Gazebo Sim

API Reference

Migration from Gazebo-classic: Actor API

When migrating plugins from Gazebo-classic to Gazebo, developers will notice that the C++ APIs for both simulators are quite different. Be sure to check the plugin migration tutorial to get a high-level view of the architecture differences before using this guide.

This tutorial is meant to serve as a reference guide for developers migrating functions from the gazebo::phyiscs::Actor class.

If you're trying to use some API which doesn't have an equivalent on Gazebo yet, feel free to ticket an issue.

Actor API

Gazebo-classic's gazebo::physics::Actor provides lots of functionality, which can be divided in these categories:

You'll find the Gazebo APIs below on the following headers:

It's worth remembering that most of this functionality can be performed using the EntityComponentManager directly.

As an example the Actor::Pose() is a convienient function for querying the Pose component from the EntityComponentManager, i.e.

math::Pose3d pose = _ecm.Component<components::Pose>(actorEntityId)->Data();

The functions presented in the sections below exist for convenience and readability. The items marked as TODO means that the equivalent API is not implemented yet in Gazebo.


Most of Gazebo-classic's Actor API is related to setting and getting properties that are done via the Entity-Component-System by setting components (properties) into entities such as actors. Note that a number of the public APIs in Classic are inherited from the base Model / Entity class and they may not have equivalents in Gazebo.

Classic Gazebo
AddType ecm.CreateComponent<Type>(entity, Type())
AlignBvh TODO
BoundingBox TODO
CollisionBoundingBox TODO
CustomTrajectory see SetCustomTrajectory
DirtyPose Not supported
FillMsg TODO
GetAutoDisable TODO
GetId gz::sim::Model::Entity
GetName gz::sim::Actor::Name
GetPluginCount TODO
GetSaveable Not supported
GetScopedName gz::sim::scopedName
GetSelfCollide TODO
GetType gz::sim::entityType
GetWorldEnergy TODO
GetWorldEnergyKinetic TODO
GetWorldEnergyPotential TODO
HasType gazebo::components::Link::typeId == entityTypeId(entity, ecm)
InitialRelativePose TODO
IsActive TODO
IsCanonicalLink Not applicable. See link API
IsSelected Selection is client-specific, not porting
IsStatic TODO
PluginInfo TODO
Print TODO
ProcessMsg TODO
RelativeAngularAccel TODO
RelativeAngularVel TODO
RelativeLinearAccel TODO
RelativeLinearVel TODO
RelativePose gz::sim::Actor::Pose
Scale TODO
ScriptTime gz::sim::Actor::AnimationTime
SDFPoseRelativeToParent gz::sim::Actor::Pose
SDFSemanticPose gz::sim::Actor::Pose
SensorScopedName TODO
SetAngularVel TODO
SetAnimation use gz::sim::Actor::SetTrajectoryPose
SetAutoDisable TODO
SetCollideMode TODO
SetCustomTrajectory use gz::sim::Actor::SetTrajectoryPose, SetAnimationTime, and SetAnimationName to achieve similar result.
SetEnabled TODO
SetGravityMode TODO
SetInitialRelativePose TODO
SetJointAnimation Not supported
SetJointPosition Not supported
SetJointPositions Not supported
SetLaserRetro TODO
SetLinearVel TODO
SetLinkWorldPose TODO
SetName TODO
SetRelativePose TODO
SetSaveable Not supported
SetScale TODO
SetScriptTime gz::sim::Actor::SetAnimationTime
SetSelected Selection is client-specific, not porting
SetSelfCollide TODO
SetState TODO
SetStatic TODO
SetWindMode TODO
SetWorldPose TODO
SetWorldTwist TODO
SkeletonAnimations TODO
StopAnimation use gz::sim::Actor::SetTrajectoryPose
TypeStr gz::sim::entityTypeStr
UnscaledSDF TODO
UpdateParamenters TODO
WindMode TODO
WorldAngularAccel TODO
WorldAngularVel TODO
WorldLinearAccel TODO
WorldLinearVel TODO
WorldPose gz::sim::Actor::WorldPose

Read family

These APIs deal with reading information related to child / parent relationships.

The main difference in these APIs across Gazebo generations is that on classic, they deal with shared pointers to entities, while on Gazebo, they deal with entity IDs.

Classic Gazebo
GetByName TODO
GetChild TODO
GetChildCollision TODO
GetChildCount TODO
GetChildLink TODO
GetGripper Not supported
GetGripperCount Not supported
GetJoint Not supported
GetJointCount Not supported
GetJoints Not supported
GetLink TODO
GetLinks TODO
GetParent gz::sim::EntiyComponentManager::ParentEntity
GetParentId gz::sim::EntiyComponentManager::ParentEntity
GetParentModel gz::sim::EntiyComponentManager::ParentEntity
GetSensorCount TODO
GetWorld const gz::sim::worldEntity
NestedModel TODO
NestedModels TODO

Write family

These functions deal with modifying the entity tree, attaching children to new parents. Note that APIs for changing an Actor's entity tree structure are currently not implemented yet.

Classic Gazebo
AddChild TODO
AttachStaticModel TODO
DetachStaticModel TODO
RemoveChild TODO
RemoveChildren TODO
RemoveJoint TODO
SetCanonicalLink TODO
SetParent TODO
SetWorld TODO


These functions aren't related to the state of a actor, but perform some processing related to the actor's lifecycle, like initializing, updating or terminating it.

Classic Gazebo
Fini N/A
Init N/A
Load gz::sim::SdfEntityCreator::CreateEntities
LoadJoints gz::sim::SdfEntityCreator::CreateEntities
LoadPlugins TODO
Reset TODO
ResetCustomTrajectory TODO
ResetPhysicsStates TODO
Update Entities are updated by systems


Miscelaneous functions that don't fit the other categories. Most of them involve logic that should be performed from within a system.

Classic Gazebo
GetJointController Use this system: gz::sim::systems::JointController
GetNearestEntityBelow Requires a system
PlaceOnEntity Requires a system
PlaceOnNearestEntityBelow Requires a system