Gazebo Math

API Reference

Edge.hh File Reference
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <ostream>
#include <set>
#include <gz/math/config.hh>
#include <gz/math/graph/Vertex.hh>
#include <gz/utils/NeverDestroyed.hh>

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class  DirectedEdge< E >
 A directed edge represents a connection between two vertices. The connection is unidirectional, it's only possible to traverse the edge in one direction (from the tail to the head). More...
class  Edge< E >
 Generic edge class. An edge has two ends and some constraint between them. For example, a directed edge only allows traversing the edge in one direction. More...
struct  EdgeInitializer< E >
 Used in the Graph constructors for uniform initialization. More...
class  UndirectedEdge< E >
 An undirected edge represents a connection between two vertices. The connection is bidirectional, it's possible to traverse the edge in both directions. More...


namespace  gz
namespace  gz::math
namespace  gz::math::graph


using EdgeId = uint64_t
 The unique Id for an edge.
using EdgeId_S = std::set< EdgeId >
template<typename EdgeType >
using EdgeRef_M = std::map< EdgeId, std::reference_wrapper< const EdgeType > >


template<typename E , typename EdgeType >
EdgeTypeNullEdge ()
 An invalid edge.