Gazebo Sim

API Reference

Rotor Struct Reference

A struct that holds various properties of a rotor. More...

#include <Parameters.hh>

Public Attributes

double angle
 The angle formed on the xy plane by the vector going from the the center of mass to the rotor. The angle is measured from the +x axis of the body frame. More...
double armLength
 The length of the vector going from the center of mass to the rotor. More...
int direction
 Direction of rotation of the rotor. +1 is counterclockwise and -1 is clockwise. More...
double forceConstant
 A constant that multiplies with the square of the rotor's velocity to compute its thrust. More...
double momentConstant
 A constant the multiplies with the rotor's thrust to compute its moment. More...

Detailed Description

A struct that holds various properties of a rotor.

Member Data Documentation

◆ angle

double angle

The angle formed on the xy plane by the vector going from the the center of mass to the rotor. The angle is measured from the +x axis of the body frame.

◆ armLength

double armLength

The length of the vector going from the center of mass to the rotor.

◆ direction

int direction

Direction of rotation of the rotor. +1 is counterclockwise and -1 is clockwise.

◆ forceConstant

double forceConstant

A constant that multiplies with the square of the rotor's velocity to compute its thrust.

◆ momentConstant

double momentConstant

A constant the multiplies with the rotor's thrust to compute its moment.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: