Gazebo Physics

API Reference

gz/physics/GetBoundingBox.hh File Reference
#include <gz/physics/FeatureList.hh>
#include <gz/physics/FrameSemantics.hh>
#include <gz/physics/GetEntities.hh>
#include <gz/physics/Shape.hh>
#include <gz/physics/detail/GetBoundingBox.hh>

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class  GetLinkBoundingBox
 This feature retrieves the axis aligned bounding box for the shapes attached to this link in the requested frame. The default frame is the world frame. More...
class  GetModelBoundingBox
 This feature retrieves the axis aligned bounding box for the model in the requested frame. The default frame is the world frame. More...
class  GetLinkBoundingBox::Link< PolicyT, FeaturesT >
class  GetModelBoundingBox::Model< PolicyT, FeaturesT >




using GetLinkBoundingBoxRequiredFeatures = FeatureList< GetShapeBoundingBox, GetShapeFromLink, LinkFrameSemantics >
using GetModelBoundingBoxRequiredFeatures = FeatureList< GetLinkBoundingBox, GetLinkFromModel, ModelFrameSemantics >