Content Deletion Policy#

This section describes our policy for deleting content, such as simulation models, that you have added to this web service. This does not cover account deletion, or deletion of inappropriate content.

We place few restrictions when adding content to this service, however deletion of content can cause downstream harm. For example, another user or organization may depend on a model you have added. Deletion of your model can then lead to breaking changes. We adhere to the following rules in order to strike a balance between content deletion and the needs of other users.

  1. You can delete any content that you have created and uploaded, but the content will remain in a soft-deleted state for one month.

    • Soft-delete Is when content is marked as deleted, but remains available for download.

  2. Users who have a dependency on your deleted content will be notified of the deletion.

  3. Content will be permanently removed after the soft-delete period.

This policy provides time for users to copy content that is in the public domain, or make other arrangments before data is deleted. For additional help, please contact