Gazebo Classic Migration#

Gazebo was started in 2002. After over 15 years of development it was time for a significant upgrade and modernization. This upgrade also provided the opportunity to move away from a monolithic architecture to a collection of loosely coupled libraries.

These collection of libraries make up the new Gazebo. As a convention we refer to older versions of Gazebo, those with release numbers like Gazebo 9 and Gazebo 11 as “Gazebo Classic”. Newer versions of Gazebo, formerly called “Ignition”, with lettered releases names like Harmonic, are referred to as just “Gazebo”.


Since the name of the project has gone through two major changes, we highly recommend you read the history of the project as well as our community post to have a better understanding of the terminology used on this website.

Here you’ll find guides and resources for migrating existing Gazebo Classic projects to the new Gazebo.