Gazebo Sim

API Reference

Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NgzThis library is part of the Gazebo project
 NsimGazebo is a leading open source robotics simulator, that provides high fidelity physics, rendering, and sensor simulation
 NcomponentsComponents represent data, such as position information. An Entity usually has one or more associated components
 NeventsNamespace for all events. Refer to the EventManager class for more information about events
 NserializersA Serializer class is used to serialize and deserialize a component. It is passed in as the third template parameter to components::Component. Eg
 NsystemsNamespace for all System plugins. Refer to the System class for more information about systems
 CActorThis class provides wrappers around entities and components which are more convenient and straight-forward to use than dealing with the EntityComponentManager directly. All the functions provided here are meant to be used with a actor entity
 CAirPressureA class that handles air pressure changes
 CAlignToolProvides buttons for the align tool
 CAltimeterA class that handles altimeter changes
 CAnimationUpdateDataData structure for updating skeleton animations
 CApplyForceTorquePublish wrench to "/world/<world_name>/wrench" topic. Automatically loads the ApplyLinkWrench system
 CBananaForScaleProvides buttons for adding a banana for scale
 CCopyPastePlugin for copying/pasting entities in the GUI
 CDisplayData used by the DisplayData() function to filter and sort the resources to be displayed
 CEntityComponentManagerThe EntityComponentManager constructs, deletes, and returns components and entities. A component can be of any class which inherits from components::BaseComponent
 CEntityContextMenuThis plugin is in charge of showing the entity context menu when the right button is clicked on a visual
 CEntityContextMenuItemA QQUickItem that manages the render window
 CEntityTreeDisplays a tree view with all the entities in the world
 CEnvironmentalSensorSystemSensor for reading environmental data loaded from outside world. To use, add this system to the world file, then instantiate sensors of custom type with gz:type="environmental_sensor/{field_name}", where field_name refers to the type of data you would like to output. Alternatively, if you would like to specify a custom field name you may do so using the <environment_variable> tag
 CEnvironmentLoaderA GUI plugin for a user to load an Environment component into the ECM on a live simulation
 CEnvironmentVisualizationA GUI plugin for a user to load an Environment component into the ECM on a live simulation
 CEnvironmentVisualizationToolThis class helps handle point cloud visuallizations of environment data
 CEventManagerThe EventManager is used to send/receive notifications of simulator events
 CGlobalIlluminationCiVctEnable and configure Global Illumination using CIVCT (Cascaded Image Voxel Cone Tracing)
 CGlobalIlluminationVctEnable and configure Global Illumination using VCT (Voxel Cone Tracing)
 CGuiSystemBase class for a GUI System
 CGzSceneManagerUpdates a 3D scene based on information coming from the ECM. This plugin doesn't instantiate a new 3D scene. Instead, it relies on another plugin being loaded alongside it that will create and paint the scene to the window, such as gz::gui::plugins::MinimalScene
 CGzSimPluginGzSim QML Plugin that registers C++ class so that they are accessible from QML
 CImuA class that handles IMU sensor changes
 CISystemConfigureInterface for a system that implements optional configuration
 CISystemConfigureParametersInterface for a system that declares parameters
 CISystemPostUpdateInterface for a system that uses the PostUpdate phase
 CISystemPreUpdateInterface for a system that uses the PreUpdate phase
 CISystemUpdateInterface for a system that uses the Update phase
 CJointThis class provides wrappers around entities and components which are more convenient and straight-forward to use than dealing with the EntityComponentManager directly. All the functions provided here are meant to be used with a joint entity
 CJointTypeA class that handles joint changes
 CLidarA class that handles Lidar sensor changes
 CLightThis class provides wrappers around entities and components which are more convenient and straight-forward to use than dealing with the EntityComponentManager directly. All the functions provided here are meant to be used with a light entity
 CLightsProvides buttons for adding a point, directional, or spot light to the scene
 CLinkThis class provides wrappers around entities and components which are more convenient and straight-forward to use than dealing with the EntityComponentManager directly. All the functions provided here are meant to be used with a link entity
 CMagnetometerA class that handles magnetometer changes
 CMarkerManagerCreates, deletes, and maintains marker visuals. Only the Scene class should instantiate and use this class
 CModelThis class provides wrappers around entities and components which are more convenient and straight-forward to use than dealing with the EntityComponentManager directly. All the functions provided here are meant to be used with a model entity
 CModelEditorModel Editor
 CMouseDragTranslate and rotate links by dragging them with the mouse. Automatically loads the ApplyLinkWrench system
 CPathModelProvides a model by which the resource spawner qml plugin pulls and updates from
 CPlaybackScrubberProvides slider and functionality for log playback. to the scene
 CPlotComponentA container of the component data that keeps track of the registered attributes and update their values and their registered charts
 CPlottingPhysics data plotting handler that keeps track of the registered components, update them and update the plot
 CPose3dA class that handles Pose3d changes
 CResourceResource used to update the ResourceModel
 CResourceModelProvides a model by which the resource spawner qml plugin pulls and updates from
 CResourceSpawnerProvides interface for communicating to backend for generation of local models
 CSceneManagerScene manager class for loading and managing objects in the scene
 CSdfEntityCreatorProvides convenient functions to spawn entities and load their plugins from SDF elements, to remove them, and to change their hierarchy
 CSensorThis class provides wrappers around entities and components which are more convenient and straight-forward to use than dealing with the EntityComponentManager directly. All the functions provided here are meant to be used with a sensor entity
 CServerThe server instantiates and controls simulation
 CServerConfigConfiguration parameters for a Server. An instance of this object can be used to construct a Server with a particular configuration
 CShapesProvides buttons for adding a box, sphere, or cylinder to the scene
 CSpawnAllows to spawn models and lights using the spawn gui events or drag and drop
 CSystemBase class for a System
 CSystemLoaderClass for loading/unloading System plugins
 CTestFixtureHelper class to write automated tests. It provides a convenient API to load a world file, step simulation and check entities and components
 CTransformControlProvides buttons for translation, rotation, and scale
 CUpdateInfoInformation passed to systems on the update callback
 CVideoRecorderProvides video recording cababilities to the 3D scene
 CViewAngleProvides buttons for viewing angles
 CVisualizationCapabilitiesAllows to visualize transparent, collisions, inertial, CoM and more
 CVisualizeContactsVisualize the contacts returned by the Physics plugin. Use the checkbox to turn visualization on or off and spin boxes to change the size of the markers
 CVisualizeLidarVisualize the LaserScan message returned by the sensors. Use the checkbox to turn visualization of non-hitting rays on or off and the textfield to select the message to be visualised. The combobox is used to select the type of visual for the sensor data
 CWorldThis class provides wrappers around entities and components which are more convenient and straight-forward to use than dealing with the EntityComponentManager directly. All the functions provided here are meant to be used with a world entity
 NstdSTL namespace