class | AllTopics |
| Query for all the topics. More...
class | Batch |
| Holds the result of a query for messages. More...
class | Descriptor |
| The Descriptor class provides meta-information about what a log contains. This may be useful for determining QueryOptions or for generating a high-level overview of a Log's contents. More...
class | Log |
| Interface to a log file. More...
class | Message |
| Represents a message in a bag file. More...
class | MsgIter |
| Implements iterator for reading messages. More...
class | Playback |
| Initiates playback of Gazebo Transport topics This class makes it easy to play topics from a log file. More...
class | PlaybackHandle |
| Handles the playback of Gazebo Transport topics. This class allows you to manage a log playback once it has started. You must hang onto the PlaybackHandle or else the playback will end early. More...
class | QualifiedTime |
| Since time is continuous, it may be difficult to know the exact time stamp of a desired message. The QualifiedTime class provides a way to tailor how a time stamp is interpreted by the message query. More...
class | QualifiedTimeRange |
| The QualifiedTimeRange class provides a pair of qualified times that represent a range. This is used to specify a desired time range to the BasicQueryOptions class. More...
class | QueryOptions |
| The QueryOptions interface is used by Log::QueryMessages() to determine which messages are retrieved from the log file. More...
class | Recorder |
| Records Gazebo Transport topics This class makes it easy to record topics to a log file. Responsibilities: topic name matching, time received tracking, multiple thread safety, subscribing to topics. More...
class | SqlParameter |
| A class which contains a SQL statement parameter. SqlParameter can be useful for keeping SQL queries sanitized and avoid SQL injection. With C++17, it may be desirable to replace this class with std::variant. More...
struct | SqlStatement |
| A statement for a SQL query. These are generated by the QueryOptions class to control how messages get queried from the log. More...
class | TimeRangeOption |
| Base class which manages the time range settings for the native QueryOptions classes. More...
class | TopicList |
| Specify a list of topics to query. More...
class | TopicPattern |
| Specify a pattern of topics to query. More...