Gazebo Gazebo

API Reference


Ignition records two types of information to files:

  • Console messages
    • From the server process only, not the GUI
    • Logged to a plain-text server_console.log file
    • Always recorded
  • Simulation state
    • Entity poses, insertion and deletion
    • Logged to an Ignition Transport state.tlog file
    • Recording must be enabled from the command line or the C++ API
    • Can be played back using the command line or the C++ API


From command line

Run the example world with --record flag. This records data to a default path, i.e. ~/.ignition/gazebo/log/<timestamp>:

ign gazebo -v 4 -r --record pose_publisher.sdf

A custom path can be specified for recorded files through the --record-path flag. When --record-path is specified, --record does not need to be separately specified:

ign gazebo -v 4 -r --record-path ./foo pose_publisher.sdf

Other options for recording:

  • --record-resources: Models and textures can be recorded, in addition to states, by specifying this flag. This implicitly enables --record flag.
  • --log-overwrite: If the record path already exists, overwrite it. Defaults to false, in which case it's recorded to the given path with a number appended (i.e. /tmp/log(1), /tmp/log(2)...).
  • --log-compress: Compress the recorded file.

From C++ API

All features available through the command line are also available through gz::sim::ServerConfig. When instantiating a server programmatically, logging options can be passed to the constructor, for example:

gz::sim::ServerConfig serverConfig;
gz::sim::Server server(serverConfig);

From plugin in SDF

Recording can be specified in the SDF, under <world> tag:

<world name="default">
Deprecated: Specifying the path on SDF is deprecated on Blueprint and
Citadel, and will be removed on Dome. Use one of the other methods to
speficy the path instead.

Use of <path> results in the console log and state recording being written to different locations. Existing paths are overwritten by default. See below.

Currently, it is enforced that only one recording instance is allowed to start during a Gazebo run.

Record path

The final record path will depend on a few options:

  • If state recording is not enabled, only the console log is recorded to ~/.ignition/gazebo/log/<timestamp>.
  • If only --record, all files are recorded to ~/.ignition/gazebo/log/<timestamp>.
  • If --record-path is specified:
    • If the path doesn't exist, logs are recorded there.
    • If the path exists:
      • If no --log-overwrite, logs are recorded to a new path with a number appended, i.e. /tmp/log(1), /tmp/log(2)...
      • If --log-overwrite, the directory is cleared and logs recorded to it.
  • If <path> in SDF (deprecated, not recommended):
    • It will be used unless the path is specified through the command line or API.
    • The SDF doesn't affect the console log, so that file will still go to the timestamped directory.
    • If the path exists, it will always be overwritten and there's no way to disable this behaviour.


From command line

Playback can be triggered by --playback command line flag. <path> is the directory specified to record:

ign gazebo -r -v 4 --playback <path>

From plugin in SDF

This feature is deprecated and will be removed in Ignition Dome. Use the command line argument instead.

Alternatively, playback can be specified in an SDF file. See example file examples/worlds/log_playback.sdf:

<world name="default">
The physics plugin should not be specified in the SDF. If specified, it will be automatically removed so that physics does not clash with the recorded poses.
If both a world file <file> and --playback <path> are specified, an error is printed. This is not allowed, because the world file may be a very different world from the one that was recorded.

Known issues

  • When using command-line playback there is currently a small caveat. In the case that the recorded file uses ogre2, the playback appears brighter, because the default SDF that is loaded by for playback uses ogre.
  • Currently, specifying record and playback at the same time is not allowed. We may support this in the future, to support cropping a recording or changing the encoding.