Gazebo Physics

API Reference

Entity.hh File Reference
#include <optional>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <gz/physics/Export.hh>
#include <gz/physics/detail/Identity.hh>
#include <gz/physics/detail/Entity.hh>

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class  Entity< PolicyT, FeaturesT >
 This is the base class of all "proxy objects". The "proxy objects" are essentially interfaces into the actual objects which exist inside of the various physics engine implementations. The proxy objects contain the minimal amount of data (e.g. a unique identifier, a reference-counter for the implementation object, and a reference to the implementation interface that it needs) necessary to interface with the object inside of the implementation that it refers to. More...
class  EntityPtr< EntityT >




const std::size_t INVALID_ENTITY_ID
 This constant-value should be used to indicate that an Entity ID is invalid (i.e. does not refer to a real entity). More...