Gazebo Gazebo

API Reference

Triggered Publisher

The TriggeredPublisher system publishes a user specified message on an output topic in response to an input message that matches user specified criteria. The system works by checking the input against a set of Matchers. Matchers contain string representations of protobuf messages which are compared for equality or containment with the input message. Matchers can match the whole input message or only a specific field inside the message.

This tutorial describes how the Triggered Publisher system can be used to cause a box to fall from its initial position by detaching a detachable joint in response to the motion of a vehicle. The tutorial also covers how Triggered Publisher systems can be chained together by showing how the falling of the box can trigger another box to fall. The finished world SDFormat file for this tutorial can be found in examples/worlds/triggered_publisher.sdf

We will use the differential drive vehicle from examples/worlds/diff_drive.sdf, but modify the input topic of the DiffDrive system to cmd_vel. A snippet of the change to the DiffDrive system is shown below:

<model name='vehicle_blue'>

The first TriggeredPublisher we create will demonstrate how we can send a predetermined Twist message to the DiffDrive vehicle in response to a "start" message from the user:

<plugin filename="ignition-gazebo-triggered-publisher-system"
<input type="ignition.msgs.Empty" topic="/start"/>
<output type="ignition.msgs.Twist" topic="/cmd_vel">
linear: {x: 3}

The <input> tag sets up the TriggeredPublisher to subscribe to the topic /start with a message type of ignition.msgs.Empty. The <output> tag specifies the topic of the output and the actual data to be published. The data is expressed in the human-readable form of Google Protobuf messages. This is the same format used by ign topic for publishing messages.

Since the TriggeredPublisher only deals with Ignition topics, it can be anywhere a <plugin> tag is allowed. For this example, we will put it under <world>.

Next we will create a trigger that causes a box to fall when the DiffDrive vehicle crosses a contact sensor on the ground. To do this, we first create the falling box model and call it box1

<model name="box1">
<pose>3 0 8 0 0 0</pose>
<link name="box_body">
<visual name="v1">
<box><size>1 1 1</size></box>
<diffuse>0.8 0.2 0.2 1</diffuse>
<specular>1.0 0 0 1</specular>
<collision name="c1">
<box><size>1 1 1</size></box>

For now, the model will only contain a single link with a <visual> and a <collision>. Next, we create a model named "trigger" that contains the contact sensor, the TouchPlugin and DetachableJoint systems as well as visuals indicating where the sensor is on the ground.

<model name="trigger">
<pose>3 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
<link name="body">
<visual name="v1">
<box><size>0.1 10 0.01</size></box>
<collision name="c1">
<box><size>0.1 10 0.01</size></box>
<sensor name='sensor_contact' type='contact'>
<plugin filename="ignition-gazebo-detachable-joint-system"
The contact sensor needs the Contact system under <world>

The DetachableJoint system creates a fixed joint between the link "body" in trigger and the link "box_body" in box1. The model trigger is a static model, hence, box1 will remain fixed in space as long as it is attached to trigger. The DetachableJoint system subscribes to the /box1/detach topic and, on receipt of a message, will break the fixed joint and lets box1 fall to the ground.

When the vehicle runs over the contact sensor associated with c1, the TouchPlugin will publish a message on /trigger/touched. We will use this as our trigger to send a message to /box1/detach. The TouchPlugin publishes only when there is contact, so we can trigger on any received message. However, to demonstrate the use of matchers, we will only trigger when the Boolean input message is true

<plugin filename="ignition-gazebo-triggered-publisher-system"
<input type="ignition.msgs.Boolean" topic="/trigger/touched">
<match>data: true</match>
<output type="ignition.msgs.Empty" topic="/box1/detach"/>

Finally, we will use an Altimeter sensor to detect when box1 has fallen to the ground to cause another box to fall. We will add the Altimeter sensor to the link "box_body" in box1

<model name="box1">
<pose>3 0 8 0 0 0</pose>
<link name="box_body">
<sensor name="altimeter_sensor" type="altimeter">
The Altimeter sensor needs the Altimter system under <world>
<plugin filename="ignition-gazebo-altimeter-system"

We will call the second falling box box2 and it will contain the same types of visuals and collisions as in box1.

<model name="box2">
<pose>5 0 8 0 0 0</pose>

Again, we'll make use of the DetachableJoint system to attach box2 to the static model trigger by adding the following to trigger

<model name="trigger">
<plugin filename="ignition-gazebo-detachable-joint-system"

Similar to what we did for box1, we need to publish to /box2/detach when our desired trigger occurs. To setup our trigger, we observe that the altimeter publishes an ignition.msgs.Altimeter message that contains a vertical_position field. Since we do not necessarily care about the values of the other fields inside ignition.msgs.Altimeter, we will create a TriggeredPublisher matcher that matches a specific field.

The value of the vertical_position field will be the altitude of the link that it is associated with relative to its starting altitude. When box1 falls to the ground, the value of the altimeter will read about -7.5. However, since we do not know the exact value and an exact comparison of floating point numbers is not advised, we will set a tolerance of 0.2.

<plugin filename="ignition-gazebo-triggered-publisher-system"
<input type="ignition.msgs.Altimeter" topic="/altimeter">
<match field="vertical_position" tol="0.2">-7.5</match>
<output type="ignition.msgs.Empty" topic="/box2/detach"/>

We can now run the simulation and from the command line by running

ign gazebo -r triggered_publisher.sdf

and publish the start message

ign topic -t "/start" -m ignition.msgs.Empty -p " "