Simple demo
This example shows how move the camera automatically.
Compile and run the example
Clone the source code, create a build directory and use cmake
and make
to compile the code:
git clone
cd gz-rendering/examples/simple_demo
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
# Linux
cmake --build .
# Windows
cmake --build . --config Release
Execute the example:
# Linux
# Windows
You'll see:
[Msg] Loading plugin [gz-rendering9-ogre]
TAB - Switch render engines
ESC - Exit

The function updateCameras()
is called each time the DisplayCB
function runs. Using the method SetLocalPosition
from the Camera
class we can move the camera in the world:
void updateCameras()
double angle = g_offset / 2 * GZ_PI;
double x = sin(angle) * 3.0 + 3.0;
double y = cos(angle) * 3.0;
for (ir::CameraPtr camera : g_cameras)
camera->SetLocalPosition(x, y, 0.0);
g_offset += 0.0005;