Gazebo Common

API Reference


Maintains and manages all meshes. Supported mesh formats are STL (STLA, STLB), COLLADA, OBJ, GLTF (GLB) and FBX. By default only GLTF and FBX are loaded using assimp loader, however if GZ_MESH_FORCE_ASSIMP environment variable is set, then MeshManager will use assimp loader for all supported mesh formats. More...

#include <gz/common/MeshManager.hh>

Public Member Functions

void AddMesh (Mesh *_mesh)
 Add a mesh to the manager. More...
void CreateBoolean (const std::string &_name, const Mesh *_m1, const Mesh *_m2, const int _operation, const gz::math::Pose3d &_offset=gz::math::Pose3d::Zero)
 Create a boolean mesh from two meshes. More...
void CreateBox (const std::string &_name, const gz::math::Vector3d &_sides, const gz::math::Vector2d &_uvCoords)
 Create a Box mesh. More...
void CreateCamera (const std::string &_name, const float _scale)
 Create a Camera mesh. More...
void CreateCapsule (const std::string &_name, const double radius, const double length, const unsigned int _rings, const unsigned int _segments)
 Create a capsule mesh. More...
void CreateCone (const std::string &_name, const float _radius, const float _height, const int _rings, const int _segments)
 Create a cone mesh. More...
void CreateCylinder (const std::string &_name, const float _radius, const float _height, const int _rings, const int _segments)
 Create a cylinder mesh. More...
void CreateEllipsoid (const std::string &_name, const gz::math::Vector3d &_radii, const unsigned int _rings, const unsigned int _segments)
 Create a ellipsoid mesh. More...
void CreateExtrudedPolyline (const std::string &_name, const std::vector< std::vector< gz::math::Vector2d > > &_vertices, const double _height)
 Create an extruded mesh from polylines. The polylines are assumed to be closed and non-intersecting. Delaunay triangulation is applied to create the resulting mesh. If there is more than one polyline, a ray casting algorithm will be used to identify the exterior/interior edges and remove holes from the 2D shape before extrusion. More...
void CreatePlane (const std::string &_name, const gz::math::Planed &_plane, const gz::math::Vector2d &_segments, const gz::math::Vector2d &_uvTile)
 Create mesh for a plane. More...
void CreatePlane (const std::string &_name, const gz::math::Vector3d &_normal, const double _d, const gz::math::Vector2d &_size, const gz::math::Vector2d &_segments, const gz::math::Vector2d &_uvTile)
 Create mesh for a plane. More...
void CreateSphere (const std::string &_name, const float _radius, const int _rings, const int _segments)
 Create a sphere mesh. More...
void CreateTube (const std::string &_name, const float _innerRadius, const float _outterRadius, const float _height, const int _rings, const int _segments, const double _arc=2.0 *GZ_PI)
 Create a tube mesh. More...
void Export (const Mesh *_mesh, const std::string &_filename, const std::string &_extension, bool _exportTextures=false)
 Export a mesh to a file. More...
void GenSphericalTexCoord (const Mesh *_mesh, const gz::math::Vector3d &_center)
 generate spherical texture coordinates More...
bool HasMesh (const std::string &_name) const
 Return true if the mesh exists. More...
bool IsValidFilename (const std::string &_filename)
 Checks a path extension against the list of valid extensions. More...
const MeshLoad (const std::string &_filename)
 Load a mesh from a file. The mesh will be searched on the global SystemPaths instance provided by Util.hh. More...
void MeshAABB (const Mesh *_mesh, gz::math::Vector3d &_center, gz::math::Vector3d &_min_xyz, gz::math::Vector3d &_max_xyz)
 Get mesh aabb and center. More...
const MeshMeshByName (const std::string &_name) const
 Get a mesh by name. More...
void RemoveAll ()
 Remove all meshes. More...
bool RemoveMesh (const std::string &_name)
 Remove a mesh based on a name. More...
void SetAssimpEnvs ()
 Sets the forceAssimp flag by reading the GZ_MESH_FORCE_ASSIMP environment variable. If forceAssimp true, MeshManager uses Assimp for loading all mesh formats, otherwise only for GLTF and FBX. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static std::vector< SubMeshConvexDecomposition (const common::SubMesh &_subMesh, std::size_t _maxConvexHulls=16u, std::size_t _voxelResolution=200000u)
 Perform convex decomposition on a submesh. The submesh is decomposed into multiple convex submeshes. The output submeshes contain vertices and indices but texture coordinates are not preserved. More...
static MeshManagerInstance ()
static std::unique_ptr< MeshMergeSubMeshes (const common::Mesh &_mesh)
 Merge all submeshes from one mesh into one single submesh. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SingletonT< MeshManager >
static MeshManagerInstance ()
 Get an instance of the singleton. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from SingletonT< MeshManager >
 SingletonT ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~SingletonT ()
 Destructor. More...

Detailed Description

Maintains and manages all meshes. Supported mesh formats are STL (STLA, STLB), COLLADA, OBJ, GLTF (GLB) and FBX. By default only GLTF and FBX are loaded using assimp loader, however if GZ_MESH_FORCE_ASSIMP environment variable is set, then MeshManager will use assimp loader for all supported mesh formats.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddMesh()

void AddMesh ( Mesh _mesh)

Add a mesh to the manager.

This MeshManager takes ownership of the mesh and will destroy it. See ~MeshManager.

[in]themesh to add.

◆ ConvexDecomposition()

static std::vector<SubMesh> ConvexDecomposition ( const common::SubMesh _subMesh,
std::size_t  _maxConvexHulls = 16u,
std::size_t  _voxelResolution = 200000u 

Perform convex decomposition on a submesh. The submesh is decomposed into multiple convex submeshes. The output submeshes contain vertices and indices but texture coordinates are not preserved.

[in]_subMeshInput submesh to decompose.
[in]_maxConvexHullsMaximum number of convex hull submeshes to produce.
[in]_voxelResolutionVoxel resolution to use. Higher value produces more accurate shapes.
A vector of decomposed submeshes.

◆ CreateBoolean()

void CreateBoolean ( const std::string _name,
const Mesh _m1,
const Mesh _m2,
const int  _operation,
const gz::math::Pose3d _offset = gz::math::Pose3d::Zero 

Create a boolean mesh from two meshes.

[in]_namethe name of the new mesh
[in]_m1the parent mesh in the boolean operation
[in]_m2the child mesh in the boolean operation
[in]_operationthe boolean operation applied to the two meshes
[in]_offset_m2's pose offset from _m1

◆ CreateBox()

void CreateBox ( const std::string _name,
const gz::math::Vector3d _sides,
const gz::math::Vector2d _uvCoords 

Create a Box mesh.

[in]_namethe name of the new mesh
[in]_sidesthe x y x dimentions of eah side in meter
[in]_uvCoordsthe texture coordinates

◆ CreateCamera()

void CreateCamera ( const std::string _name,
const float  _scale 

Create a Camera mesh.

[in]_namename of the new mesh
[in]_scalescaling factor for the camera

◆ CreateCapsule()

void CreateCapsule ( const std::string _name,
const double  radius,
const double  length,
const unsigned int  _rings,
const unsigned int  _segments 

Create a capsule mesh.

[in]_namethe name of the new mesh
[in]_radiusthe radius of the capsule in the x y plane
[in]_lengthlength of the capsule along z
[in]_ringsthe number of circles along the height
[in]_segmentsthe number of segments per circle

◆ CreateCone()

void CreateCone ( const std::string _name,
const float  _radius,
const float  _height,
const int  _rings,
const int  _segments 

Create a cone mesh.

[in]_namethe name of the new mesh
[in]_radiusthe radius of the cylinder in the x y plane
[in]_heightthe height along z
[in]_ringsthe number of circles along the height
[in]_segmentsthe number of segment per circle

◆ CreateCylinder()

void CreateCylinder ( const std::string _name,
const float  _radius,
const float  _height,
const int  _rings,
const int  _segments 

Create a cylinder mesh.

[in]_namethe name of the new mesh
[in]_radiusthe radius of the cylinder in the x y plane
[in]_heightthe height along z
[in]_ringsthe number of circles along the height
[in]_segmentsthe number of segment per circle

◆ CreateEllipsoid()

void CreateEllipsoid ( const std::string _name,
const gz::math::Vector3d _radii,
const unsigned int  _rings,
const unsigned int  _segments 

Create a ellipsoid mesh.

[in]_namethe name of the new mesh
[in]_radiithe three radius that define a ellipsoid
[in]_ringsthe number of circles along the height
[in]_segmentsthe number of segment per circle

◆ CreateExtrudedPolyline()

void CreateExtrudedPolyline ( const std::string _name,
const std::vector< std::vector< gz::math::Vector2d > > &  _vertices,
const double  _height 

Create an extruded mesh from polylines. The polylines are assumed to be closed and non-intersecting. Delaunay triangulation is applied to create the resulting mesh. If there is more than one polyline, a ray casting algorithm will be used to identify the exterior/interior edges and remove holes from the 2D shape before extrusion.

[in]_namethe name of the new mesh
[in]_verticesA multidimensional vector of polylines and their vertices. Each element in the outer vector consists of a vector of vertices that describe one polyline. edges and remove the holes in the shape.
[in]_heightthe height of extrusion

◆ CreatePlane() [1/2]

void CreatePlane ( const std::string _name,
const gz::math::Planed _plane,
const gz::math::Vector2d _segments,
const gz::math::Vector2d _uvTile 

Create mesh for a plane.

[in]_planeplane parameters
[in]_segmentsnumber of segments in x and y
[in]_uvTilethe texture tile size in x and y

◆ CreatePlane() [2/2]

void CreatePlane ( const std::string _name,
const gz::math::Vector3d _normal,
const double  _d,
const gz::math::Vector2d _size,
const gz::math::Vector2d _segments,
const gz::math::Vector2d _uvTile 

Create mesh for a plane.

[in]_namethe name of the new mesh
[in]_normalthe normal to the plane
[in]_ddistance from the origin along normal
[in]_sizethe size of the plane in x and y
[in]_segmentsthe number of segments in x and y
[in]_uvTilethe texture tile size in x and y

◆ CreateSphere()

void CreateSphere ( const std::string _name,
const float  _radius,
const int  _rings,
const int  _segments 

Create a sphere mesh.

[in]_namethe name of the mesh
[in]_radiusradius of the sphere in meter
[in]_ringsnumber of circles on th y axis
[in]_segmentsnumber of segment per circle

◆ CreateTube()

void CreateTube ( const std::string _name,
const float  _innerRadius,
const float  _outterRadius,
const float  _height,
const int  _rings,
const int  _segments,
const double  _arc = 2.0 *GZ_PI 

Create a tube mesh.

Generates rings inside and outside the cylinder Needs at least two rings and 3 segments

[in]_namethe name of the new mesh
[in]_innerRadiusthe inner radius of the tube in the x y plane
[in]_outterRadiusthe outer radius of the tube in the x y plane
[in]_heightthe height along z
[in]_ringsthe number of circles along the height
[in]_segmentsthe number of segment per circle
[in]_arcthe arc angle in radians

◆ Export()

void Export ( const Mesh _mesh,
const std::string _filename,
const std::string _extension,
bool  _exportTextures = false 

Export a mesh to a file.

[in]_meshPointer to the mesh to be exported
[in]_filenameExported file's path and name
[in]_extensionExported file's format ("dae" for Collada)
[in]_exportTexturesTrue to export texture images to '../materials/textures' folder

◆ GenSphericalTexCoord()

void GenSphericalTexCoord ( const Mesh _mesh,
const gz::math::Vector3d _center 

generate spherical texture coordinates

[in]_meshPointer to the mesh
[in]_centerCenter of the mesh

◆ HasMesh()

bool HasMesh ( const std::string _name) const

Return true if the mesh exists.

[in]_namethe name of the mesh

◆ Instance()

static MeshManager* Instance ( )

Return a pointer to the mesh manager

(ahcorde) Remove inheritance from Singleton base class
a pointer to the mesh manager

◆ IsValidFilename()

bool IsValidFilename ( const std::string _filename)

Checks a path extension against the list of valid extensions.

true if the file extension is loadable

◆ Load()

const Mesh* Load ( const std::string _filename)

Load a mesh from a file. The mesh will be searched on the global SystemPaths instance provided by Util.hh.

[in]_filenamethe path to the mesh
a pointer to the created mesh

◆ MergeSubMeshes()

static std::unique_ptr<Mesh> MergeSubMeshes ( const common::Mesh _mesh)

Merge all submeshes from one mesh into one single submesh.

[in]_meshInput mesh with submeshes to merge.
A new mesh with the submeshes merged.

◆ MeshAABB()

void MeshAABB ( const Mesh _mesh,
gz::math::Vector3d _center,
gz::math::Vector3d _min_xyz,
gz::math::Vector3d _max_xyz 

Get mesh aabb and center.

[in]_meshthe mesh
[out]_centerthe AAB center position
[out]_min_xyzthe bounding box minimum
[out]_max_xyzthe bounding box maximum

◆ MeshByName()

const Mesh* MeshByName ( const std::string _name) const

Get a mesh by name.

[in]_namethe name of the mesh to look for
the mesh or nullptr if not found

◆ RemoveAll()

void RemoveAll ( )

Remove all meshes.

◆ RemoveMesh()

bool RemoveMesh ( const std::string _name)

Remove a mesh based on a name.

[in]_nameName of the mesh to remove.
True if the mesh was removed, false if the mesh with the provided name could not be found.

◆ SetAssimpEnvs()

void SetAssimpEnvs ( )

Sets the forceAssimp flag by reading the GZ_MESH_FORCE_ASSIMP environment variable. If forceAssimp true, MeshManager uses Assimp for loading all mesh formats, otherwise only for GLTF and FBX.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: