning when we know for certain (via the design of our implementation) that the pointer is definitely not pointing to a more derived type. More...
 Microsoft Visual Studio does not automatically export the interface information for member variables that belong to interface classes of a DLL. Instead it issues this warning. When the member variable is private, we choose to suppress the warning instead of needlessly adding the class information to the DLL interface. More...

Macro Definition Documentation



Compilers might warn about deleting a pointer to a class that has virtual functions without a virtual destructor or a final declaration, because the pointer might secretly be pointing to a more derived class type. We want to suppress this warning when we know for certain (via the design of our implementation) that the pointer is definitely not pointing to a more derived type.



Microsoft Visual Studio does not automatically export the interface information for member variables that belong to interface classes of a DLL. Instead it issues this warning. When the member variable is private, we choose to suppress the warning instead of needlessly adding the class information to the DLL interface.