Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
CAdditivelySeparableScalarField3< ScalarFunctionT, ScalarT > | The AdditivelySeparableScalarField3 class constructs a scalar field F in R^3 as a sum of scalar functions i.e. F(x, y, z) = k (p(x) + q(y) + r(z)) |
CAngle | Used to simplify and clarify the use of radians and degrees measurements. A default constructed Angle instance has a value of zero radians/degrees |
CAxisAlignedBox | Mathematical representation of a box that is aligned along an X,Y,Z axis |
CBox< Precision > | A representation of a box. All units are in meters |
CCapsule< Precision > | A representation of a capsule or sphere-capped cylinder |
CColor | Defines a color using a red (R), green (G), blue (B), and alpha (A) component. Each color component is in the range [0..1] |
CCylinder< Precision > | A representation of a cylinder |
CDiffDriveOdometry | Computes odometry values based on a set of kinematic properties and wheel speeds for a diff-drive vehicle |
▼CEdge< E > | Generic edge class. An edge has two ends and some constraint between them. For example, a directed edge only allows traversing the edge in one direction |
CDirectedEdge< E > | A directed edge represents a connection between two vertices. The connection is unidirectional, it's only possible to traverse the edge in one direction (from the tail to the head) |
CUndirectedEdge< E > | An undirected edge represents a connection between two vertices. The connection is bidirectional, it's possible to traverse the edge in both directions |
CEdgeInitializer< E > | Used in the Graph constructors for uniform initialization |
CEllipsoid< Precision > | A representation of a general ellipsoid |
▼CFilter< T > | Filter base class |
CBiQuad< T > | Bi-quad filter base class |
COnePole< T > | A one-pole DSP filter |
▼CFilter< math::Quaterniond > | |
▼COnePole< math::Quaterniond > | |
COnePoleQuaternion | One-pole quaternion filter |
▼CFilter< math::Vector3d > | |
▼CBiQuad< math::Vector3d > | |
CBiQuadVector3 | BiQuad vector3 filter |
▼COnePole< math::Vector3d > | |
COnePoleVector3 | One-pole vector3 filter |
CFrustum | Mathematical representation of a frustum and related functions. This is also known as a view frustum |
CGaussMarkovProcess | Implementation of a stationary gauss-markov process, also known as a Ornstein Ulenbeck process |
CGraph< V, E, EdgeType > | A generic graph class. Both vertices and edges can store user information. A vertex could be created passing a custom Id if needed, otherwise it will be choosen internally. The vertices also have a name that could be reused among other vertices if needed. This class supports the use of different edge types (e.g. directed or undirected edges) |
CInertial< T > | The Inertial object provides a representation for the mass and inertia matrix of a body B. The components of the inertia matrix are expressed in what we call the "inertial" frame Bi of the body, i.e. the frame in which these inertia components are measured. The inertial frame Bi must be located at the center of mass of the body, but not necessarily aligned with the body’s frame. In addition, this class allows users to specify a frame F for these inertial properties by specifying the pose X_FBi of the inertial frame Bi in the inertial object frame F |
CInterval< T > | The Interval class represents a range of real numbers. Intervals may be open (a, b), left-closed [a, b), right-closed (a, b], or fully closed [a, b] |
CInterval< ScalarT > | |
CKmeans | K-Means clustering algorithm. Given a set of observations, k-means partitions the observations into k sets so as to minimize the within-cluster sum of squares. Description based on |
CLine2< T > | A two dimensional line segment. The line is defined by a start and end point |
CLine3< T > | A three dimensional line segment. The line is defined by a start and end point |
CMassMatrix3< T > | A class for inertial information about a rigid body consisting of the scalar mass and a 3x3 symmetric moment of inertia matrix stored as two Vector3's |
CMaterial | Contains information about a single material |
CMatrix3< T > | A 3x3 matrix class |
CMatrix4< T > | A 4x4 matrix class |
CMatrix6< T > | A 6x6 matrix class |
CMecanumDriveOdometry | Computes odometry values based on a set of kinematic properties and wheel speeds for a Mecanum-drive vehicle |
CMovingWindowFilter< T > | Base class for MovingWindowFilter. This replaces the version of MovingWindowFilter in the Ignition Common library |
COrientedBox< T > | Mathematical representation of a box which can be arbitrarily positioned and rotated |
CPID | Generic PID controller class. Generic proportional-integral-derivative controller class that keeps track of PID-error states and control inputs given the state of a system and a user specified target state. It includes a user-adjustable command offset term (feed-forward) |
CPiecewiseScalarField3< ScalarField3T, ScalarT >::Piece | A scalar field P in R^3 and the region R in which it is defined |
CPiecewiseScalarField3< ScalarField3T, ScalarT > | The PiecewiseScalarField3 class constructs a scalar field F in R^3 as a union of scalar fields Pn, defined over regions Rn i.e. piecewise |
CPlane< T > | A plane and related functions |
CPolynomial3< T > | The Polynomial3 class represents a cubic polynomial with real coefficients p(x) = c0 x^3 + c1 x^2 + c2 x + c3 |
CPose3< T > | Encapsulates a position and rotation in three space |
CQuaternion | A quaternion class |
CQuaternion< Precision > | |
CQuaternion< T > | |
CRand | Random number generator class |
CRegion3< T > | The Region3 class represents the cartesian product of intervals Ix ✕ Iy ✕ Iz, one per axis, yielding an axis-aligned region of R^3 space. It can be thought of as an intersection of halfspaces. Regions may be open or closed in their boundaries, if any |
CRegion3< ScalarT > | |
CRollingMean | A class that computes the mean over a series of data points. The window size determines the maximum number of data points. The oldest value is popped off when the window size is reached and a new value is pushed in |
CRotationSpline | Spline for rotations |
CSemanticVersion | Version comparison class based on Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 Compares versions and converts versions from string |
▼CSignalStatistic | Statistical properties of a discrete time scalar signal |
CSignalMaxAbsoluteValue | Computing the maximum of the absolute value of a discretely sampled signal. Also known as the maximum norm, infinity norm, or supremum norm |
CSignalMaximum | Computing the maximum value of a discretely sampled signal |
CSignalMean | Computing the mean value of a discretely sampled signal |
CSignalMinimum | Computing the minimum value of a discretely sampled signal |
CSignalRootMeanSquare | Computing the square root of the mean squared value of a discretely sampled signal |
CSignalVariance | Computing the incremental variance of a discretely sampled signal |
CSignalStats | Collection of statistics for a scalar signal |
CSpeedLimiter | Class to limit velocity, acceleration and jerk |
CSphere< Precision > | A representation of a sphere |
CSphericalCoordinates | Convert spherical coordinates for planetary surfaces |
CSpline | Splines |
CStopwatch | The Stopwatch keeps track of time spent in the run state, accessed through ElapsedRunTime(), and time spent in the stop state, accessed through ElapsedStopTime(). Elapsed run time starts accumulating after the first call to Start(). Elapsed stop time starts accumulation after Start() has been called followed by Stop(). The stopwatch can be reset with the Reset() function |
CTemperature | A class that stores temperature information, and allows conversion between different units |
CTriangle< T > | Triangle class and related functions |
CTriangle3< T > | A 3-dimensional triangle and related functions |
CVector2< T > | Two dimensional (x, y) vector |
CVector3< T > | The Vector3 class represents the generic vector containing 3 elements. Since it's commonly used to keep coordinate system related information, its elements are labeled by x, y, z |
CVector3< Precision > | |
CVector3Stats | Collection of statistics for a Vector3 signal |
CVector4< T > | T Generic x, y, z, w vector |
CVertex< V > | A vertex of a graph. It stores user information, an optional name, and keeps an internal unique Id. This class does not enforce to choose a unique name |