Gazebo Gazebo

API Reference

Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CBaseComponentBase class for all components
 CCabinAtTargetAction that cleans up the target queue when the cabin reaches the target floor level
 CCabinAtTargetEvent that signifies the cabin has reached the target floor level
 CCabinAtTargetGuard that checks whether the cabin is at the target floor level
 CElevatorStateMachineDef::CloseDoorStateState at which the elevator is closing a door
 CComponentDescriptorBaseA base class for an object responsible for creating components
 CComponentToMsgSerializer< DataType, MsgType >Serialization for that converts components data types to gz::msgs. This assumes that gz::sim::convert<DataType> is defined
 CDefaultSerializer< DataType >Default serializer template to call stream operators only on types that support them. If the stream operator is not available, a warning message is printed
 CDefaultSerializer< components::NoData >Specialization of DefaultSerializer for NoData
 CDetachableJointInfoData structure to hold information about the parent and child links connected by a detachable joint
 CDetachableJointInfoSerializerSerializer for DetachableJointInfo object
 CDisplayData used by the DisplayData() function to filter and sort the resources to be displayed
 CDoorClosedEvent that signifies the door at the target floor level has been closed
 CDoorOpenEvent that signifies the door at the target floor level has been opened
 CDoorTimerTimer that's used to keep a door open. It has a configurable default wait duration that when exceeded, it calls a function to let the state machine know to transition to the next state. The timer also checks whether the doorway is blocked, in which case it keeps the door open until whatever blocks the doorway moves out of the way
 CEigenTwistStruct containing linear and angular velocities
 CEnqueueNewTarget< trigger >Action that enqueues a new target in the target queue
 CEnqueueNewTargetEvent that signifies there is a new target that needs to be enqueued
 CEntityComponentManagerThe EntityComponentManager constructs, deletes, and returns components and entities. A component can be of any class which inherits from components::BaseComponent
 CEntityFeatureMap< PhysicsEntityT, PolicyT, RequiredFeatureList, OptionalFeatureLists >
 CEventManagerThe EventManager is used to send/receive notifications of simulator events
 Cfalse_type [external]
 CFrameDataFrame data of a link including its pose and linear velocity in world frame as well as its angular velocity in body frame
 CIsInState< TargetState >Guard that checks whether the state machine is in a given state
 CIsInStreamable< Stream, DataType >Type trait that determines if a operator>> is defined on Stream and DataType, i.e, it checks if the function Stream& operator>>(Stream&, DataType&) exists. Example:
 CIsOutStreamable< Stream, DataType >Type trait that determines if a operator<< is defined on Stream and DataType, i.e, it checks if the function Stream& operator<<(Stream&, const DataType&) exists. Example:
 CISystemConfigureInterface for a system that implements optional configuration
 CISystemPostUpdateInterface for a system that uses the PostUpdate phase
 CISystemPreUpdateInterface for a system that uses the PreUpdate phase
 CISystemUpdateInterface for a system that uses the Update phase
 CJointMonitorMonitor that checks the state of a joint. When the joint reaches the configured target, it calls a function to let the state machine know to transition to the next state
 CLeeVelocityControllerParametersData structure containing various parameters for the Lee velocity controller
 CLinkThis class provides wrappers around entities and components which are more convenient and straight-forward to use than dealing with the EntityComponentManager directly. All the functions provided here are meant to be used with a link entity
 CLogicalAudioSourcePlayInfoSerializerSerializer for components::LogicalAudioSourcePlayInfo object
 CLogicalAudioSourceSerializerSerializer for components::LogicalAudioSource object
 CLogicalMicrophoneSerializerSerializer for components::LogicalMicrophone object
 CMarkerManagerCreates, deletes, and maintains marker visuals. Only the Scene class should instantiate and use this class
 CMicrophoneProperties of a logical audio microphone. A microphone also has a pose, which can be stored as a component of a microphone entity via gz::sim::components::Pose
 CModelThis class provides wrappers around entities and components which are more convenient and straight-forward to use than dealing with the EntityComponentManager directly. All the functions provided here are meant to be used with a model entity
 CMsgSerializerSerializer for components that hold protobuf messages
 CNewTargetEvent that signifies a new target will be processed
 CNewTargetAction that cleans up the target queue when a new target is processed
 CNoiseParametersNoise parameters used when computing frame data. These are all assumed to be gaussian
 CNoQueuedTargetGuard that checks whether the target queue is empty
 CElevatorStateMachineDef::OpenDoorStateState at which the elevator is opening a door
 CServerConfig::PluginInfoInformation about a plugin that should be loaded by the server
 CResourceResource used to update the ResourceModel
 CRotorA struct that holds various properties of a rotor
 CSceneManagerScene manager class for loading and managing objects in the scene
 CSdfEntityCreatorProvides convenient functions to spawn entities and load their plugins from SDF elements, to remove them, and to change their hierarchy
 CServerThe server instantiates and controls simulation
 CServerConfigConfiguration parameters for a Server. An instance of this object can be used to construct a Server with a particular configuration
 CSourceProperties of a logical audio source. A source also has a pose, which can be stored as a component of a source entity via gz::sim::components::Pose
 CSourcePlayInfoA source's playing information. Useful for keeping track of when to start/stop playing a source
 CStorageDescriptorBaseA base class for an object responsible for creating storages
 CStringSerializerSerializer for components that hold std::string
 CSystemBase class for a System
 CSystemLoaderClass for loading/unloading System plugins
 CTestFixtureHelper class to write automated tests. It provides a convenient API to load a world file, step simulation and check entities and components
 CTimeoutEvent that signifies the door at the target floor level has remained open for the required amount of time
 Ctrue_type [external]
 CUpdateInfoInformation passed to systems on the update callback
 CVectorDoubleSerializerSerializer for components that hold std::vector<double>
 CVectorSerializer< T >
 CVehicleParametersA struct that holds properties of the vehicle such as mass, inertia and rotor configuration. Gravity is also included even though it's not a parameter unique to the vehicle
 CWorldThis class provides wrappers around entities and components which are more convenient and straight-forward to use than dealing with the EntityComponentManager directly. All the functions provided here are meant to be used with a world entity