gz::physics Namespace Reference


namespace  heightmap
namespace  mesh
namespace  sdf


class  AddedMass
class  AddLinkExternalForceTorque
struct  ApplyExternalForceTorques
struct  ApplyGeneralizedForces
class  AttachBoxShapeFeature
 This feature constructs a new box shape and attaches the desired pose in the link frame. The pose could be defined to be the box center point or any corner in actual implementation. More...
class  AttachCapsuleShapeFeature
 This feature constructs a new capsule shape and attaches the desired pose in the link frame. The pose could be defined to be the capsule center point in actual implementation. More...
class  AttachConeShapeFeature
 This feature constructs a new cone shape and attaches the desired pose in the link frame. The pose could be defined to be the cone center point in actual implementation. More...
class  AttachCylinderShapeFeature
 This feature constructs a new cylinder shape and attaches the desired pose in the link frame. The pose could be defined to be the cylinder center point in actual implementation. More...
class  AttachEllipsoidShapeFeature
 This feature constructs a new ellipsoid shape and attaches the desired pose in the link frame. The pose could be defined to be the ellipsoid center point in actual implementation. More...
class  AttachPlaneShapeFeature
 This feature constructs a new plane shape and attaches the desired point, which the plane passes thorugh in the link frame. The default point is at zero coordinate. More...
class  AttachPrismaticJointFeature
 Provide the API for attaching a Link to another Link (or directly to the World) with a prismatic joint. After calling AttachPrismaticJoint the Link's parent joint will be a prismatic joint. More...
class  AttachRevoluteJointFeature
 Provide the API for attaching a Link to another Link (or directly to the World) with a revolute joint. After calling AttachRevoluteJoint, the Link's parent joint will be a revolute joint. More...
class  AttachSphereShapeFeature
 This feature constructs a new sphere shape and attaches the desired pose in the link frame. The pose is defined as the sphere center point in actual implementation. More...
class  CanReadExpectedData
class  CanReadRequiredData
 CanReadRequiredData provides compile-time static analysis to ensure that the inheriting class provides a Read(~) function overload for each of the data types that are listed as required in the Specification. It also provides a function that will invoke Read(~) on each of the required data types (you may indicate whether or not it should only invoke them on unqueried data). More...
class  CanWriteExpectedData
class  CanWriteRequiredData
 CanWriteRequiredData provides compile-time static analysis to ensure that the inheriting class provides a Write(~) function overload for each of the data types that are listed as required in the Specification. It also provides a function that will invoke Write(~) on each of the required data types (you may indicate whether or not it should only invoke them on unqueried data). More...
struct  ChangedWorldPoses
 ChangedWorldPoses has the same definition as WorldPoses. This type provides a way to keep track of which poses have changed in a simulation step. More...
class  CollisionDetector
class  CollisionFilterMaskFeature
class  CollisionPairMaxContacts
class  CompleteFrameSemantics
 This feature will apply frame semantics to all objects. More...
class  CompositeData
 The CompositeData class allows arbitrary data structures to be composed together, copied, and moved with type erasure. More...
struct  ConstCompatible
 Contains a static constexpr field named value which will be true if the type From has a const-quality less than or equal to the type To. More...
struct  ConstCompatible< To, const From >
class  ConstructEmptyLinkFeature
 This feature constructs an empty link and returns its pointer from the given model. More...
class  ConstructEmptyModelFeature
 [ConstructEmptyWorld] More...
class  ConstructEmptyNestedModelFeature
 This feature constructs an empty nested model and returns its pointer from the given world. More...
class  ConstructEmptyWorldFeature
 This feature constructs an empty world and returns its pointer from the current physics engine in use. More...
struct  Contacts
struct  DataStatusMask
 This struct encodes criteria for CompositeData::DataStatus so that Read and Write operations can be done for specific types of data (ie. required and unqueried or only existing data). It is used by OperateOnSpecifiedData at run-time. More...
class  DetachJointFeature
struct  Empty
 Useful as a blank placeholder in template metaprogramming. More...
class  Entity
 This is the base class of all "proxy objects". The "proxy objects" are essentially interfaces into the actual objects which exist inside of the various physics engine implementations. The proxy objects contain the minimal amount of data (e.g. a unique identifier, a reference-counter for the implementation object, and a reference to the implementation interface that it needs) necessary to interface with the object inside of the implementation that it refers to. More...
class  EntityPtr
class  ExpectData< Expected >
 ExpectData is an extension of CompositeData which indicates that the composite expects to be operating on the data types listed in its template arguments. All of the expected types will benefit from very high-speed operations when being accessed from an object of type ExpectData<Expected>. The ordinary CompositeData class needs to perform a map lookup on the data type whenever one of its functions is called, but an ExpectData<T> object does not need to perform any map lookup when performing an operation on T (e.g. .Get<T>(), .Insert<T>(), .Query<T>(), .Has<T>(), etc). More...
class  Feature
 This class defines the concept of a Feature. It should be inherited by classes that define some plugin feature. More...
struct  FeatureList
 Use a FeatureList to aggregate a list of Features. More...
struct  FeaturePolicy
 FeaturePolicy is a "policy class" used to provide metadata to features about what kind of simulation engine they are going to be used in. More...
struct  FeatureWithConflicts
 If your feature is known to conflict with any other feature, then you should have your feature class inherit FeatureWithConflicts<...>, and pass it a list of the features that it conflicts with. More...
struct  FeatureWithRequirements
 If your feature is known to require any other features, then you should have your feature class inherit FeatureWithRequirements<...>, and pass it a list of the features that it requires. More...
struct  FindExpected
 This allows us to specify that we are interested in expected data while performing template metaprogramming. More...
struct  FindFeatures
struct  FindRequired
 This allows us to specify that we are interested in required data while performing template metaprogramming. More...
struct  ForceTorque
class  ForwardStep
 ForwardStep is a feature that allows a simulation of a world to take one step forward in time. More...
struct  FrameData
 The FrameData struct fully describes the kinematic state of a Frame with "Dim" dimensions and "Scalar" precision. Dim is allowed to be 2 or 3, and Scalar is allowed to be double or float. We provide the following fully qualified types: More...
class  FrameID
 Container for specifying Frame IDs. We do not want to use a generic integer type for this, because it may lead to bugs where a plain integer is mistaken for a FrameID. This also allows the compiler to always perform argument deduction successfully. More...
class  FrameSemantics
 FrameSemantics is an Interface that can be provided by gz-physics engines to provide users with easy ways to express kinematic quantities in terms of frames and compute their values in terms of arbitrary frames of reference. More...
class  FreeGroupFrameSemantics
 This feature provides an interface between the Model and Link classes and the FreeGroup class, which represents a group of links that are not connected to the world with any kinematic constraints. A FreeGroup can represent a single connected group of links that forms a tree with the root of the tree connected to the world with a FreeJoint, but it can also represent a group of other FreeGroups. Each FreeGroup has 1 canonical link, whose frame is used for getting and setting properties like pose and velocity. If the FreeGroup is a single tree of connected links, the canonical link should be the root of that tree. If the FreeGroup contains multiple FreeGroups, the canonical link should be selected from one of the component FreeGroups. More...
struct  FreeVector
struct  FromPolicy
 This struct is used to conveniently convert from a policy to a geometric type. Example usage: More...
struct  GeneralizedParameters
class  GetBasicJointProperties
 This feature retrieves the generalized joint properties such as Degrees Of Freedom (DoF), the transformation matrix from the joint's parent link to this joint and the transformation matrix from this joint to its child link. More...
class  GetBasicJointState
 This feature retrieves the generalized joint states such as position, velocity, acceleration of the joint, applied force to the joint and the transformation matrix from the joint's parent link to this joint's child link based on its current position. More...
class  GetContactsFromLastStepFeature
 GetContactsFromLastStepFeature is a feature for retrieving the list of contacts generated in the previous simulation step. More...
class  GetEngineInfo
 This feature retrieves the physics engine name in use. More...
struct  GetEntities
class  GetJointFromModel
 This feature retrieves the joint pointer from the model by specifying model index and joint index/name. More...
class  GetJointTransmittedWrench
class  GetLinkBoundingBox
 This feature retrieves the axis aligned bounding box for the shapes attached to this link in the requested frame. The default frame is the world frame. More...
class  GetLinkFromModel
 This feature retrieves the link pointer from the model by specifying model index and link index/name. More...
class  GetModelBoundingBox
 This feature retrieves the axis aligned bounding box for the model in the requested frame. The default frame is the world frame. More...
class  GetModelFromWorld
 This feature retrieves the model pointer from the simulation world by specifying world index and model index/name. More...
class  GetNestedModelFromModel
 This feature retrieves the nested model pointer from the parent model by specifying the name or index of the nested model. More...
class  GetRayIntersectionFromLastStepFeature
 GetRayIntersectionFromLastStepFeature is a feature for retrieving the ray intersection generated in the previous simulation step. More...
class  GetShapeBoundingBox
 This feature retrieves the shape's axis aligned bounding box in the requested frame. The default frame is the world frame. More...
class  GetShapeCollisionProperties
 This feature retrieves the shape collision properties such as the shape surface friction coefficient and restitution coefficient. More...
class  GetShapeFrictionPyramidSlipCompliance
 This feature retrieves the shape's slip compliance of the first and second friction direction in the friction pyramid model. More...
class  GetShapeFromLink
 This feature retrieves the shape pointer from the link by specifying link index and shape index/name. More...
class  GetShapeKinematicProperties
 This feature retrieves the shape kinematic properties such as the the relative transform from the the link frame to this shape frame. More...
class  GetWorldFromEngine
 This feature retrieves the world pointer using index or name from the physics engine in use. More...
class  Gravity
 Get and set the World's gravity vector in a specified frame. More...
struct  IsExpectedBy
 Provides a constexpr field named value whose value is true if and only if Data is expected by Specification. More...
struct  IsRequiredBy
 Provides a constexpr field named value whose value is true if and only if Data is required by Specification. More...
class  JointFrameSemantics
 This feature will apply frame semantics to Joint objects. More...
struct  JointPositions
class  LinkFrameSemantics
 This feature will apply frame semantics to Link objects. More...
class  ModelFrameSemantics
 This feature will apply frame semantics to Model objects. More...
class  OperateOnSpecifiedData
 OperateOnSpecifiedData allows us to statically analyze whether a class (Performer) can perform an operation on all the relevant types within a CompositeData Specification. It also provides functions for performing that operation. More...
struct  PIDValues
struct  Point
struct  ReadOptions
 ReadOptions provides customization for the ReadRequiredData and ReadExpectedData functions provided by CanReadRequiredData and CanReadExpectedData. More...
class  RelativeQuantity
 The RelativeQuantity class is a wrapper for classes that represent mathematical quantities (e.g. points, vectors, matrices, transforms). The purpose of this wrapper is to endow raw mathematical quantities with frame semantics, so that they can express the frame of reference of their values. More...
class  RemoveModelFromWorld
 This feature removes a Model entity from the index-specified World. More...
class  RemoveNestedModelFromModel
 This feature removes a nested Model entity from the specified parent Model. More...
struct  RequestEngine
 This class provides utilities for inspecting what features are available in a plugin. More...
struct  RequestFeatures
 This class can be used to request features from an entity, or identify what features are missing from an entity. More...
class  RequireData< Required >
 RequireData is an extension of ExpectData which indicates that the composite requires the existence of any data types that are listed in its template arguments. More...
struct  ServoControlCommands
class  SetBasicJointState
 This feature sets the generalized joint states such as position, velocity, acceleration of the joint and the applied force to the joint. More...
class  SetBoxShapeProperties
class  SetCapsuleShapeProperties
 This feature sets the CapsuleShape properties such as the capsule radius and length. More...
class  SetConeShapeProperties
 This feature sets the ConeShape properties such as the cone radius and height. More...
class  SetContactPropertiesCallbackFeature
 SetContactPropertiesCallbackFeature is a feature for setting the properties of a contact after it is created but before it affects the forward step. More...
class  SetCylinderShapeProperties
 This feature sets the CylinderShape properties such as the cylinder radius and height. More...
class  SetEllipsoidShapeProperties
 This feature sets the EllipsoidShape properties such as the ellipsoid radii. More...
class  SetFreeGroupWorldPose
 This features sets the FreeGroup pose in world frame. However, while a physics engine with maximal coordinates can provide Link::SetWorldPose and similar functions for setting velocity regardless of the kinematic constraints on that link, this behavior for FreeGroup is not well defined and difficult to implement with generalized coordinates. The FreeGroup::SetWorldPose function should provide an analog to both Link::SetWorldPose and Model::SetWorldPose. More...
class  SetFreeGroupWorldVelocity
 This features sets the FreeGroup linear and angular velocity in world frame. More...
class  SetJointEffortLimitsFeature
 This feature sets the min and max value of effort of this Joint. More...
class  SetJointPositionLimitsFeature
 This feature sets the min and max generalized position of this Joint. More...
class  SetJointTransformFromParentFeature
class  SetJointTransformToChildFeature
class  SetJointVelocityCommandFeature
 This feature sets the commanded value of generalized velocity of this Joint. More...
class  SetJointVelocityLimitsFeature
 This feature sets the min and max value of generalized velocity of this Joint. More...
class  SetMimicConstraintFeature
 This feature applies a Mimic constraint to an axis of this Joint. This constraint encodes a linear relationship between the output position of two joint axes. One joint axis is labelled as the leader and the other as the follower. The multiplier, offset, and reference parameters determine the linear relationship according to the following equation: More...
class  SetPlaneShapeProperties
class  SetPrismaticJointProperties
 Provide the API for setting a prismatic joint's axis. Not all physics engines are able to change properties during run-time, so some might support getting the joint axis but not setting it. More...
class  SetRevoluteJointProperties
 Provide the API for setting a revolute joint's axis. Not all physics engines are able to change properties during run-time, so some might support getting the joint axis but not setting it. More...
class  SetShapeCollisionProperties
 This feature sets the Shape collision properties such as the Shape surface friction coefficient and restitution coefficient. More...
class  SetShapeFrictionPyramidSlipCompliance
 This feature sets the Shape's slip compliance of the first and second friction direction in the friction pyramid model. More...
class  SetShapeKinematicProperties
class  SetSphereShapeProperties
class  ShapeFrameSemantics
class  Solver
class  SpecifyData
 The SpecifyData class allows you to form combinations of data specifications. In other words, you can freely mix invocations to RequireData and ExpectData. Example usage: More...
struct  TimeStep
struct  type
 This can be used to turn a type into a function argument, which is useful for template metaprogramming. More...
struct  VelocityControlCommands
class  WorldModelFeature
 This feature retrieves a model proxy of a world so that model APIs can be used on the world, e.g., to access a world joint. More...
struct  WorldPose
struct  WorldPoses
struct  Wrench
struct  WriteOptions
 A struct that defines options for writing data to a CompositeData object. More...


template<typename Scalar , std::size_t Dim>
using AlignedBox = Eigen::AlignedBox< Scalar, Dim >
using AlignedBox2d = AlignedBox< double, 2 >
using AlignedBox2f = AlignedBox< float, 2 >
using AlignedBox3d = AlignedBox< double, 3 >
using AlignedBox3f = AlignedBox< float, 3 >
template<typename Scalar , std::size_t Dim>
using AngularVector = Vector< Scalar,(Dim *(Dim-1))/2 >
using AngularVector2d = AngularVector< double, 2 >
using AngularVector2f = AngularVector< float, 2 >
using AngularVector3d = AngularVector< double, 3 >
using AngularVector3f = AngularVector< float, 3 >
using FeaturePolicy2d = FeaturePolicy< double, 2 >
using FeaturePolicy2f = FeaturePolicy< float, 2 >
using FeaturePolicy3d = FeaturePolicy< double, 3 >
using FeaturePolicy3f = FeaturePolicy< float, 3 >
template<typename FeatureListT >
using FindFeatures2d = FindFeatures< FeaturePolicy2d, FeatureListT >
template<typename FeatureListT >
using FindFeatures2f = FindFeatures< FeaturePolicy2f, FeatureListT >
template<typename FeatureListT >
using FindFeatures3d = FindFeatures< FeaturePolicy3d, FeatureListT >
template<typename FeatureListT >
using FindFeatures3f = FindFeatures< FeaturePolicy3f, FeatureListT >
using GetLinkBoundingBoxRequiredFeatures = FeatureList< GetShapeBoundingBox, GetShapeFromLink, LinkFrameSemantics >
using GetModelBoundingBoxRequiredFeatures = FeatureList< GetLinkBoundingBox, GetLinkFromModel, ModelFrameSemantics >
using GravityRequiredFeatures = FeatureList< FrameSemantics >
template<typename PolicyT , typename FeatureListT >
using Implements = detail::ExtractImplementation< PolicyT, FeatureListT >
 Physics plugins should inherit this class and pass it a FeatureList containing all the features that their plugin intends to implement.
template<typename FeatureListT >
using Implements2d = Implements< FeaturePolicy2d, FeatureListT >
template<typename FeatureListT >
using Implements2f = Implements< FeaturePolicy2f, FeatureListT >
template<typename FeatureListT >
using Implements3d = Implements< FeaturePolicy3d, FeatureListT >
template<typename FeatureListT >
using Implements3f = Implements< FeaturePolicy3f, FeatureListT >
template<typename Scalar , std::size_t Dim>
using LinearVector = Vector< Scalar, Dim >
using LinearVector2d = LinearVector< double, 2 >
using LinearVector2f = LinearVector< float, 2 >
using LinearVector3d = LinearVector< double, 3 >
using LinearVector3f = LinearVector< float, 3 >
template<typename Scalar , std::size_t Dim>
using Pose = Eigen::Transform< Scalar, Dim, Eigen::Isometry >
 This is used by gz-physics to represent rigid body transforms in 2D or 3D simulations. The precision can be chosen as float or scalar.
using Pose2d = Pose< double, 2 >
using Pose2f = Pose< float, 2 >
using Pose3d = Pose< double, 3 >
using Pose3f = Pose< float, 3 >
using RelativeAlignedBox = RelativeQuantity< AlignedBox< Scalar, Dim >, Dim, detail::AABBSpace< Scalar, Dim > >
using RelativeForce = RelativeQuantity< LinearVector< Scalar, Dim >, Dim, detail::VectorSpace< Scalar, Dim > >
using RelativeFrameData = RelativeQuantity< FrameData< Scalar, Dim >, Dim, detail::FrameSpace< Scalar, Dim > >
template<typename Scalar , std::size_t Dim>
using RelativePose = RelativeQuantity< Pose< Scalar, Dim >, Dim, detail::SESpace< Scalar, Dim > >
template<typename Scalar , std::size_t Dim>
using RelativePosition = RelativeQuantity< LinearVector< Scalar, Dim >, Dim, detail::EuclideanSpace< Scalar, Dim > >
using RelativeQuaterniond = RelativeQuaternion< double >
using RelativeQuaternionf = RelativeQuaternion< float >
using RelativeRotationMatrix = RelativeQuantity< Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Dim, Dim >, Dim, detail::SOSpace< Scalar, Dim, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Dim, Dim > > >
using RelativeTorque = RelativeQuantity< AngularVector< Scalar, Dim >, Dim, detail::VectorSpace< Scalar,(Dim *(Dim-1))/2 > >
using RelativeWrench = RelativeQuantity< Wrench< Scalar, Dim >, Dim, detail::WrenchSpace< Scalar, Dim > >
using RemoveEntities = FeatureList< RemoveModelFromWorld, RemoveNestedModelFromModel >
template<typename FeatureList >
using RequestEngine2d = RequestEngine< FeaturePolicy2d, FeatureList >
template<typename FeatureList >
using RequestEngine2f = RequestEngine< FeaturePolicy2f, FeatureList >
template<typename FeatureList >
using RequestEngine3d = RequestEngine< FeaturePolicy3d, FeatureList >
template<typename FeatureList >
using RequestEngine3f = RequestEngine< FeaturePolicy3f, FeatureList >
template<typename Scalar , std::size_t Dim>
using Vector = Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, Dim, 1 >
using Vector2d = Vector< double, 2 >
using Vector2f = Vector< float, 2 >
using Vector3d = Vector< double, 3 >
using Vector3f = Vector< float, 3 >
template<typename... >
using void_t = void
using Wrench2d = Wrench< double, 2 >
using Wrench2f = Wrench< float, 2 >
using Wrench3d = Wrench< double, 3 >
using Wrench3f = Wrench< float, 3 >


template<typename Specification >
constexpr std::size_t CountUpperLimitOfExpectedData ()
 This provides an upper limit on the number of expected data types in a CompositeData specification. This is an upper limit because when a data type is specified multiple times within a specficiation, it will be counted multiple times. As long as each data type is only specified once, it will provide an exact count.
template<typename Specification >
constexpr std::size_t CountUpperLimitOfRequiredData ()
 Same as CountUpperLimitOfExpectedData() except it will count required data instead.
template<typename Specification , template< typename > class SpecFinder>
constexpr std::size_t CountUpperLimitOfSpecifiedData ()
 Same as CountUpperLimitOfExpectedData() except you can specify what kind of data to count using SpecFinder. SpecFinder must accept a data specification (or void) as a template argument and provide a type called Data. See FindExpected and FindRequired below for examples.
std::string getEngineInstallDir ()
 getEngineInstallDir return the install directory of the engines
std::string getInstallPrefix ()
 getInstallPrefix return the install prefix of the library i.e. CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX unless the library has been moved
 GZ_PHYSICS_MAKE_ALL_TYPE_COMBOS (FrameData) template< typename Scalar
 GZ_PHYSICS_MAKE_ALL_TYPE_COMBOS (RelativePose) template< typename Scalar
 GZ_PHYSICS_MAKE_ALL_TYPE_COMBOS (RelativeRotationMatrix) template< typename Scalar > using RelativeQuaternion
 GZ_PHYSICS_MAKE_ALL_TYPE_COMBOS (RelativeTorque) template< typename Scalar
std::size_t Dim std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &stream, const FrameData< Scalar, Dim > &_frame)
template<typename Q , std::size_t Dim, typename CoordinateSpace >
std::ostreamoperator<< (std::ostream &stream, const RelativeQuantity< Q, Dim, CoordinateSpace > &_fq)
template<typename Scalar >
Eigen::Rotation2D< Scalar > Rotate (const Scalar &_angle, const AngularVector< Scalar, 2 > &_axis)
template<typename Scalar >
Eigen::AngleAxis< Scalar > Rotate (const Scalar &_angle, const AngularVector< Scalar, 3 > &_axis)


const std::size_t INVALID_ENTITY_ID
 This constant-value should be used to indicate that an Entity ID is invalid (i.e. does not refer to a real entity).

Typedef Documentation


template<typename Scalar , std::size_t Dim>
using AlignedBox = Eigen::AlignedBox<Scalar, Dim>


using AlignedBox2d = AlignedBox <double, 2 >


using AlignedBox2f = AlignedBox <float, 2 >


using AlignedBox3d = AlignedBox <double, 3 >


using AlignedBox3f = AlignedBox <float, 3 >


template<typename Scalar , std::size_t Dim>
using AngularVector = Vector<Scalar, (Dim*(Dim-1))/2>


using AngularVector2d = AngularVector <double, 2 >


using AngularVector2f = AngularVector <float, 2 >


using AngularVector3d = AngularVector <double, 3 >


using AngularVector3f = AngularVector <float, 3 >


using FeaturePolicy2d = FeaturePolicy<double, 2>


using FeaturePolicy2f = FeaturePolicy<float, 2>


using FeaturePolicy3d = FeaturePolicy<double, 3>


using FeaturePolicy3f = FeaturePolicy<float, 3>


template<typename FeatureListT >
using FindFeatures2d = FindFeatures<FeaturePolicy2d, FeatureListT>


template<typename FeatureListT >
using FindFeatures2f = FindFeatures<FeaturePolicy2f, FeatureListT>


template<typename FeatureListT >
using FindFeatures3d = FindFeatures<FeaturePolicy3d, FeatureListT>


template<typename FeatureListT >
using FindFeatures3f = FindFeatures<FeaturePolicy3f, FeatureListT>





template<typename PolicyT , typename FeatureListT >
using Implements = detail::ExtractImplementation<PolicyT, FeatureListT>

Physics plugins should inherit this class and pass it a FeatureList containing all the features that their plugin intends to implement.

Below are simpler templates that hardcode the dimensionality and precision.


template<typename FeatureListT >
using Implements2d = Implements<FeaturePolicy2d, FeatureListT>


template<typename FeatureListT >
using Implements2f = Implements<FeaturePolicy2f, FeatureListT>


template<typename FeatureListT >
using Implements3d = Implements<FeaturePolicy3d, FeatureListT>


template<typename FeatureListT >
using Implements3f = Implements<FeaturePolicy3f, FeatureListT>


template<typename Scalar , std::size_t Dim>
using LinearVector = Vector<Scalar, Dim>


using LinearVector2d = LinearVector <double, 2 >


using LinearVector2f = LinearVector <float, 2 >


using LinearVector3d = LinearVector <double, 3 >


using LinearVector3f = LinearVector <float, 3 >


template<typename Scalar , std::size_t Dim>
using Pose = Eigen::Transform<Scalar, Dim, Eigen::Isometry>

This is used by gz-physics to represent rigid body transforms in 2D or 3D simulations. The precision can be chosen as float or scalar.


using Pose2d = Pose <double, 2 >


using Pose2f = Pose <float, 2 >


using Pose3d = Pose <double, 3 >


using Pose3f = Pose <float, 3 >


using RelativeAlignedBox = RelativeQuantity< AlignedBox<Scalar, Dim>, Dim, detail::AABBSpace<Scalar, Dim> >


using RelativeForce = RelativeQuantity< LinearVector<Scalar, Dim>, Dim, detail::VectorSpace<Scalar, Dim> >


using RelativeFrameData = RelativeQuantity< FrameData<Scalar, Dim>, Dim, detail::FrameSpace<Scalar, Dim> >


template<typename Scalar , std::size_t Dim>
using RelativePose = RelativeQuantity< Pose<Scalar, Dim>, Dim, detail::SESpace<Scalar, Dim> >


template<typename Scalar , std::size_t Dim>
using RelativePosition = RelativeQuantity< LinearVector<Scalar, Dim>, Dim, detail::EuclideanSpace<Scalar, Dim> >


using RelativeQuaterniond = RelativeQuaternion<double>


using RelativeQuaternionf = RelativeQuaternion<float>


using RelativeRotationMatrix = RelativeQuantity< Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Dim, Dim>, Dim, detail::SOSpace<Scalar, Dim, Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Dim, Dim> >>


using RelativeTorque = RelativeQuantity< AngularVector<Scalar, Dim>, Dim, detail::VectorSpace<Scalar, (Dim*(Dim-1))/2> >


using RelativeWrench = RelativeQuantity< Wrench<Scalar, Dim>, Dim, detail::WrenchSpace<Scalar, Dim> >







template<typename Scalar , std::size_t Dim>
using Vector = Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Dim, 1>


using Vector2d = Vector <double, 2 >


using Vector2f = Vector <float, 2 >


using Vector3d = Vector <double, 3 >


using Vector3f = Vector <float, 3 >


template<typename... >
using void_t = void

TODO(MXG): Remove this and use std::void_t instead when migrating to C++17


using Wrench2d = Wrench <double, 2 >


using Wrench2f = Wrench <float, 2 >


using Wrench3d = Wrench <double, 3 >


using Wrench3f = Wrench <float, 3 >

Function Documentation


template<typename Specification >
constexpr std::size_t CountUpperLimitOfExpectedData ( )

This provides an upper limit on the number of expected data types in a CompositeData specification. This is an upper limit because when a data type is specified multiple times within a specficiation, it will be counted multiple times. As long as each data type is only specified once, it will provide an exact count.

This is a constexpr so it will be evaluated at compile-time and behaves like a constant literal.


template<typename Specification >
constexpr std::size_t CountUpperLimitOfRequiredData ( )

Same as CountUpperLimitOfExpectedData() except it will count required data instead.


template<typename Specification , template< typename > class SpecFinder>
constexpr std::size_t CountUpperLimitOfSpecifiedData ( )

Same as CountUpperLimitOfExpectedData() except you can specify what kind of data to count using SpecFinder. SpecFinder must accept a data specification (or void) as a template argument and provide a type called Data. See FindExpected and FindRequired below for examples.


std::string getEngineInstallDir ( )

getEngineInstallDir return the install directory of the engines


std::string getInstallPrefix ( )

getInstallPrefix return the install prefix of the library i.e. CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX unless the library has been moved






GZ_PHYSICS_MAKE_ALL_TYPE_COMBOS ( RelativeRotationMatrix  )



🔗operator<<() [1/2]

🔗operator<<() [2/2]

template<typename Q , std::size_t Dim, typename CoordinateSpace >
std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream stream,
const RelativeQuantity< Q, Dim, CoordinateSpace > &  _fq 

🔗Rotate() [1/2]

template<typename Scalar >
Eigen::Rotation2D< Scalar > Rotate ( const Scalar &  _angle,
const AngularVector< Scalar, 2 > &  _axis 

🔗Rotate() [2/2]

template<typename Scalar >
Eigen::AngleAxis< Scalar > Rotate ( const Scalar &  _angle,
const AngularVector< Scalar, 3 > &  _axis 

Variable Documentation


const std::size_t INVALID_ENTITY_ID
Initial value:

This constant-value should be used to indicate that an Entity ID is invalid (i.e. does not refer to a real entity).