Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456789]
 CBoundingBox2D or 3D Bounding box. It stores the position / orientation / size info of the box and its label
 CCameraLensDescribes a lens of a camera as amapping function of type r = c1*f*fun(theta/c2+c3)
 CGlobalIlluminationBaseThere can be many global illumination solutions
 CGraphicsAPIUtilsUtils to convert GraphicsAPI to and from strings
 CHeightmapBlendBlend information to be used between textures on heightmaps
 CHeightmapDescriptorDescribes how a Heightmap should be loaded
 CHeightmapTextureTexture to be used on heightmaps
 CImageEncapsulates a raw image buffer and relevant properties
 CMap< T >Storage map from std::string to template class T
 CMap< Material >
 CMeshDescriptorDescribes how a Mesh should be loaded
 CMoveToHelperHelper class for animating a user camera to move to a target entity
 CNativeWindowAn abstract interface to a basic native window render-engine
 CObjectRepresents an object present in the scene graph. This includes sub-meshes, materials, render targets, as well as posable nodes
 COgre2ConversionsConversions Conversions.hh rendering/Conversions.hh
 COgre2DynamicRenderableDynamic renderable class that manages hardware buffers for a dynamic geometry
 COgre2MeshFactoryOgre2.x implementation of the mesh factory class
 COgre2ObjectInterfaceMixin class to provide direct access to Ogre objects
 COgre2SelectionBufferGenerates a selection buffer object for a given camera. The selection buffer is used of entity selection. On setup, a unique color is assigned to each entity. Whenever a selection request is made, the selection buffer camera renders to a 1x1 sized offscreen buffer. The color value of that pixel gives the identity of the entity
 COgre2SubMeshStoreFactoryOgre2.x implementation of a submesh store factory class
 COgreConversionsConversions Conversions.hh rendering/Conversions.hh
 COgreObjectInterfaceMixin class to provide direct access to Ogre objects
 COgreRTShaderSystemImplements Ogre's Run-Time Shader system
 COgreSelectionBufferGenerates a selection buffer object for a given camera. The selection buffer is used of entity selection. On setup, a unique color is assigned to each entity. Whenever a selection request is made, the selection buffer camera renders to a 1x1 sized offscreen buffer. The color value of that pixel gives the identity of the entity
 CPixelUtilProvides supporting functions for PixelFormat enum
 CRayQueryResultA class that stores ray query intersection results
 CRenderEngineAn abstract interface to a concrete render-engine. A RenderEngine is responsible for initializing a render-engine as well as creating, storing, and destroying scenes
 CRenderEngineManagerCollection of render-engines. This provides access to all the render-engines available at runtime. RenderEngine objects should not be access directly, but instead via the RenderEngineManager to maintain a flexible render-engine agnostic design
 CRenderEnginePluginBase plugin class for render engines
 CRenderPassFactoryA factory interface for creating render passes
 CRenderPassSystemA class for creating and managing render passes
 CSceneManages a single scene-graph. This class updates scene-wide properties and holds the root scene node. A Scene also serves as a factory for all scene objects
 CSceneExtScene Extension class. Provides API extension to the Scene class without breaking ABI
 CShaderParamVariant type that holds params that can be passed to a shader
 CShaderParamsMap that holds params to be passed to a shader
 CShaderUtilProvides supporting functions for ShaderType enum
 CStore< T >Multi-access storage structure of template class T. Template class T is expected to have functions GetId, GetName(), Destroy() which return unsigned int, std::string, and void respectively. This store will ensure that each element's name and ID are unique
 CStore< Geometry >
 CStore< Light >
 CStore< Node >
 CStore< Scene >
 CStore< Sensor >
 CStore< SubMesh >
 CStore< Visual >
 CTransformControllerAn transform tool for translating, rotating, and scaling objects
 CViewControllerA camera view controller