▼Ngz | |
▼Nignition | This library is part of the Ignition Robotics project |
▼Ngazebo | Gazebo is a leading open source robotics simulator, that provides high fidelity physics, rendering, and sensor simulation |
►Ncomponents | Components represent data, such as position information. An Entity usually has one or more associated components |
CBaseComponent | Base class for all components |
CComponent | A component type that wraps any data type. The intention is for this class to be used to create simple components while avoiding a lot of boilerplate code. The Identifier must be a unique type so that type aliases can be used to create new components. However the type does not need to be defined anywhere eg |
CComponent< NoData, Identifier, Serializer > | Specialization for components that don't wrap any data. This class to be used to create simple components that represent just a "tag", while avoiding a lot of boilerplate code. The Identifier must be a unique type so that type aliases can be used to create new components. However the type does not need to be defined anywhere eg |
CComponentDescriptor | A class for an object responsible for creating components |
CComponentDescriptorBase | A base class for an object responsible for creating components |
CDetachableJointInfo | Data structure to hold information about the parent and child links connected by a detachable joint |
CFactory | A factory that generates a component based on a string type |
CStorageDescriptor | A class for an object responsible for creating storages |
CStorageDescriptorBase | A base class for an object responsible for creating storages |
►Ngui | |
►Nevents | Namespace for all events. Refer to the EventManager class for more information about events |
CDeselectAllEntities | Event that notifies when all entities have been deselected |
CEntitiesSelected | Event that notifies when new entities have been selected |
CRender | Event called in the render thread of a 3D scene. It's safe to make rendering calls in this event's callback |
CSnapIntervals | The class for sending and receiving custom snap value events |
CSpawnPreviewModel | Event called to spawn a preview model. Used by plugins that spawn models |
CSpawnPreviewPath | Event called to spawn a preview resource, which takes the path to the SDF file. Used by plugins that spawn resources |
CPlot3D | Plot the trajectory of an entity into the 3D scene |
►Nsystems | |
►Nactions | |
CCabinAtTarget | Action that cleans up the target queue when the cabin reaches the target floor level |
CEnqueueNewTarget | Action that enqueues a new target in the target queue |
CNewTarget | Action that cleans up the target queue when a new target is processed |
►Nevents | |
CCabinAtTarget | Event that signifies the cabin has reached the target floor level |
CDoorClosed | Event that signifies the door at the target floor level has been closed |
CDoorOpen | Event that signifies the door at the target floor level has been opened |
CEnqueueNewTarget | Event that signifies there is a new target that needs to be enqueued |
CNewTarget | Event that signifies a new target will be processed |
CTimeout | Event that signifies the door at the target floor level has remained open for the required amount of time |
►Nguards | |
CCabinAtTarget | Guard that checks whether the cabin is at the target floor level |
CIsInState | Guard that checks whether the state machine is in a given state |
CNoQueuedTarget | Guard that checks whether the target queue is empty |
CDoorTimer | Timer that's used to keep a door open. It has a configurable default wait duration that when exceeded, it calls a function to let the state machine know to transition to the next state. The timer also checks whether the doorway is blocked, in which case it keeps the door open until whatever blocks the doorway moves out of the way |
CElevator | System that controls an elevator. It closely models the structure and functionality of a real elevator. It individually controls the cabin and doors of the elevator, queues commands for the elevator and stops at intermediate floors if a command is received while the last one is ongoing, and keeps a door open if the doorway is blocked. The model of the elevator can have arbitrarily many floor levels and at arbitrary heights each |
►CElevatorStateMachineDef | Elevator state machine frontend. Defines the transition table and initial state of the state machine |
CCloseDoorState | State at which the elevator is closing a door |
CIdleState | State at which the elevator is idling |
CMoveCabinState | State at which the elevator is moving the cabin to the target floor |
COpenDoorState | State at which the elevator is opening a door |
CWaitState | State at which the elevator is waiting with a door open |
CElevatorStateMachinePrivate | |
CJointMonitor | Monitor that checks the state of a joint. When the joint reaches the configured target, it calls a function to let the state machine know to transition to the next state |
►Nsystems | |
►Nactions | |
CCabinAtTarget | Action that cleans up the target queue when the cabin reaches the target floor level |
CEnqueueNewTarget | Action that enqueues a new target in the target queue |
CNewTarget | Action that cleans up the target queue when a new target is processed |
►Nevents | |
CCabinAtTarget | Event that signifies the cabin has reached the target floor level |
CDoorClosed | Event that signifies the door at the target floor level has been closed |
CDoorOpen | Event that signifies the door at the target floor level has been opened |
CEnqueueNewTarget | Event that signifies there is a new target that needs to be enqueued |
CNewTarget | Event that signifies a new target will be processed |
CTimeout | Event that signifies the door at the target floor level has remained open for the required amount of time |
►Nguards | |
CCabinAtTarget | Guard that checks whether the cabin is at the target floor level |
CIsInState | Guard that checks whether the state machine is in a given state |
CNoQueuedTarget | Guard that checks whether the target queue is empty |
CDoorTimer | Timer that's used to keep a door open. It has a configurable default wait duration that when exceeded, it calls a function to let the state machine know to transition to the next state. The timer also checks whether the doorway is blocked, in which case it keeps the door open until whatever blocks the doorway moves out of the way |
CElevator | System that controls an elevator. It closely models the structure and functionality of a real elevator. It individually controls the cabin and doors of the elevator, queues commands for the elevator and stops at intermediate floors if a command is received while the last one is ongoing, and keeps a door open if the doorway is blocked. The model of the elevator can have arbitrarily many floor levels and at arbitrary heights each |
►CElevatorStateMachineDef | Elevator state machine frontend. Defines the transition table and initial state of the state machine |
CCloseDoorState | State at which the elevator is closing a door |
CIdleState | State at which the elevator is idling |
CMoveCabinState | State at which the elevator is moving the cabin to the target floor |
COpenDoorState | State at which the elevator is opening a door |
CWaitState | State at which the elevator is waiting with a door open |
CElevatorStateMachinePrivate | |
CJointMonitor | Monitor that checks the state of a joint. When the joint reaches the configured target, it calls a function to let the state machine know to transition to the next state |
►Ninspector | |
CPose3d | Handles components that are displayed as a 3D pose: |
►Nlogical_audio | |
CMicrophone | Properties of a logical audio microphone. A microphone also has a pose, which can be stored as a component of a microphone entity via gz::sim::components::Pose |
CSource | Properties of a logical audio source. A source also has a pose, which can be stored as a component of a source entity via gz::sim::components::Pose |
CSourcePlayInfo | A source's playing information. Useful for keeping track of when to start/stop playing a source |
►Nserializers | A Serializer class is used to serialize and deserialize a component. It is passed in as the third template parameter to components::Component. Eg |
CComponentToMsgSerializer | Serialization for that converts components data types to gz::msgs. This assumes that gz::sim::convert<DataType> is defined |
CDefaultSerializer | Default serializer template to call stream operators only on types that support them. If the stream operator is not available, a warning message is printed |
CDefaultSerializer< components::NoData > | Specialization of DefaultSerializer for NoData |
CDetachableJointInfoSerializer | Serializer for DetachableJointInfo object |
CJointTypeSerializer | |
CLevelEntityNamesSerializer | |
CLogicalAudioSourcePlayInfoSerializer | Serializer for components::LogicalAudioSourcePlayInfo object |
CLogicalAudioSourceSerializer | Serializer for components::LogicalAudioSource object |
CLogicalMicrophoneSerializer | Serializer for components::LogicalMicrophone object |
CMsgSerializer | Serializer for components that hold protobuf messages |
CPerformerLevelsSerializer | |
CStringSerializer | Serializer for components that hold std::string |
CVectorDoubleSerializer | Serializer for components that hold std::vector<double> |
CVectorSerializer | |
►Nsystems | Namespace for all System plugins. Refer to the System class for more information about systems |
►Nmulticopter_control | |
CEigenTwist | Struct containing linear and angular velocities |
CFrameData | Frame data of a link including its pose and linear velocity in world frame as well as its angular velocity in body frame |
CLeeVelocityController | |
CLeeVelocityControllerParameters | Data structure containing various parameters for the Lee velocity controller |
CNoiseParameters | Noise parameters used when computing frame data. These are all assumed to be gaussian |
CRotor | A struct that holds various properties of a rotor |
CVehicleParameters | A struct that holds properties of the vehicle such as mass, inertia and rotor configuration. Gravity is also included even though it's not a parameter unique to the vehicle |
►Nphysics_system | |
CEntityFeatureMap | |
CTriggeredPublisher | The triggered publisher system publishes a user specified message on an output topic in response to an input message that matches user specified criteria |
►Ntraits | |
CIsInStreamable | Type trait that determines if a operator>> is defined on Stream and DataType , i.e, it checks if the function Stream& operator>>(Stream&, DataType&) exists. Example: |
CIsOutStreamable | Type trait that determines if a operator<< is defined on Stream and DataType , i.e, it checks if the function Stream& operator<<(Stream&, const DataType&) exists. Example: |
CIsSharedPtr | Helper trait to determine if a type is shared_ptr or not |
CIsSharedPtr< std::shared_ptr< T > > | Helper trait to determine if a type is shared_ptr or not |
CAlignTool | Provides buttons for the align tool |
CDisplay | Data used by the DisplayData() function to filter and sort the resources to be displayed |
CEntityComponentManager | The EntityComponentManager constructs, deletes, and returns components and entities. A component can be of any class which inherits from components::BaseComponent |
CEntityContextMenu | A context menu providing actions that can be invoked on an entity |
CEntityTree | Displays a tree view with all the entities in the world |
CEventManager | The EventManager is used to send/receive notifications of simulator events |
CGridConfig | |
CGuiRunner | Responsible for running GUI systems as new states are received from the backend |
CGuiSystem | Base class for a GUI System |
CIgnGazeboPlugin | IgnGazebo QML Plugin that registers C++ class so that they are accessible from QML |
CIgnRenderer | Ign-rendering renderer. All ign-rendering calls should be performed inside this class as it makes sure that opengl calls in the underlying render engine do not interfere with QtQuick's opengl render operations. The main Render function will render to an offscreen texture and notify via signal and slots when it's ready to be displayed |
CISystemConfigure | Interface for a system that implements optional configuration |
CISystemPostUpdate | Interface for a system that uses the PostUpdate phase |
CISystemPreUpdate | Interface for a system that uses the PreUpdate phase |
CISystemUpdate | Interface for a system that uses the Update phase |
CLink | This class provides wrappers around entities and components which are more convenient and straight-forward to use than dealing with the EntityComponentManager directly. All the functions provided here are meant to be used with a link entity |
CMarkerManager | Creates, deletes, and maintains marker visuals. Only the Scene class should instantiate and use this class |
CModel | This class provides wrappers around entities and components which are more convenient and straight-forward to use than dealing with the EntityComponentManager directly. All the functions provided here are meant to be used with a model entity |
CPathModel | Provides a model by which the resource spawner qml plugin pulls and updates from |
CPlaybackScrubber | Provides buttons for adding a box, sphere, or cylinder to the scene |
CRenderThread | Rendering thread |
CRenderUtil | |
CRenderWindowItem | A QQUickItem that manages the render window |
CResource | Resource used to update the ResourceModel |
CResourceModel | Provides a model by which the resource spawner qml plugin pulls and updates from |
CResourceSpawner | Provides interface for communicating to backend for generation of local models |
CScene3D | Creates an ignition rendering scene and user camera. It is possible to orbit the camera around the scene with the mouse. Use other plugins to manage objects in the scene |
CSceneManager | Scene manager class for loading and managing objects in the scene |
CSdfEntityCreator | Provides convenient functions to spawn entities and load their plugins from SDF elements, to remove them, and to change their hierarchy |
CServer | The server instantiates and controls simulation |
►CServerConfig | Configuration parameters for a Server. An instance of this object can be used to construct a Server with a particular configuration |
CPluginInfo | Information about a plugin that should be loaded by the server |
CShapes | Provides buttons for adding a box, sphere, or cylinder to the scene |
CSystem | Base class for a System |
CSystemLoader | Class for loading/unloading System plugins |
CTapeMeasure | Provides buttons for the tape measure tool |
CTestFixture | Helper class to write automated tests. It provides a convenient API to load a world file, step simulation and check entities and components |
CTextureNode | Texture node for displaying the render texture from ign-renderer |
CTmpIface | Temporary place to prototype transport interfaces while it's not clear where they will live |
CTransformControl | Provides buttons for translation, rotation, and scale |
CTreeModel | TODO |
CUpdateInfo | Information passed to systems on the update callback |
CVideoRecorder | Provides buttons for starting and stopping video recording |
CViewAngle | Provides buttons for viewing angles |
CWorld | This class provides wrappers around entities and components which are more convenient and straight-forward to use than dealing with the EntityComponentManager directly. All the functions provided here are meant to be used with a world entity |