Gazebo Physics

API Reference

Understanding the Physics Plugin

The Gazebo Physics library integrates physics engines into the Gazebo Simulation eco-system. Each physics engine is wrapped into a Gazebo Physics Plugin that can be loaded in a Gazebo simulation. The Physics Plugin interface loads physics engines with the requested features at runtime. It is also possible to integrate your own selected physics engine by writing a compatible plugin interface.

To get a more in-depth understanding of how the physics plugin works in Gazebo, we will start with some high level concepts and definitions.

High Level Concept

Conceptually, the physics plugin can be viewed from two sides of its interface: user vs. implementation.

Each physics engine provides access to different features implemented by the Gazebo Physics engine. The interface is made possible through the Gazebo Plugin library, which instantiates Features in FeatureLists and supplies pointers to the selected engine. This "user side interface" makes the Gazebo Physics library "callable" from other Gazebo libraries.

The implementation side interface handles specific implementations of each Feature. Depending on what physics engine we are using in the plugin (DART, TPE etc.), the interface might be different. This interface is more internal facing, i.e. used mostly inside the Gazebo Physics library.

The implementation of the physics plugin revolves around four key elements.

  1. Entity

    This is the base class of all "proxy objects". The "proxy objects" are essentially interfaces into the actual objects which exist inside of the various physics engine implementations. The proxy objects contain the minimal amount of data (e.g. a unique identifier, a reference-counter for the implementation object, and a reference to the implementation interface that it needs) necessary to interface with the object inside of the implementation that it refers to.

  2. FeaturePolicy

    FeaturePolicy is a "policy class" used to provide metadata to features about what kind of simulation engine they are going to be used in. Many physics simulations software libraries model 3-dimensional systems, though some (like Box2d) only consider 2-dimensional systems. A FeaturePolicy is used to customize Gazebo Physics' APIs by the number of dimensions (2 or 3) and also the floating point scalar type (float or double). (All of the currently supported physics engines use FeaturePolicy3d i.e. 3 dimensions and double.)

  3. Feature

    This class defines the concept of a Feature, examples like GetWorldFromEngine, GetEngineInfo etc. There is a pre-defined list of features in Gazebo Physics. They are implemented by using external physics engines' APIs to fulfill simulation needs requested by Gazebo.

  4. FeatureList

    This is the class that aggregates a list of features. FeatureLists can be constructed in hierarchies, e.g. a FeatureList can be passed into another FeatureList, and the set of all features in the new list will be the sum.

FeatureList Organization

For example, here are the FeatureLists used in the implementation of the Dartsim physics engine. Plugin implementations for other engines may choose to organize features into FeatureLists differently.

Name Definition
Base contains data structures and functions that define and use "proxy objects"
CustomFeatures retrieves World entity from physics engine
EntityManagementFeatures provides features to get, remove and construct entities
FreeGroupFeatures finds free group entities and sets world pose, linear and angular velocities
JointFeatures defines types of joints used and sets joint properties
KinematicsFeatures computes frame relative to world
LinkFeatures applies external force and torque to link
SDFFeatures constructs entities from SDF file
ShapeFeatures retrieves Shape related properties like BoundingBox, ShapeSize etc.
SimulationFeatures updates World and everything within by defined stepsize
WorldFeatures sets options like solver and collision detector

Available Physics Plugins

Dart (Dynamic Animation and Robotics Toolkit) is an open source library that provides data structures and algorithms for kinematic and dynamic applications in robotics and computer animation. It is the default physics engine used in Gazebo Simulation. The source code for Dartsim plugin can be found in Gazebo Physics repository under dartsim directory.

TPE (Trivial Physics Engine) is an open source library created by Open Robotics that enables fast, inexpensive kinematics simulation for entities at large scale. It supports higher-order fleet dynamics without real physics (eg. gravity, force, constraint etc.) and multi-machine synchronization. The source code for TPE plugin can be found in Gazebo Physics repository under the tpe/plugin directory.

Bullet (Bullet3 Physics Engine) is an open source library that supports real-time collision detection and multi-physics simulation for robotics and other application domains. Since Bullet supports two different APIs - a rigid-body API and a multibody API - with different physics implementations, there are two available plugin implementations:

  • The bullet plugin implements the rigid-body API, and the source code can be found in Gazebo Physics repository under the bullet directory.
  • The bullet-featherstone plugin implements the multibody API (based on Featherstone's algorithms), and the source code can be found in Gazebo Physics repository under the bullet-featherstone directory.

Entity Comparison

The following is a table of Entity names used in the Gazebo Physics plugin interface, mapped to corresponding types in each supported physics engine. Entities are arranged in top-down hierarchical order.

Physics Plugin Dart TPE Bullet Bullet Featherstone
Engine Engine Engine Engine Engine
World World World btDiscreteDynamicsWorld btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld
Frame Frame N/A N/A1 N/A1
Model Skeleton Model N/A2 btMultiBody
Joint Joint N/A btTypedConstraint btMultiBodyJoint3
Link BodyNode Link btRigidBody btMultiBodyLink
Shape Shape Collision btCollisionShape btCollisionShape
Box/Sphere/Cylinder etc. Box/Sphere/Cylinder etc. Box/Sphere/Cylinder etc. Box/Sphere/Cylinder etc. Box/Sphere/Cylinder etc.

1 Frames are implicitly attached to joints, links, collisions or models in the Bullet physics engine.

2 The Bullet rigid-body API does not have a concept of a Model, but the plugin maintains a collection of Links and Joints in the engine associated with a Model.

3 There are multiple types in the Bullet Featherstone API to interact with joints, such as btMultiBodyJointLimitConstraint, btMultiBodyJointMotor and btMultiBodyJointFeedback.

Feature Comparison

For a list of all available Features in the Gazebo Physics library, check the classes inherited from Feature in the Gazebo Physics API. To check if a physics plugin implements a particular Feature, check the FeatureLists supported by that plugin as specified in the file, for example, dartsim/src/

Next, check out the tutorial on Loading physics plugins on how to load a plugin and access a specific Feature interface of the plugin programmatically.