Gazebo Sim

API Reference

gz::sim::traits Namespace Reference


class  HasGazeboConvert
 Type trait that determines if a convert from In to Out is defined. Usage: More...
class  IsInStreamable
 Type trait that determines if a operator>> is defined on Stream and DataType, i.e, it checks if the function Stream& operator>>(Stream&, DataType&) exists. Example: More...
class  IsOutStreamable
 Type trait that determines if a operator<< is defined on Stream and DataType, i.e, it checks if the function Stream& operator<<(Stream&, const DataType&) exists. Example: More...
struct  IsSharedPtr
 Helper trait to determine if a type is shared_ptr or not. More...
struct  IsSharedPtr< std::shared_ptr< T > >
 Helper trait to determine if a type is shared_ptr or not. More...