Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
▼Ngz | |
►Nrendering | Rendering classes and function useful in robot applications |
CArrowVisual | Represents a arrow composite visual |
CAxisVisual | Represents a axis composite visual |
CBaseArrowVisual | |
CBaseAxisVisual | |
CBaseBoundingBoxCamera | |
CBaseCamera | |
CBaseCapsule | Base implementation of a Capsule Geometry |
CBaseCompositeStore | |
CBaseCOMVisual | Base implementation of an center of mass visual |
CBaseDepthCamera | |
CBaseDirectionalLight | |
CBaseDistortionPass | Base distortion render pass |
CBaseFrustumVisual | Base implementation of a Frustum Visual |
CBaseGaussianNoisePass | Base Gaussian noise render pass |
CBaseGeometry | |
CBaseGeometryStore | |
CBaseGizmoVisual | A base implementation of the GizmoVisual class |
CBaseGlobalIlluminationVct | |
CBaseGpuRays | |
CBaseGrid | Base implementation of a grid geometry |
CBaseHeightmap | |
CBaseInertiaVisual | Base implementation of an inertia visual |
CBaseJointVisual | Base implementation of a joint visual |
CBaseLensFlarePass | Base Gaussian noise render pass |
CBaseLidarVisual | Base implementation of a Lidar Visual |
CBaseLight | |
CBaseLightStore | |
CBaseLightVisual | Base implementation of a light visual |
CBaseMap | |
CBaseMarker | Base implementation of a Marker geometry |
CBaseMaterial | |
CBaseMaterialMap | |
CBaseMesh | |
CBaseNativeWindow | |
CBaseNode | |
CBaseNodeCompositeStore | |
CBaseNodeStore | |
CBaseObject | |
CBaseParticleEmitter | A base implementation of the ParticleEmitter class |
CBasePointLight | |
CBaseProjector | A base implementation of the Projector class |
CBaseRayQuery | A Ray Query class used for computing ray object intersections |
CBaseRenderEngine | |
CBaseRenderPass | Base render pass that can be applied to a render target |
CBaseRenderTarget | |
CBaseRenderTexture | |
CBaseRenderWindow | |
CBaseScene | |
CBaseSceneStore | |
CBaseSegmentationCamera | |
CBaseSensor | |
CBaseSensorStore | |
CBaseSpotLight | |
CBaseStore | |
CBaseStoreWrapper | |
CBaseSubMesh | |
CBaseSubMeshStore | |
CBaseText | Base implementation of a text geometry |
CBaseThermalCamera | Base implementation of the ThermalCamera class |
CBaseVisual | |
CBaseVisualStore | |
CBaseWideAngleCamera | |
CBaseWireBox | Base implementation of a wireframe box |
CBoundingBox | 2D or 3D Bounding box. It stores the position / orientation / size info of the box and its label |
CBoundingBoxCamera | Poseable BoundingBox camera used for rendering bounding boxes of objects in the scene |
CCamera | Posable camera used for rendering the scene graph |
CCameraLens | Describes a lens of a camera as amapping function of type r = c1*f*fun(theta/c2+c3) |
CCapsule | Geometry for a capsule shape. The APIs allow setting the capsule's radius and length directly which ensure that the the geometry remains the shape of a capsule. In comparison, if the size is changed via the parent Node's Set*Scale function, the capsule may become deformed |
CCiVctCascade | |
CCompositeStore | Represents a collection of Store objects, collectively working as a single composite store |
CCompositeVisual | Represents a predefined collection of geometries and visuals |
CCOMVisual | Represents a center of mass visual |
CDepthCamera | |
CDirectionalLight | Represents a infinite directional light |
CDistortionPass | A render pass that applies distortion to the render target |
CFrustumVisual | Mathematical representation of a frustum and related functions. This is also known as a view frustum |
CGaussianNoisePass | A render pass that applies Gaussian noise to the render target |
CGeometry | Represents a geometric shape to be rendered |
CGizmoVisual | A gizmo that contains rotate, translate, and scale visuals |
CGlobalIlluminationBase | There can be many global illumination solutions |
CGlobalIlluminationCiVct | Implements Global Illumination using CIVCT (Cascaded Image Voxel Cone Tracing) |
CGlobalIlluminationVct | Implements Global Illumination using VCT (Voxel Cone Tracing) |
CGpuRays | Generate depth ray data |
CGraphicsAPIUtils | Utils to convert GraphicsAPI to and from strings |
CGrid | Represents a grid geometry drawn along the XY plane. If vertical cell count is specified then the grid becomes 3D |
CHeightmap | A terrain defined by a heightfield |
CHeightmapBlend | Blend information to be used between textures on heightmaps |
CHeightmapDescriptor | Describes how a Heightmap should be loaded |
CHeightmapTexture | Texture to be used on heightmaps |
CImage | Encapsulates a raw image buffer and relevant properties |
CInertiaVisual | Represents a inertia visual |
CJointVisual | Represents a joint visual |
CLensFlarePass | A render pass that applies Lens Flare to the render target |
CLidarVisual | A LidarVisual geometry class. The visual appearance is based on the type specified |
CLight | Represents a light source in the scene graph |
CLightVisual | Represents a light visual |
CMap | Storage map from std::string to template class T |
CMarker | A marker geometry class. The marker's visual appearance is based on the marker type specified |
CMaterial | Represents a surface material of a Geometry |
CMesh | Represents a collection of mesh geometries |
CMeshDescriptor | Describes how a Mesh should be loaded |
CMoveToHelper | Helper class for animating a user camera to move to a target entity |
CNativeWindow | An abstract interface to a basic native window render-engine |
CNode | Represents a single posable node in the scene graph |
CObject | Represents an object present in the scene graph. This includes sub-meshes, materials, render targets, as well as posable nodes |
COgre2ArrowVisual | Ogre2.x implementation of the arrow visual class |
COgre2AxisVisual | Ogre2.x implementation of the axis visual class |
COgre2BoundingBoxCamera | BoundingBox camera used to detect 2d / 3d bounding boxes of labeled objects in the scene |
COgre2Camera | Ogre2.x implementation of the camera class |
COgre2Capsule | Ogre 2.x implementation of a Capsule Geometry |
COgre2CiVctCascade | Ogre2.x implementation of the CiVctCascade class |
COgre2COMVisual | |
COgre2Conversions | Conversions Conversions.hh rendering/Conversions.hh |
COgre2DepthCamera | Depth camera used to render depth data into an image buffer |
COgre2DirectionalLight | Ogre 2.x implementation of the directional light class |
COgre2DynamicRenderable | Dynamic renderable class that manages hardware buffers for a dynamic geometry |
COgre2FrustumVisual | Ogre 2.x implementation of a Frustum Visual |
COgre2GaussianNoisePass | Ogre2 Implementation of a Gaussian noise render pass |
COgre2Geometry | Ogre2.x implementation of the geometry class |
COgre2GizmoVisual | |
COgre2GlobalIlluminationCiVct | Ogre2.x implementation of the GlobalIlluminationCiVct class |
COgre2GlobalIlluminationVct | Ogre2.x implementation of the GlobalIlluminationVct class |
COgre2GpuRays | Gpu Rays used to render range data into an image buffer The ogre2 implementation takes a 2 pass process to generate the final range data. 1st Pass: Creates a cubemap of range data. The cubemap is created from six cameras looking in all directions. Depending on the min/max angles specified, not all cameras need to be created. Internally in the 1st pass shaders, we reconstruct 3d viewspace pos from depth buffer data then convert them into ranges, i.e. length( 2nd Pass: Samples range data from cubemap using predefined rays. The rays are generated based on the specified vertical and horizontal min/max angles and no. of samples. Each ray is a direction vector that is used to sample/lookup the range data stored in the faces of the cubemap |
COgre2Grid | Ogre2 implementation of a grid geometry |
COgre2Heightmap | Ogre implementation of a heightmap geometry |
COgre2InertiaVisual | Ogre2.x implementation of the inertia visual class |
COgre2JointVisual | |
COgre2LensFlarePass | Ogre2 Implementation of a Lens Flare render pass |
COgre2LidarVisual | Ogre 2.x implementation of a Lidar Visual |
COgre2Light | Ogre 2.x implementation of the light class |
COgre2LightVisual | Ogre2.x implementation of the light visual class |
COgre2Marker | Ogre 2.x implementation of a marker geometry |
COgre2Material | Ogre 2.x implementation of the material class |
COgre2MaterialSwitcher | Helper class to assign unique colors to renderables |
COgre2Mesh | Ogre2.x implementation of the mesh class |
COgre2MeshFactory | Ogre2.x implementation of the mesh factory class |
COgre2NativeWindow | Ogre2 implementation of NativeWindow |
COgre2Node | Ogre2.x implementation of the Node class |
COgre2Object | Ogre2.x implementation of the Object class |
COgre2ObjectInterface | Mixin class to provide direct access to Ogre objects |
COgre2ParticleEmitter | Class to manage a particle emitter |
COgre2PointLight | Ogre 2.x implementation of the point light class |
COgre2Projector | Ogre 2.x implementation of a Projector class |
COgre2RayQuery | A Ray Query class used for computing ray object intersections |
COgre2RenderEngine | Ogre2 render engine class. A singleton class that manages the underlying ogre2 render engine, loads its plugins, and creates resources needed for the engine to run |
COgre2RenderEnginePlugin | Plugin for loading ogre render engine |
COgre2RenderPass | Ogre2 Implementation of a render pass |
COgre2RenderTarget | Ogre2.x implementation of the render target class |
COgre2RenderTargetMaterial | Causes all objects in a scene to be rendered with the same material when rendered by a given RenderTarget |
COgre2RenderTexture | Ogre2.x implementation of the render texture class |
COgre2RenderWindow | Ogre2.x implementation of the render window class |
COgre2Scene | Ogre2.x implementation of the scene class |
COgre2SceneExt | Ogre2 implementation of the scene extension API |
COgre2SegmentationCamera | Segmentation camera used to label each pixel with a label id. Supports Semantic / Panoptic Segmentation |
COgre2SelectionBuffer | Generates a selection buffer object for a given camera. The selection buffer is used of entity selection. On setup, a unique color is assigned to each entity. Whenever a selection request is made, the selection buffer camera renders to a 1x1 sized offscreen buffer. The color value of that pixel gives the identity of the entity |
COgre2Sensor | Ogre2.x implementation of the sensor classs |
COgre2SpotLight | Ogre 2.x implementation of the spot light class |
COgre2SubMesh | Ogre2.x implementation of the submesh class |
COgre2SubMeshStoreFactory | Ogre2.x implementation of a submesh store factory class |
COgre2ThermalCamera | Thermal camera used to render thermal data into an image buffer |
COgre2Visual | Ogre2.x implementation of the visual class |
COgre2WideAngleCamera | Ogre implementation of WideAngleCamera |
COgre2WireBox | Ogre2 implementation of a wire box geometry |
COgreArrowVisual | |
COgreAxisVisual | |
COgreCamera | |
COgreCapsule | Ogre 2.x implementation of a Capsule Visual |
COgreCOMVisual | |
COgreConversions | Conversions Conversions.hh rendering/Conversions.hh |
COgreDepthCamera | Depth camera used to render depth data into an image buffer |
COgreDirectionalLight | |
COgreDistortionPass | Ogre implementation of the DistortionPass class |
COgreDynamicLines | Class for drawing lines that can change |
COgreDynamicRenderable | Abstract base class providing mechanisms for dynamically growing hardware buffers |
COgreFrustumVisual | Ogre implementation of a Frustum Visual |
COgreGaussianNoisePass | Ogre implementation of the GaussianNoisePass class |
COgreGeometry | |
COgreGizmoVisual | |
COgreGpuRays | Gpu Rays used to render depth data into an image buffer |
COgreGrid | Ogre implementation of a grid geometry |
COgreHeightmap | Ogre implementation of a heightmap geometry |
COgreInertiaVisual | |
COgreJointVisual | |
COgreLensFlarePass | Ogre Implementation of a Lens Flare render pass |
COgreLidarVisual | Ogre implementation of a Lidar Visual |
COgreLight | |
COgreLightVisual | |
COgreMarker | Ogre implementation of a marker geometry |
COgreMaterial | |
COgreMaterialSwitcher | Helper class to assign unique colors to renderables |
COgreMesh | |
COgreMeshFactory | |
COgreNode | |
COgreObject | |
COgreObjectInterface | Mixin class to provide direct access to Ogre objects |
COgreParticleEmitter | Class to manage a particle emitter |
COgrePointLight | |
COgreProjector | Ogre 1.x implementation of a Projector class |
COgreRayQuery | A Ray Query class used for computing ray object intersections |
COgreRenderEngine | |
COgreRenderEnginePlugin | Plugin for loading ogre render engine |
COgreRenderPass | Ogre implementation of the RenderPass class |
COgreRenderTarget | |
COgreRenderTargetMaterial | Causes all objects in a scene to be rendered with the same material when rendered by a given RenderTarget |
COgreRenderTexture | |
COgreRenderWindow | |
COgreRTShaderSystem | Implements Ogre's Run-Time Shader system |
COgreScene | |
COgreSceneExt | Ogre implementation of the scene extension API |
COgreSelectionBuffer | Generates a selection buffer object for a given camera. The selection buffer is used of entity selection. On setup, a unique color is assigned to each entity. Whenever a selection request is made, the selection buffer camera renders to a 1x1 sized offscreen buffer. The color value of that pixel gives the identity of the entity |
COgreSensor | |
COgreSpotLight | |
COgreSubMesh | |
COgreSubMeshStoreFactory | |
COgreText | Ogre implementation of text geometry |
COgreThermalCamera | Depth camera used to render thermal data into an image buffer |
COgreVisual | |
COgreWideAngleCamera | Ogre implementation of WideAngleCamera |
COgreWireBox | Ogre implementation of a wire box geometry |
COrbitViewController | A camera view controller |
COrthoViewController | Orthographic view controller |
CParticleEmitter | Class to manage a particle emitter |
CPixelUtil | Provides supporting functions for PixelFormat enum |
CPointLight | Represents a point light |
CProjector | A projector that projects a texture onto a surface |
CRayQuery | A Ray Query class used for computing ray object intersections |
CRayQueryResult | A class that stores ray query intersection results |
CRenderEngine | An abstract interface to a concrete render-engine. A RenderEngine is responsible for initializing a render-engine as well as creating, storing, and destroying scenes |
CRenderEngineManager | Collection of render-engines. This provides access to all the render-engines available at runtime. RenderEngine objects should not be access directly, but instead via the RenderEngineManager to maintain a flexible render-engine agnostic design |
CRenderEnginePlugin | Base plugin class for render engines |
CRenderPass | A render pass can be added to a camera to affect how the scene is rendered. It can be used to add post-processing effects. Multiple passes can be chained together |
CRenderPassFactory | A factory interface for creating render passes |
CRenderPassSystem | A class for creating and managing render passes |
CRenderTarget | Represents a render-target to which cameras can render images |
CRenderTexture | Represents a off-screen render-texture to which cameras can render images |
CRenderWindow | Represents a on-screen render-window to which cameras can render images |
CScene | Manages a single scene-graph. This class updates scene-wide properties and holds the root scene node. A Scene also serves as a factory for all scene objects |
CSceneExt | Scene Extension class. Provides API extension to the Scene class without breaking ABI |
CSegmentationCamera | Poseable Segmentation camera used for rendering the scene graph. This camera is designed to produce segmentation data, instead of a 2D image |
CSensor | Represents a scene sensor. The most obvious example is a camera, but it can be anything that generates output from the scene |
CShaderParam | Variant type that holds params that can be passed to a shader |
CShaderParams | Map that holds params to be passed to a shader |
CShaderUtil | Provides supporting functions for ShaderType enum |
CSpotLight | Represents a spotlight |
CStore | Multi-access storage structure of template class T. Template class T is expected to have functions GetId, GetName(), Destroy() which return unsigned int, std::string, and void respectively. This store will ensure that each element's name and ID are unique |
CStoreWrapper | Simple wrapper class that allows a Store of type Derived to be treated as a Store of type Base, where Derived is some class derived from Base. This is useful in storing Stores of different derived types in a single CompositeStore instance |
CSubMesh | Represents a single mesh geometry |
CText | Represents a billboard text geometry that is always facing the camera |
CThermalCamera | Thermal camera that produces temperature data. An object's temperature can be set through the Visual class using SetUserData with the key "temperature". Ambient temperature is returned for object that do not have this property set. Note that temperature variations for the environment and objects can be set using the Set*Range functions in this class. For simplicity, the variations are modeled as a function of depth (which is not how a real thermal sensor works). Ideally we support heatmaps for visuals in order to produce more realistic temperature output |
CTransformController | An transform tool for translating, rotating, and scaling objects |
CViewController | A camera view controller |
CVisual | Represents a visual node in a scene graph. A Visual is the only node that can have Geometry and other Visual children |
CWideAngleCamera | Wide angle camera class |
CWireBox | Draws a wireframe box |