Gazebo Roadmap#

This page describes planned work for Gazebo. The set of planned features and development efforts should provide insight into the overall direction of Gazebo. If you would like to see other features on the roadmap, then please get in touch with us at

Gazebo Jetty Roadmap#

Note that some of these roadmap items may be backported to older versions of Gazebo on a best-effort basis if they do not break API and ABI.

Planned releases#

Please see the Releases for the timeline of and information about future distributions.

Contributing to Gazebo#

Looking for something to work on, or just want to help out? Here are a few resources to get you going.

  1. How to contribute guide.

  2. Feature comparision list. This page lists the feature gaps between Gazebo classic and Gazebo Sim.

  3. Take a look at the various libraries, and the issue tracker associated with each.