Gazebo Rendering

API Reference

Gazebo scene viewer

The Gazebo scene viewer examples allow us to visualize Gazebo simulation using the Gazebo Rendering library.

Compile and run the example

Clone the source code, create a build directory and use cmake and make to compile the code:

git clone
cd gz-rendering/examples/gazebo_scene_viewer
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


Launch Gazebo and insert Double pendulum with base:


Launch the example to visualize the pendulum:


You can use the Tab button to change the rendering engine.


Launch Gazebo using the world inside the example directory called You will see some objects falling.

gazebo examples/gazebo_scene_viewer/

Launch the example to visualize the objects:


You can use the Tab button to change the rendering engine.


The SceneManager class defined in SceneManager.hh, SceneManagerPrivate.hh and manages a collection of scenes. The class provides a single interface for modifications, allowing multiple scenes to stay synchronized. It will allow us to receive data from Gazebo and update the render window each time that the examples receive a new scene. This class currently consumes Gazebo-specific protobuf messages.

The following list will describe some methods:

  • void SceneManagerPrivate::Init(): It initializes the communication with Gazebo. It will create some subscribers to receive data about poses, light, models, joints, visual or sensors.
// listen for pre-render events
this->preRenderConn = gazebo::event::Events::ConnectPreRender(
std::bind(&SceneManagerPrivate::UpdateScenes, this));
// setup transport communication node
this->transportNode = gazebo::transport::NodePtr(
new gazebo::transport::Node());
// create publisher for sending scene request
this->requestPub =
// listen for deletion requests
this->requestSub = this->transportNode->Subscribe("~/request",
&SceneManagerPrivate::OnRequest, this);
// listen for scene & deletion requests responses
this->responseSub = this->transportNode->Subscribe("~/response",
&SceneManagerPrivate::OnResponse, this);
// listen for to light updates
this->lightSub = this->transportNode->Subscribe("~/light",
&SceneManagerPrivate::OnLightUpdate, this);
// TODO(anyone): handle non-local model info
// listen for to model updates
this->modelSub = this->transportNode->Subscribe("~/model/info",
&SceneManagerPrivate::OnModelUpdate, this);
// listen for to joint updates
this->jointSub = this->transportNode->Subscribe("~/joint",
&SceneManagerPrivate::OnJointUpdate, this);
// listen for to visual updates
this->visualSub = this->transportNode->Subscribe("~/visual",
&SceneManagerPrivate::OnVisualUpdate, this);
// listen for to sensor updates
this->sensorSub = this->transportNode->Subscribe("~/sensor",
&SceneManagerPrivate::OnSensorUpdate, this);
// TODO(anyone): handle non-local pose info
// listen for to pose updates
this->poseSub = this->transportNode->Subscribe("~/pose/local/info",
&SceneManagerPrivate::OnPoseUpdate, this);
  • void SubSceneManager::ProcessMessages(): This method will process the messages received from Gazebo. Calling the right primitive to render lights, models, joints, visuals, sensors or poses of the different object received.
    For example, if the Gazebo scene contains a cylinder the following method will be called:
    void SubSceneManager::ProcessCylinder(
    const gazebo::msgs::Geometry &_geometryMsg, VisualPtr _parent)
    GeometryPtr cylinder = this->activeScene->CreateCylinder();
    const gazebo::msgs::CylinderGeom &cylinderMsg = _geometryMsg.cylinder();
    double x = 2 * cylinderMsg.radius();
    double y = 2 * cylinderMsg.radius();
    double z = cylinderMsg.length();
    _parent->SetLocalScale(x, y, z);
  • void CurrentSceneManager::OnPoseUpdate(::ConstPosesStampedPtr &_posesMsg): This method is called when the subscriber receives a new pose message.
    void CurrentSceneManager::OnPoseUpdate(::ConstPosesStampedPtr &_posesMsg)
    // record pose timestamp
    this->timePosesReceived = std::chrono::seconds(_posesMsg->time().sec()) +
    // process each pose in message
    for (int i = 0; i < _posesMsg->pose_size(); ++i)
    // replace into pose map
    gazebo::msgs::Pose pose = _posesMsg->pose(i);
    std::string name =;
    this->poseMsgs[name] = pose;