Migration from Gazebo-classic: Sensor API

When migrating plugins from Gazebo-classic to Gazebo, developers will notice that the C++ APIs for both simulators are quite different. Be sure to check the plugin migration tutorial to get a high-level view of the architecture differences before using this guide.

This tutorial is meant to serve as a reference guide for developers migrating functions from the gazebo::sensors::Sensor class.

If you're trying to use some API which doesn't have an equivalent on Gazebo yet, feel free to ticket an issue.

Sensor API

Gazebo-classic's gazebo::sensors::Sensor provides lots of functionality, which can be divided in these categories:

You'll find the Gazebo APIs below on the following headers:

It's worth remembering that most of this functionality can be performed using the EntityComponentManager directly.

As an example the Sensor::Pose() is a convienient function for querying the Pose component from the EntityComponentManager, i.e.

math::Pose3d pose = _ecm.Component<components::Pose>(sensorEntityId)->Data();

The functions presented in the sections below exist for convenience and readability. The items marked as TODO means that the equivalent API is not implemented yet in Gazebo.


Most of Gazebo-classic's Sensor API is related to setting and getting properties. These functions are great candidates to have equivalents on Gazebo Gazebo, because the Entity-Component-System architecture is perfect for setting components (properties) into entities such as sensors.

Classic Gazebo
Category TODO
FillMsg TODO
Id ignition::gazebo::Sensor::Entity
IsActive TODO
LastMeasurementTime TODO
LastUpdateTime TODO
Name ignition::gazebo::Sensor::Name
NextRequiredTimestamp TODO
Noise TODO
Pose ignition::gazebo::Sensor::Pose
ResetLastUpdateTime TODO
ScopedName ignition::gazebo::scopedName
SetActive TODO
SetPose TODO
SetUpdateRate TODO
Topic ignition::gazebo::Sensor::Topic
Type ignition::gazebo::entityType
UpdateRate TODO
Visualize TODO
WorldName ignition::gazebo::worldEntity

Read family

These APIs deal with reading information related to parent relationship.

The main difference in these APIs across Gazebo generations is that on classic, they deal with shared pointers to entities, while on Gazebo, they deal with entity IDs.

Classic Gazebo
ParentId ignition::gazebo::Sensor::Parent
ParentName ignition::gazebo::Sensor::Parent

Write family

These functions deal with modifying the entity tree, attaching children to new parents.

Classic Gazebo
SetParent TODO


These functions aren't related to the state of a sensor, but perform some processing related to the sensor's lifecycle, like initializing, updating or terminating it.

Classic Gazebo
ConnectUpdated TODO
Fini N/A
Init N/A
Load ignition::gazebo::SdfEntityCreator::CreateEntities
Update Entities are updated by systems