Hydrodynamics Class Reference

This class provides hydrodynamic behaviour for underwater vehicles It is shamelessly based off Brian Bingham's plugin for VRX. which in turn is based of Fossen's equations described in "Guidance and Control of Ocean Vehicles" [1]. The class should be used together with the buoyancy plugin to help simulate behaviour of maritime vehicles. Hydrodynamics refers to the behaviour of bodies in water. It includes forces like linear and quadratic drag, buoyancy (not provided by this plugin), etc. More...

#include <Hydrodynamics.hh>

Public Member Functions

 Hydrodynamics ()
 Constructor. More...
 ~Hydrodynamics () override
 Destructor. More...
void Configure (const ignition::gazebo::Entity &_entity, const std::shared_ptr< const sdf::Element > &_sdf, ignition::gazebo::EntityComponentManager &_ecm, ignition::gazebo::EventManager &) override
 Documentation inherited. More...
void PreUpdate (const ignition::gazebo::UpdateInfo &_info, ignition::gazebo::EntityComponentManager &_ecm) override
 Documentation inherited. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from System
 System ()=default
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~System ()=default
 Destructor. More...

Detailed Description

This class provides hydrodynamic behaviour for underwater vehicles It is shamelessly based off Brian Bingham's plugin for VRX. which in turn is based of Fossen's equations described in "Guidance and Control of Ocean Vehicles" [1]. The class should be used together with the buoyancy plugin to help simulate behaviour of maritime vehicles. Hydrodynamics refers to the behaviour of bodies in water. It includes forces like linear and quadratic drag, buoyancy (not provided by this plugin), etc.

System Parameters

The exact description of these parameters can be found on p. 37 and p. 43 of Fossen's book. They are used to calculate added mass, linear and quadratic drag and coriolis force.

Diagonal terms:

  • <xDotU> - Added mass in x direction [kg]
  • <yDotV> - Added mass in y direction [kg]
  • <zDotW> - Added mass in z direction [kg]
  • <kDotP> - Added mass in roll direction [kgm^2]
  • <mDotQ> - Added mass in pitch direction [kgm^2]
  • <nDotR> - Added mass in yaw direction [kgm^2]
  • <xUabsU> - Quadratic damping, 2nd order, x component [kg/m]
  • <xU> - Linear damping, 1st order, x component [kg]
  • <yVabsV> - Quadratic damping, 2nd order, y component [kg/m]
  • <yV> - Linear damping, 1st order, y component [kg]
  • <zWabsW> - Quadratic damping, 2nd order, z component [kg/m]
  • <zW> - Linear damping, 1st order, z component [kg]
  • <kPabsP> - Quadratic damping, 2nd order, roll component [kg/m^2]
  • <kP> - Linear damping, 1st order, roll component [kg/m]
  • <mQabsQ> - Quadratic damping, 2nd order, pitch component [kg/m^2]
  • <mQ> - Linear damping, 1st order, pitch component [kg/m]
  • <nRabsR> - Quadratic damping, 2nd order, yaw component [kg/m^2]
  • <nR> - Linear damping, 1st order, yaw component [kg/m]

Cross terms

In general we support cross terms as well. These are terms which act on non-diagonal sides. We use the SNAMe convention of naming search terms. (x, y, z) correspond to the respective axis. (k, m, n) correspond to roll, pitch and yaw. Similarly U, V, W represent velocity vectors in X, Y and Z axis while P, Q, R representangular velocity in roll, pitch and yaw axis respectively.

  • Added Mass: <{x|y|z|k|m|n}Dot{U|V|W|P|Q|R}> e.g. <xDotR> Units are either kg or kgm^2 depending on the choice of terms.
  • Quadratic Damping With abs term (this is probably what you want): <{x|y|z|k|m|n}{U|V|W|P|Q|R}abs{U|V|W|P|Q|R}> e.g. <xRabsQ> Units are either kg/m or kg/m^2.
  • Quadratic Damping (could lead to unwanted oscillations): <{x|y|z|k|m|n}{U|V|W|P|Q|R}{U|V|W|P|Q|R}> e.g. <xRQ> Units are either kg/m or kg/m^2.
  • Linear Damping: <{x|y|z|k|m|n}{U|V|W|P|Q|R}>. e.g. <xR> Units are either kg or kg or kg/m. Additionally the system also supports the following parameters:
  • <waterDensity> - The density of the fluid its moving in. Defaults to 998kgm^-3. [kgm^-3, deprecated]
  • <water_density> - The density of the fluid its moving in. Defaults to 998kgm^-3. [kgm^-3]
  • <link_name> - The link of the model that is being subject to hydrodynamic forces. [Required]
  • <namespace> - This allows the robot to have an individual namespace for current. This is useful when you have multiple vehicles in different locations and you wish to set the currents of each vehicle separately. If no namespace is given then the plugin listens on the /ocean_current topic for a Vector3d message. Otherwise it listens on /model/{namespace name}/ocean_current.[String, Optional]
  • <default_current> - A generic current. [vector3d m/s, optional, default = [0,0,0]m/s]
  • <disable_coriolis> - Disable Coriolis force [Boolean, Default: false]
  • <disable_added_mass> - Disable Added Mass [Boolean, Default: false]. To be deprecated in Garden.


An example configuration is provided in the examples folder. The example uses the LiftDrag plugin to apply steering controls. It also uses the thruster plugin to propel the craft and the buoyancy plugin for buoyant force. To run the example run.

ign gazebo auv_controls.sdf

To control the rudder of the craft run the following

ign topic -t /model/tethys/joint/vertical_fins_joint/0/cmd_pos
-m ignition.msgs.Double -p 'data: -0.17'

To apply a thrust you may run the following command

ign topic -t /model/tethys/joint/propeller_joint/cmd_pos
-m ignition.msgs.Double -p 'data: -31'

The vehicle should move in a circle.

Ocean Currents

When underwater, vehicles are often subject to ocean currents. The hydrodynamics plugin allows simulation of such currents. We can add a current simply by publishing the following:

ign topic -t /ocean_current -m ignition.msgs.Vector3d -p 'x: 1, y:0, z:0'

You should observe your vehicle slowly drift to the side.


[1] Fossen, Thor I. Guidance and Control of Ocean Vehicles. United Kingdom: Wiley, 1994.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation




~Hydrodynamics ( )


Member Function Documentation


void Configure ( const ignition::gazebo::Entity _entity,
const std::shared_ptr< const sdf::Element > &  _sdf,
ignition::gazebo::EntityComponentManager _ecm,

Documentation inherited.

Implements ISystemConfigure.


void PreUpdate ( const ignition::gazebo::UpdateInfo _info,
ignition::gazebo::EntityComponentManager _ecm 

Documentation inherited.

Implements ISystemPreUpdate.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
This library is part of the Gazebo project.