This library is part of the Ignition Robotics project.
void OnMeasure()
Callback in Qt thread when the new measurement button is clicked.
void newDistance()
Signal fired when a new tape measure distance is set.
void Reset()
Resets all of the relevant data for this plugin. Called when the user clicks the reset button and whe...
bool eventFilter(QObject *_obj, QEvent *_event) override
void DrawPoint(int _id, gz::math::Vector3d &_point, gz::math::Color &_color)
Draws a point marker. Called to display the start and end point of the tape measure.
void DrawLine(int _id, gz::math::Vector3d &_startPoint, gz::math::Vector3d &_endPoint, gz::math::Color &_color)
Draws a line marker. Called to display the line between the start and end point of the tape measure.
Provides buttons for the tape measure tool.
Definition: TapeMeasure.hh:33
void LoadConfig(const tinyxml2::XMLElement *_pluginElem) override
double Distance()
Callback in Qt thread to get the distance to display in the gui window.
void Measure()
Starts a new measurement. Erases any previous measurement in progress or already made.
void DeleteMarker(int _id)
Deletes the marker with the provided id within the "tape_measure" namespace.
void OnReset()
Callback in Qt thread when the reset button is clicked.