Gazebo Common

API Reference


Maintains and manages all meshes. More...

#include <ignition/common/MeshManager.hh>

Public Member Functions

void AddMesh (Mesh *_mesh)
 Add a mesh to the manager. More...
void CreateBoolean (const std::string &_name, const Mesh *_m1, const Mesh *_m2, const int _operation, const gz::math::Pose3d &_offset=gz::math::Pose3d::Zero)
 Create a boolean mesh from two meshes. More...
void CreateBox (const std::string &_name, const gz::math::Vector3d &_sides, const gz::math::Vector2d &_uvCoords)
 Create a Box mesh. More...
void CreateCamera (const std::string &_name, const float _scale)
 Create a Camera mesh. More...
void CreateCapsule (const std::string &_name, const double radius, const double length, const unsigned int _rings, const unsigned int _segments)
 Create a capsule mesh. More...
void CreateCone (const std::string &_name, const float _radius, const float _height, const int _rings, const int _segments)
 Create a cone mesh. More...
void CreateCylinder (const std::string &_name, const float _radius, const float _height, const int _rings, const int _segments)
 Create a cylinder mesh. More...
void CreateEllipsoid (const std::string &_name, const gz::math::Vector3d &_radii, const unsigned int _rings, const unsigned int _segments)
 Create a ellipsoid mesh. More...
void CreateExtrudedPolyline (const std::string &_name, const std::vector< std::vector< gz::math::Vector2d > > &_vertices, const double _height)
 Create an extruded mesh from polylines. The polylines are assumed to be closed and non-intersecting. Delaunay triangulation is applied to create the resulting mesh. If there is more than one polyline, a ray casting algorithm will be used to identify the exterior/interior edges and remove holes from the 2D shape before extrusion. More...
void CreatePlane (const std::string &_name, const gz::math::Planed &_plane, const gz::math::Vector2d &_segments, const gz::math::Vector2d &_uvTile)
 Create mesh for a plane. More...
void CreatePlane (const std::string &_name, const gz::math::Vector3d &_normal, const double _d, const gz::math::Vector2d &_size, const gz::math::Vector2d &_segments, const gz::math::Vector2d &_uvTile)
 Create mesh for a plane. More...
void CreateSphere (const std::string &_name, const float _radius, const int _rings, const int _segments)
 Create a sphere mesh. More...
void CreateTube (const std::string &_name, const float _innerRadius, const float _outterRadius, const float _height, const int _rings, const int _segments, const double _arc=2.0 *IGN_PI)
 Create a tube mesh. More...
void Export (const Mesh *_mesh, const std::string &_filename, const std::string &_extension, bool _exportTextures=false)
 Export a mesh to a file. More...
void GenSphericalTexCoord (const Mesh *_mesh, const gz::math::Vector3d &_center)
 generate spherical texture coordinates More...
bool HasMesh (const std::string &_name) const
 Return true if the mesh exists. More...
bool IsValidFilename (const std::string &_filename)
 Checks a path extension against the list of valid extensions. More...
const MeshLoad (const std::string &_filename)
 Load a mesh from a file. The mesh will be searched on the global SystemPaths instance provided by Util.hh. More...
void MeshAABB (const Mesh *_mesh, gz::math::Vector3d &_center, gz::math::Vector3d &_min_xyz, gz::math::Vector3d &_max_xyz)
 Get mesh aabb and center. More...
const MeshMeshByName (const std::string &_name) const
 Get a mesh by name. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static MeshManagerInstance ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SingletonT< MeshManager >
static MeshManagerInstance ()
 Get an instance of the singleton. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from SingletonT< MeshManager >
 SingletonT ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~SingletonT ()
 Destructor. More...

Detailed Description

Maintains and manages all meshes.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddMesh()

void AddMesh ( Mesh _mesh)

Add a mesh to the manager.

This MeshManager takes ownership of the mesh and will destroy it. See ~MeshManager.

[in]themesh to add.

◆ CreateBoolean()

void CreateBoolean ( const std::string _name,
const Mesh _m1,
const Mesh _m2,
const int  _operation,
const gz::math::Pose3d _offset = gz::math::Pose3d::Zero 

Create a boolean mesh from two meshes.

[in]_namethe name of the new mesh
[in]_m1the parent mesh in the boolean operation
[in]_m2the child mesh in the boolean operation
[in]_operationthe boolean operation applied to the two meshes
[in]_offset_m2's pose offset from _m1

◆ CreateBox()

void CreateBox ( const std::string _name,
const gz::math::Vector3d _sides,
const gz::math::Vector2d _uvCoords 

Create a Box mesh.

[in]_namethe name of the new mesh
[in]_sidesthe x y x dimentions of eah side in meter
[in]_uvCoordsthe texture coordinates

◆ CreateCamera()

void CreateCamera ( const std::string _name,
const float  _scale 

Create a Camera mesh.

[in]_namename of the new mesh
[in]_scalescaling factor for the camera

◆ CreateCapsule()

void CreateCapsule ( const std::string _name,
const double  radius,
const double  length,
const unsigned int  _rings,
const unsigned int  _segments 

Create a capsule mesh.

[in]_namethe name of the new mesh
[in]_radiusthe radius of the capsule in the x y plane
[in]_lengthlength of the body
[in]_ringsthe number of circles along the height
[in]_segmentsthe number of segment per circle

◆ CreateCone()

void CreateCone ( const std::string _name,
const float  _radius,
const float  _height,
const int  _rings,
const int  _segments 

Create a cone mesh.

[in]_namethe name of the new mesh
[in]_radiusthe radius of the cylinder in the x y plane
[in]_heightthe height along z
[in]_ringsthe number of circles along the height
[in]_segmentsthe number of segment per circle

◆ CreateCylinder()

void CreateCylinder ( const std::string _name,
const float  _radius,
const float  _height,
const int  _rings,
const int  _segments 

Create a cylinder mesh.

[in]_namethe name of the new mesh
[in]_radiusthe radius of the cylinder in the x y plane
[in]_heightthe height along z
[in]_ringsthe number of circles along the height
[in]_segmentsthe number of segment per circle

◆ CreateEllipsoid()

void CreateEllipsoid ( const std::string _name,
const gz::math::Vector3d _radii,
const unsigned int  _rings,
const unsigned int  _segments 

Create a ellipsoid mesh.

[in]_namethe name of the new mesh
[in]_radiithe three radius that define a ellipsoid
[in]_ringsthe number of circles along the height
[in]_segmentsthe number of segment per circle

◆ CreateExtrudedPolyline()

void CreateExtrudedPolyline ( const std::string _name,
const std::vector< std::vector< gz::math::Vector2d > > &  _vertices,
const double  _height 

Create an extruded mesh from polylines. The polylines are assumed to be closed and non-intersecting. Delaunay triangulation is applied to create the resulting mesh. If there is more than one polyline, a ray casting algorithm will be used to identify the exterior/interior edges and remove holes from the 2D shape before extrusion.

[in]_namethe name of the new mesh
[in]_verticesA multidimensional vector of polylines and their vertices. Each element in the outer vector consists of a vector of vertices that describe one polyline. edges and remove the holes in the shape.
[in]_heightthe height of extrusion

◆ CreatePlane() [1/2]

void CreatePlane ( const std::string _name,
const gz::math::Planed _plane,
const gz::math::Vector2d _segments,
const gz::math::Vector2d _uvTile 

Create mesh for a plane.

[in]_planeplane parameters
[in]_segmentsnumber of segments in x and y
[in]_uvTilethe texture tile size in x and y

◆ CreatePlane() [2/2]

void CreatePlane ( const std::string _name,
const gz::math::Vector3d _normal,
const double  _d,
const gz::math::Vector2d _size,
const gz::math::Vector2d _segments,
const gz::math::Vector2d _uvTile 

Create mesh for a plane.

[in]_namethe name of the new mesh
[in]_normalthe normal to the plane
[in]_ddistance from the origin along normal
[in]_sizethe size of the plane in x and y
[in]_segmentsthe number of segments in x and y
[in]_uvTilethe texture tile size in x and y

◆ CreateSphere()

void CreateSphere ( const std::string _name,
const float  _radius,
const int  _rings,
const int  _segments 

Create a sphere mesh.

[in]_namethe name of the mesh
[in]_radiusradius of the sphere in meter
[in]_ringsnumber of circles on th y axis
[in]_segmentsnumber of segment per circle

◆ CreateTube()

void CreateTube ( const std::string _name,
const float  _innerRadius,
const float  _outterRadius,
const float  _height,
const int  _rings,
const int  _segments,
const double  _arc = 2.0 *IGN_PI 

Create a tube mesh.

Generates rings inside and outside the cylinder Needs at least two rings and 3 segments

[in]_namethe name of the new mesh
[in]_innerRadiusthe inner radius of the tube in the x y plane
[in]_outterRadiusthe outer radius of the tube in the x y plane
[in]_heightthe height along z
[in]_ringsthe number of circles along the height
[in]_segmentsthe number of segment per circle
[in]_arcthe arc angle in radians

◆ Export()

void Export ( const Mesh _mesh,
const std::string _filename,
const std::string _extension,
bool  _exportTextures = false 

Export a mesh to a file.

[in]_meshPointer to the mesh to be exported
[in]_filenameExported file's path and name
[in]_extensionExported file's format ("dae" for Collada)
[in]_exportTexturesTrue to export texture images to '../materials/textures' folder

◆ GenSphericalTexCoord()

void GenSphericalTexCoord ( const Mesh _mesh,
const gz::math::Vector3d _center 

generate spherical texture coordinates

[in]_meshPointer to the mesh
[in]_centerCenter of the mesh

◆ HasMesh()

bool HasMesh ( const std::string _name) const

Return true if the mesh exists.

[in]_namethe name of the mesh

◆ Instance()

static MeshManager* Instance ( )

Return a pointer to the mesh manager

(ahcorde) Remove inheritance from Singleton base class
a pointer to the mesh manager

◆ IsValidFilename()

bool IsValidFilename ( const std::string _filename)

Checks a path extension against the list of valid extensions.

true if the file extension is loadable

◆ Load()

const Mesh* Load ( const std::string _filename)

Load a mesh from a file. The mesh will be searched on the global SystemPaths instance provided by Util.hh.

[in]_filenamethe path to the mesh
a pointer to the created mesh

◆ MeshAABB()

void MeshAABB ( const Mesh _mesh,
gz::math::Vector3d _center,
gz::math::Vector3d _min_xyz,
gz::math::Vector3d _max_xyz 

Get mesh aabb and center.

[in]_meshthe mesh
[out]_centerthe AAB center position
[out]_min_xyzthe bounding box minimum
[out]_max_xyzthe bounding box maximum

◆ MeshByName()

const Mesh* MeshByName ( const std::string _name) const

Get a mesh by name.

[in]_namethe name of the mesh to look for
the mesh or nullptr if not found

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