ignition::gazebo::systems Namespace Reference

Namespace for all System plugins. Refer to the System class for more information about systems. More...




class  AckermannSteering
 Ackermann steering controller which can be attached to a model with any number of left and right wheels. More...
class  AirPressure
 An air pressure sensor that reports vertical position and velocity readings over ign transport. More...
class  Altimeter
 An altimeter sensor that reports vertical position and velocity readings over ign transport. More...
class  ApplyJointForce
 This system applies a force to the first axis of a specified joint. More...
class  ApplyLinkWrench
 Exposes transport topics and SDF params for applying forces and torques to links in simulation. It should be attached to a world. More...
class  Breadcrumbs
 A system for creating Breadcrumbs in the form of models that can get deployed/spawned at the location of the model to which this system is attached. Each breadcrumb is a complete sdf::Model. When deployed, the pose of the breadcrumb model is offset from the containing model by the pose specified in the <pose> element of the breadcrumb model. A name is generated for the breadcrumb by appending the current count of deployments to the name specified in the breadcrumb <model> element. The model specified in the <breadcrumb> parameter serves as a template for deploying multiple breadcrumbs of the same type. Including models from Fuel is accomplished by creating a <model> that includes the Fuel model using the <include> tag. See the example in examples/worlds/breadcrumbs.sdf. More...
class  Buoyancy
 A system that simulates buoyancy of objects immersed in fluid. All SDF parameters are optional. This system must be attached to the world and this system will apply buoyancy to all links that have collision shapes. More...
class  BuoyancyEnginePlugin
 This class provides a simple mechanical bladder which is used to control the buoyancy of an underwater glider. It uses Archimedes' principle to apply an upward force based on the volume of the bladder. It listens to the topic buoyancy_engine or /model/{namespace}/buoyancy_engine topic for the volume of the bladder in cubicmeters. More...
class  CameraVideoRecorder
 Record video from a camera sensor The system takes in the following parameter: <service> Name of topic for the video recorder service. If this is not specified, the topic defaults to: /world/<world_name/model/<model_name>/link/<link_name>/ sensor/<sensor_name>/record_video. More...
class  ColladaWorldExporter
 A plugin that exports a world to a mesh. When loaded the plugin will dump a mesh containing all the models in the world to the current directory. More...
class  CommsEndpoint
 A system that registers in the comms broker an endpoint. You're creating an address attached to the model where the plugin is running. The system will bind this address in the broker automatically for you and unbind it when the model is destroyed. More...
class  Contact
 Contact sensor system which manages all contact sensors in simulation. More...
class  DetachableJoint
 A system that initially attaches two models via a fixed joint and allows for the models to get detached during simulation via a topic. A model can be re-attached during simulation via a topic. The status of the detached state can be monitored via a topic as well. More...
class  DiffDrive
 Differential drive controller which can be attached to a model with any number of left and right wheels. More...
class  DoorTimer
 Timer that's used to keep a door open. It has a configurable default wait duration that when exceeded, it calls a function to let the state machine know to transition to the next state. The timer also checks whether the doorway is blocked, in which case it keeps the door open until whatever blocks the doorway moves out of the way. More...
class  Elevator
 System that controls an elevator. It closely models the structure and functionality of a real elevator. It individually controls the cabin and doors of the elevator, queues commands for the elevator and stops at intermediate floors if a command is received while the last one is ongoing, and keeps a door open if the doorway is blocked. The model of the elevator can have arbitrarily many floor levels and at arbitrary heights each. More...
class  ElevatorStateMachineDef
 Elevator state machine frontend. Defines the transition table and initial state of the state machine. More...
class  ElevatorStateMachinePrivate
class  FollowActor
 Make an actor follow a target entity in the world. More...
class  ForceTorque
 This system manages all Force-Torque sensors in simulation. Each FT sensor reports readings over Ignition Transport. More...
class  Hydrodynamics
 This class provides hydrodynamic behaviour for underwater vehicles It is shamelessly based off Brian Bingham's plugin for VRX. which in turn is based of Fossen's equations described in "Guidance and Control of Ocean Vehicles" [1]. The class should be used together with the buoyancy plugin to help simulate behaviour of maritime vehicles. Hydrodynamics refers to the behaviour of bodies in water. It includes forces like linear and quadratic drag, buoyancy (not provided by this plugin), etc. More...
class  Imu
 This system manages all IMU sensors in simulation. Each IMU sensor eports vertical position, angular velocity and lienar acceleration readings over Ignition Transport. More...
class  JointController
 Joint controller which can be attached to a model with a reference to a single joint. Currently only the first axis of a joint is actuated. More...
class  JointMonitor
 Monitor that checks the state of a joint. When the joint reaches the configured target, it calls a function to let the state machine know to transition to the next state. More...
class  JointPositionController
 Joint position controller which can be attached to a model with a reference to a single joint. More...
class  JointStatePublisher
 The JointStatePub system publishes state information for a model. The published message type is gz::msgs::Model, and the publication topic is determined by the <topic> parameter. More...
class  JointTrajectoryController
 Joint trajectory controller, which can be attached to a model with reference to one or more 1-axis joints in order to follow a trajectory. More...
class  KineticEnergyMonitor
 A system that monitors the kinetic energy of a link in a model and publishes when there is a lost of kinetic energy during a timestep that surpasses a specific threshold. This system can be used to detect when a model could be damaged. More...
class  Label
 A label plugin that annotates models by setting the label for the parent entity's visuals. The plugin can be attached to models, visuals, or actors. More...
class  LiftDrag
 The LiftDrag system computes lift and drag forces enabling simulation of aerodynamic robots. More...
class  LinearBatteryPlugin
 A plugin for simulating battery usage. More...
class  LogicalAudioSensorPlugin
 A plugin for logical audio detection. More...
class  LogicalCamera
 A logical camera sensor that reports objects detected within its frustum readings over ign transport. More...
class  LogPlayback
 Log state playback. More...
class  LogRecord
 Log state recorder. More...
class  LogVideoRecorder
 System which recordings videos from log playback There are two ways to specify what entities in the log playback to follow and record videos for: 1) by entity name and 2) by region. See the following parameters: More...
class  Magnetometer
 An magnetometer sensor that reports the magnetic field in its current location. More...
class  MecanumDrive
 Mecanum drive controller which can be attached to a model with any number of front/back left/right wheels. More...
class  ModelPhotoShoot
 This plugin is a port of the old ModelPropShop plugin from gazebo classic. It generates 5 pictures of a model: perspective, top, front, side and back. It can do it using the default position or moving the joint to random positions. It allows saving the camera and joint poses so it can be replicated in other systems. More...
class  MulticopterMotorModel
 This system applies a thrust force to models with spinning propellers. See examples/worlds/quadcopter.sdf for a demonstration. More...
class  MulticopterVelocityControl
 This is a velocity controller for multicopters that allows control over the linear velocity and the yaw angular velocity of the vehicle. The velocities are expressed in the body frame of the vehicle. A vehicle with at least 4 rotors is required for the controller to function. More...
class  NavSat
 System that handles navigation satellite sensors, such as GPS, that reports position and velocity in spherical coordinates (latitude / longitude) over Ignition Transport. More...
class  OdometryPublisher
 Odometry Publisher which can be attached to any entity in order to periodically publish 2D or 3D odometry data in the form of ignition::msgs::Odometry messages. More...
class  OpticalTactilePlugin
 Plugin that implements an optical tactile sensor. More...
class  ParticleEmitter
 A system for creating a particle emitter. More...
class  ParticleEmitter2
 A system for running and managing particle emitters. A particle emitter is defined using the <particle_emitter> SDF element. More...
class  PerfectComms
 An example of a comms model. This model always delivers any message to its destination. More...
class  PerformerDetector
 A system system that publishes on a topic when a performer enters or leaves a specified region. More...
class  Physics
 Base class for a System. Includes optional parameter : <include_entity_names>. When set to false, the name of colliding entities is not populated in the contacts. Remains true by default. Usage : More...
class  PosePublisher
 Pose publisher system. Attach to an entity to publish the transform of its child entities in the form of gz::msgs::Pose messages, or a single gz::msgs::Pose_V message if "use_pose_vector_msg" is true. More...
class  RFComms
 A comms model that simulates communication using radio frequency (RF) devices. The model uses a log-distance path loss function. More...
class  SceneBroadcaster
 System which periodically publishes an gz::msgs::Scene message with updated information. More...
class  Sensors
 A system that manages sensors. More...
class  ShaderParam
 A plugin for setting shaders to a visual and its params. More...
class  Thermal
 A thermal plugin that sets the temperature for the parent entity. More...
class  ThermalSensor
 A thermal sensor plugin for configuring thermal sensor properties. More...
class  Thruster
 This plugin simulates a maritime thruster for boats and underwater vehicles. It uses the equations described in Fossen's "Guidance and Control of Ocean Vehicles" in page 246. This plugin takes in force in Newtons and applies it to the thruster. It also calculates the theoretical angular velocity of the blades and spins them accordingly. More...
class  TouchPlugin
 Plugin which checks if a model has touched some specific target for a given time continuously and exclusively. After the touch is completed, the plugin is disabled. It can be re-enabled through an Ignition transport service. More...
class  TrackController
 Controller of a track on either a conveyor belt or a tracked vehicle. The system should be attached to a model. If implementing a tracked vehicle, use also TrackedVehicle system. More...
class  TrackedVehicle
 Tracked vehicle controller which can be attached to a model with any number of left and right tracks. The system should be attached to a model. Each track has to have a TrackController system configured and running. More...
class  TrajectoryFollower
 A plugin that scripts the movement of a model based on waypoints. Note that at this point, the trajectory is always in 2D (x, y). The plugin applies a torque until the model is aligned with the next waypoint. Then, it applies a force until the model is close enough to the waypoint. More...
class  TriggeredPublisher
 The triggered publisher system publishes a user specified message on an output topic in response to an input message that matches user specified criteria. It can also call a user specified service as an output in response to an input message. It currently supports blocking service call. An optional simulation time delay can be used delay message publication. More...
class  UserCommands
 This system provides an Ignition Transport interface to execute commands while simulation is running. More...
class  VelocityControl
 Linear and angular velocity controller which is directly set on a model. More...
class  WheelSlip
 A system that updates wheel slip parameters based on linear wheel spin velocity (radius * spin rate). It currently assumes that the fdir1 friction parameter is set parallel to the joint axis (often [0 0 1]) and that the link origin is on the joint axis. The slip parameter is a Force-Dependent Slip (slip1, slip2) and it has units of velocity / force (m / s / N), similar to the inverse of a viscous damping coefficient. The slip_compliance parameters specified in this plugin are unitless, representing the lateral or longitudinal slip ratio (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slip_(vehicle_dynamics) ) to tangential force ratio (tangential / normal force). Note that the maximum force ratio is the friction coefficient. At each time step, these compliances are multiplied by the linear wheel spin velocity and divided by the wheel_normal_force parameter specified below in order to match the units of the slip parameters. More...
class  WindEffects
 A system that simulates a simple wind model. The wind is described as a uniform worldwide model. So it is independent from model position for simple computations. Its components are computed separately: More...


using ElevatorStateMachine = ::afsm::state_machine< ElevatorStateMachineDef >
 Elevator state machine backend. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace for all System plugins. Refer to the System class for more information about systems.

Typedef Documentation


using ElevatorStateMachine = ::afsm::state_machine<ElevatorStateMachineDef>

Elevator state machine backend.