Gazebo Common

API Reference

MeshManager Member List

This is the complete list of members for MeshManager, including all inherited members.

AddMesh(Mesh *_mesh)MeshManager
CreateBoolean(const std::string &_name, const Mesh *_m1, const Mesh *_m2, const int _operation, const gz::math::Pose3d &_offset=gz::math::Pose3d::Zero)MeshManager
CreateBox(const std::string &_name, const gz::math::Vector3d &_sides, const gz::math::Vector2d &_uvCoords)MeshManager
CreateCamera(const std::string &_name, const float _scale)MeshManager
CreateCapsule(const std::string &_name, const double radius, const double length, const unsigned int _rings, const unsigned int _segments)MeshManager
CreateCone(const std::string &_name, const float _radius, const float _height, const int _rings, const int _segments)MeshManager
CreateCylinder(const std::string &_name, const float _radius, const float _height, const int _rings, const int _segments)MeshManager
CreateEllipsoid(const std::string &_name, const gz::math::Vector3d &_radii, const unsigned int _rings, const unsigned int _segments)MeshManager
CreateExtrudedPolyline(const std::string &_name, const std::vector< std::vector< gz::math::Vector2d > > &_vertices, const double _height)MeshManager
CreatePlane(const std::string &_name, const gz::math::Planed &_plane, const gz::math::Vector2d &_segments, const gz::math::Vector2d &_uvTile)MeshManager
CreatePlane(const std::string &_name, const gz::math::Vector3d &_normal, const double _d, const gz::math::Vector2d &_size, const gz::math::Vector2d &_segments, const gz::math::Vector2d &_uvTile)MeshManager
CreateSphere(const std::string &_name, const float _radius, const int _rings, const int _segments)MeshManager
CreateTube(const std::string &_name, const float _innerRadius, const float _outterRadius, const float _height, const int _rings, const int _segments, const double _arc=2.0 *IGN_PI)MeshManager
Export(const Mesh *_mesh, const std::string &_filename, const std::string &_extension, bool _exportTextures=false)MeshManager
GenSphericalTexCoord(const Mesh *_mesh, const gz::math::Vector3d &_center)MeshManager
HasMesh(const std::string &_name) constMeshManager
IsValidFilename(const std::string &_filename)MeshManager
Load(const std::string &_filename)MeshManager
MeshAABB(const Mesh *_mesh, gz::math::Vector3d &_center, gz::math::Vector3d &_min_xyz, gz::math::Vector3d &_max_xyz)MeshManager
MeshByName(const std::string &_name) constMeshManager
SingletonT()SingletonT< MeshManager >inlineprotected
~SingletonT()SingletonT< MeshManager >inlineprotectedvirtual