Interval< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Interval< T >, including all inherited members.

Closed(T _leftValue, T _rightValue)Interval< T >inlinestatic
Contains(const T &_value) constInterval< T >inline
Contains(const Interval< T > &_other) constInterval< T >inline
Empty() constInterval< T >inline
Intersects(const Interval< T > &_other) constInterval< T >inline
Interval()=defaultInterval< T >
Interval(T _leftValue, bool _leftClosed, T _rightValue, bool _rightClosed)Interval< T >inline
IsLeftClosed() constInterval< T >inline
IsRightClosed() constInterval< T >inline
LeftClosed(T _leftValue, T _rightValue)Interval< T >inlinestatic
LeftValue() constInterval< T >inline
Open(T _leftValue, T _rightValue)Interval< T >inlinestatic
operator!=(const Interval< T > &_other) constInterval< T >inline
operator<<(std::ostream &_out, const Interval< T > &_interval)Interval< T >friend
operator==(const Interval< T > &_other) constInterval< T >inline
RightClosed(T _leftValue, T _rightValue)Interval< T >inlinestatic
RightValue() constInterval< T >inline
UnboundedInterval< T >static